(image by viking-division)

The Warrior from the days of Yore

The Warrior came back to Gaia, for more

To protect, help, and guide with love-

The kind from the Divines above!

I am only able to speak from the lives of Me,

Be it real or simply fantasy!

This one I did bring through-

A Warrior and a Twin Flame too!

Training was a way of life!

To prepare the culture to keep away strife!

It was not truly plundering you see!

It was living and being in other dimensions we be!

The Warrior's hair was actually cut and very short!

Clean shaven and then off to flying Blue Ships in our ports!

The Warrior lived on Gaia, up in the North!

Very cold, with snow and ice-of course!

The Warrior would fight mostly to defend-

But many times over and over again!

Clean shaven was the way True!

A brown like wrap and wore no shoes.

Not the Heathen many see!

That is so stupid and and bad in battle be!

True shape comes in Energy form!

But if life on Gaia one must be born!

Unless you traveled through out the Tree!

Then worlds and other deminsions there would be!

The Warrior did protect and sent many free-

From the slavery and tyranny!

(image is by germanicmythology)

I did not know until today!

That he is not incarnate but had to come my way!

He did show up and say!

There are a few, who seek to decive and me lead astray!

He said this can not be!

It is time for the new Aeon and there is great need!

Many want to hold us back!

They try to make us lack!

He did unto me say!

No, no-from these ones stay away!

He should me as did the Ones as the ship with lights so Blue-

Some of the ones of Our Lady are not true!

The have been manipulating and creating unholy intent!

So much magick and many things were underwent!

The Warrior explained things in a way I could understand!

My Twin Flame, had to take matters into His hands!

Now the Golden Net has Returned,

Many evils Will be overturned!

This Aeon of the Crownd Child,

Has not entered meek and mild!

The Transition continues and Will for awhile!

We must keep to our Self honest and True!

Gnosis is the Was as explained from my Soul Family from the Blue!

It is the way to asend and help Gaia through!

So if you feel helpless and know not what to do-

Look into your own heart!

That is the place to start!

I have found my Angel the Goddess Isis,

Her Words help in my time of crisis!

Her Words correspond with the Book of Law!

Her Words give Me a way to ascend my Ka!

If I may suggest to you!

Start just meditating and read the Book of Law through!

Then perhaps you may understand where to start and what to do!

The Warrior did come to me today!

Kept me from being lead astray!

When He left, I thought I would weep!

Then I remember His Spirit is with me very, very deep!

The knowledge he gave unto me!

I wanted to share with Thee!

And, know Divine Love Eternal truly be!

Peace and Divinity!

(art by sodahead)

(written by margaretburns 6/17/14)

Views: 19


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