Yes, yes, I know....everyone is a sceptic, and nobody believes everything they read or even see. 

However, let's have a closer, objective view of the evidence at hand and see what we come up with, between friends :) Even if that guy's hairstyle drives me nuts, he brings up interesting points.

That was in India.


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Indeed, Robert. Tuning in being the operative phrase here. 

What strikes me about some of the ancient alien theorists , is their refusal to observe their findings within the context of spirituality. To the average scientist, who deals only with what can be proven empirically, intuition does not feature much, and the ancient legends are fairy tales best served up with a cup of hot cocoa and kibbles.

This approach leaves the remaining 95% of reality, the unseen, completely cold.

My interest with the real discoveries of underwater pyramidions and other structures, the incredible number of pyramids and stone circles and roads which network the surface of the planet, and with famous sites such as Giza, Mach Picchu, Easter Island and so forth springs from my interest in what actually went on before the 6000 years ago mark. 

You know, the 95% of our actual heritage that remains hidden, forbidden and concealed.

One doesn't have to agree with, believe everything or even  particularly like a researcher, however, it's in the seeing where there is believing?lol

Yes, it's behind the fluff that one can't help but realise that there are several inexplicable and inconvenient findings that defy any conventional rational or logical approach to the topic at hand, Firefly.

Such as the Piri Reis map, a map copied by a Spanish captain which shows the exact detail of the shoreline of Antarctica before the last ice age. The findings of the US Air force confirmed that the map was an accurate rendition of the coastline of the continent at a time when we were all supposed to be primitive savages, waiting for the salvation of a patriarchal religious system to lift us right out of a state of being cavemen to miraculously be able to build a pyramid which even today, we cannot replicate in engineering skill and technology.Cavemen certainly do not have the means to produce a map which needs knowledge of longitude and latitude, and thus the curvature of the Earth's surface to render accurate to such a degree.

It just doesn't add up right, I'm afraid.

And the sad thing is that most people choose to simply ignore all of the actual evidence presented. They just switch off and carry on going, preferring to occupy themselves with what is really important, like being a good and obedient slave to the interests, opinions and approvals of others. It's not safe, or comfortable, to examine and question facts which do not fit the dream one is told to believe in by society, after all.

Every discipline is corrupted sooner or later, and many will try to fake things for their own benefit, I guess. 

I agree, and thus every available source should be examined from a totally objective angle. Even the most apparently fake "evidence" can sometimes provide the leads to follow up on from time to time. Most of the theorists and researchers featured in these shows have published books  such as Graham Hancock for example, which  provide more in the way of evidence than a brief TV exposure ever will.

What I like is that the ongoing discoveries and findings of science only serve to verify and validate Nature-based Pagan spirituality.

fluff = Veil?

Thanks, Firefly. Inspiration flows from a single response!

"Being and non-being create each other,

Difficult and easy support each other.

Long and short define each other,

High and low depend on each other.

Before and after follow each other."

~Lao Tzu

"Magick is Science as yet unrevealed"  ~ Zephonith

What if some of this we have here from the past was done by Silicone based entities instead of carbon based entity lifeforms

Like what or who else could create the crystal skulls!   Blocks of Granite weighing 500 tonnes each moved and cut with allegedly copper chisels!  Their being 660 pyramids located around the world and the pyramids of Giza not being the largest and the Giza pyramids were claimed to have been built in 20 years, so that calculates down to a block being cut, moved and laid on precision coordinates every 12 seconds! Sounds almost like machine precision!  The blocks of Puma Punko were machined by some unknown force or method

I am not saying they were creatures of higher lifeforms, but this explains some things things real easily!

So I have to think other possibilities exist that we are not properly informed of!

And the creatures alleged to have carved temples out of solid rock, and with less than a quarter of a degree off of compass points!   And then we are told life here is only 7 to 10 thousand years old!  Some unseen force, to the general population could be working behind the scenes

A man with an open, enquiring mind, and a Firefly of note :)

Indeed, the veil of illusion rests heavy on some, Firefly. Puzzling anomalies such as the machining of the stone blocks so massive and unwieldy that no-one is able to replicate this engineering skill even today, let alone shift these across the difficult terrain along the way to Maccu Picchu or the Isle of Malta for example, or "mould" the stone in such precise ways to make every piece fit exactly and so fine that no mortar was needed for the construction of these impressive monuments to contemporary technological backwardness; are simply ignored.

And when they are not ignored, the experts will tell us that, "of course this was the work of artisans, who were much stronger in those times, who worked with copper chisels that were much more resistant and no longer malleable and soft as the copper of today to cut the blocks with lazer-sharp precision, and were able  to haul the blocks of stone across 50 miles of impassable mountain track, or across 100 miles of desert dune sand, using gum-poles and ropes - and millions of slaves who were whipped and punished incessantly by the cruel and wicked Pharoahs' henchmen to be able to meet the deadlines. " and that " even though the ancients were primitive savages, they somehow by complete accident, managed to mark the passage of the stars in heaven whilst allowing for the phenomenon of Equinoctial progression, and constructed the pyramids of Giza using Pi when it hadn't yet been "discovered""

Yep ~ you are so right, Bruce

Crystal skulls carved or machined against the grain of the crystal, which is considered impossible by today's most skilled craftsmen; hollowed out within by following curved openings and channels with absolute smooth precision; and many other examples which cannot be easily explained off.

Our Ancestors, and/or those who made all of these amazing feats of engineering , craftsmanship and technology possible, were definitely not primitives, by anyone's standards.

The puzzle gets more interesting the more one delves into these anomalies.

Take  this mechanism for another example, friends ~

So lets carry on typing out things merrily on our contemporary Antikathera mechanisms, then :)

The clock is ticking, the time is being eaten,

and all they do is sit a waiting in bated breath for an Apocalypse or something?

The legends of ancient Sumer were inherited from a far older civilization, though...and we all have the same common origins.

The scientific evidence which indicates that the first ever anatomically identical Homo Sapiens Sapiens skeletal remains from Africa are over 180 000 years old does tend to realign one's consciousness.

Someone with advanced technology constructed the Pyramids in Egypt, and left these symbols with us ~

And then, we have this to consider...

And this amazing presentation in the video ~

Enjoy :)

Ancient tech sounds like a good topic. very advanced indeed. I have heard some referr to the martial sciences e.g. taichi/chi gung/shiatsu/and wealth production/creating abundance as ancient tech. what are your experiences and thoughts on this? 

Hello, Theodore ~ well, that's even more intriguing a question and I wish I could answer it all in one go adequately . Geological and archaeological evidence is available which proves beyond doubt that the pre-pre-ancients did indeed possess advanced technology.

Technology becomes metaphysics when tangible, concrete things become abstract. I feel that the earth and its various peoples and animals have gone through cyclical changes. There were peaks of development and abundance of life forms at certain stages in our chronological evolution through time as well as lows ` so low that these are termed extinction events.The process reminds me very much of a swinging pendulum.

These events occur due to various natural phenomena such as meteor strikes, shifts in the Earth's crust as per Charles Hapgood's description of his crust displacement theory and such which have led to the cyclically occurring ice ages and great floods such as the last one which is attested to in over 500 separate creation myths from around the world.

These large-scale natural disasters have wiped out many life forms, and the survivors start anew and build up great civilizations again and again ~ I believe, assisted by divinities ~ , and then either choosing to be responsible with the use and channelling of energies; or greedy and irresponsible with regards to Nature, the latter course invariably leading to their downfall . 

To the ancients, science, technology and spirituality were synonymous and complementary disciplines.

The reason that science and religion clash today is because of the artificially imposed theological separation of the Creator from Creation itself  and the subsequent disassociation of humankind from Mother Earth ~ from their roots and themselves.Scientists get funded, and obey their employers. Instead of employing natural, non-destructive and non-antagonistic energy , they have chosen to use destructive and antagonistic forms of energy which both depletes and damages the living environment and aside from creating much wealth for a few, is simply not viable on a long-term basis due to the plundering of natural resources.

There are alternatives, and they have been proven to be viable and environmentally friendly; however, these are not used because of the need for profit above any other consideration.It takes "Ages for people to learn, it seems.

We all possess more power than we can possibly imagine. The mind is a supercomputer, which once unlocked is capable of actioning things that even spiderman would be challenged with.

The Kundalini energy lies within every living thing, but is dormant in most humans because of the harmful programming which has been inculcated into our brains since birth, in order to separate us from ourselves and the incredible potential which lies within and without ~ the power of the Goddess!.

Lets take the ant, for example. Now imagine transferring the Kundalini of an ant, which can lift several hundred times it's own bodyweight, proportionately, to your spinal column superhighway?Now which art do we practise to get there? That is up to the individual to know and others to discover :)

The possibilities are infinite...



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