
Why the energy of Love is a powerful weapon against Negative energy.

Often when we come here to ask for help of dealing with negative energies such as fear, anger and hate we are often told to send them love. Why is that?  Many times when we are afflicted by these actions of another, we are hurt and angered that to think sending any sort of love is just a silly notion, if not.. hard to put in place.  Now I’m not talking about a physical attack, sending love is the last thing on your mind and you have to kick into physical mode of self preservation.  What I am talking about is the energy attacks.   Energy attacks can be intentional or unintentional and often we all do this without always being aware of this.


We are all energetic beings and we are sensitive to other people in how they are feeling or how they are responding and interacting with other beings.  Imagine, when you see someone, a friend, feeling down you go in to try and cheer the up.  Or if you know someone is angry at you, you brace for a confrontation.  But it also comes from you as well, if you are angry at someone, you can lash out in frustration, anger or pain.


Negative energy in this article is defined by energy generated by fear, anger and hate.  I will not call it evil because these are emotions that all of us experience one time or another.  Love as a weapon should not be misconstrued to be as a weapon to get back at someone as in jealousy.  The love as an energy described here is beyond human definition, but is something each and every one of us has and is ultimately made up of.  It is often called unconditional love.


Let’s look at each of these forms of energies as a visual to get a better concept of how they are sent out towards another and into the universe.  For every action we get a reaction and how you react determines the outcome greatly.


Negative energy as stated above is fear, frustration, anger and hatred.  When we feel these we can lash out.  To have a visual to see what this energy looks like, think of a whip where its length is covered in barbed razor edges up and down on every part.   The energy is narrow and used to whip and lash out with a specific target in mind.  The person sends out these energy signals when they feel threatened for whatever reason that caused the fear.  The energy launches outwards its barbed razor edges extended so that when it hits its intended target is used to ensnare, rip and cause injury.  The intent could be to cause intentional harm, revenge… all the way up to lashing out to send the other person away, fear.


When two people respond to each other with negative energy, their barbed whips hit each other and because of the barbed edges gets entangled in each other.  A tug of war ensues… or a battle of wills.  The more each person pulls and attacks, the more damage they inflict or sustains from the attack.  A good example of this is getting into an argument with someone.  You both can fight until there is exhaustion not resolution.  Sometimes it is called, retreating to lick your wounds.  But the negative emotions persist or even get worse.  You both received damage from each other as well as inflicting damage.  Perhaps there is a victorious feeling at first as in “serves them right” but it’s a hollow victory as both parties are still experiencing negative energies that can unintentionally spread to others around them that are not their intended target.


Now let’s look at Love as a weapon.  When we think of love, we get a warm feeling that can sometimes be described as a blanket surrounding you and comforting you.  Love isn’t like a whip, or an ax, or a sword but a blanket of energy.  It is fluid and always in motion with no jagged or razor edges.  Since there are not edges nothing can catch onto it which makes the energy completely smooth.  It flows and moves around and through anything and everything.  It is nonjudgmental, it is understanding, compassionate and filled with caring.


Imagine now what would happen if negative energy is met by loving energy.  The negative energy would lash out towards its intended target and if that person uses love to retaliate and deflect, the negative energy finds itself in a predicament.  As the negative energy hits the loving energy it cannot find anything to latch onto, to catch and tear into.  Each time it lashes out, it is met with energy that wraps around each barb and flows around it without being cut or harmed.  It is fluid energy as it wraps itself around the negative energy with loving tender care of understanding and compassion.  The negative energy can keep striking but it keeps snagging with nothing.  The person lashing out has then two responses left.  To give up of pure exhaustion for lashing out without success that they leave… or they take in some of that loving energy and it begins to transform their negative energy with a more loving energy.  You see, even though the barbed jagged edges cannot cut or hurt the energy of love.  Love deposits little bits of itself within the barbed edges where the person takes it back in and absorbs it.  But notice, that the use of Love as a weapon is to heal, not to harm.


For instance, if you get in a fight with your loved one, as you retaliate with love instead of negative energy, parts of that love energy is carried back into the loved one.  The result is seeing them calm down.  The more they calm down, the more the situation can be resolved.  And when the loved one feels they are being heard… the negative energy they were just experiencing has been transformed into love.  Forgiveness happens and you both move on.


So the next time you are confronted by negative energy, remember love as a weapon in its purest sense.  To choose to respond in love, is what transforms negative energy.  We might have heard instances of where two negatives make a positive... but when two negative energies collide, they become ensnared and entangled with each other often making the situation worse than before.  But to tackle negative energies with positives and with love helps sooth and heal.  To be able to visualize why love is such an effective weapon will be easier to use. 


Much love


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