Yes, I'm back!..  I left for a small-time, life got too much for me.  My husband ended up in the hospital with cancer in his spine, lung and brain.  Every day we were told something worse, and I just couldn't deal with everything.  So, I left.  BUT, I found out I missed the TI support and friendship.  I'd been here over ten years. 

I took all my content with me, and no I didn't copy it first, but I can do the research as time permits and slowly rebuild. Okay, I need to grab something to eat and drive to the hospital to see my husband.  Hopefully he will come home this week, and continue treatments from home, hopefully we will be able to walk, or at least shuffle.

Love to all,


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Comment by Linda M. on March 15, 2022 at 10:58am

Sky, Dancing fingers & Quingu, thank you so much.

Comment by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon on March 15, 2022 at 7:12am

Gary is very brave!

I will share something in regard to the nurse's shocking default advice... A friend had shared with me that the dear late Doreen Valiente, also a brave Woman, when she was first told she had terminal illness, she also was offered the sad "hospice and hospice nurse options" advice... But she also did not like that but later realized that such was their ordinarily employed standard way of/for dealing with that type of clinical situation.

Also, I myself have known people who passed on to the Summerlands via terminal illnesses and also some people who surprised the hell out of everybody because they survived it, and they are still around and doing well after so many years have passed.

To myself, I've come to the conclusion that there are not really any guarantees & sureties in life, but the fact remains and still is, anything can be possible sometimes to some people!

I wish you and Gary, best wishes, best luck!


Comment by Dancing Fingers on March 15, 2022 at 1:23am

Bless you and Gary, Linda

Must be so scary for you both to go through this, May he heal.

I have you in my heart, and send healing energy to Gary.

Words can't express how my heart feels for you deep

Comment by 06iiris on March 14, 2022 at 7:36pm

I'm at a lost of words. I feel inadequate to make you feel better. I've been dealing with my own issues for the past two weeks. Anywho, I hope the best for you and your husband. If you need anything, let me kno... and...


Comment by Linda M. on March 14, 2022 at 6:32pm

Sky, he does want to fight this.  And some nurse came to him and told him he should just go home and get a hospice nurse.  She said she did this with all her patients.  I'm upset about this.

Comment by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon on March 14, 2022 at 11:52am

Oh dear Linda M. welcome back!

I searched my mind and my heart for "Something Meaningful" to say in re of your recent news about illness in your family, but I could not find anything at all except for, "I am sorry to hear that, Linda!" in reply!

Throughout the course of our own lifetime, we are reminded here and there of "Beginnings and Endings" via the natural events that surround our life and that of others who we know.

One would think that at certain point, we all would or should become used/accustomed to "Them"...

But none of us, we don't!

Every beginning, every ending, they all feel just like the first time when they come into our life.

May the Ultimate Supreme Being, may Mother Nature, may the Goddesses and Gods assist and guide you and your family in this time of need!

Good wishes to you and yours!


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