According to the classifications of Paracelsus, you can distribute various elemental beings according to the 12 zodiac signs, and also according to the astrological planets. There are also other classifications, such as tree sefirotic and its multiple planes and dimensions.
We deliver, then a table of minerals, metals, plants and animals, linked to one of the seven Planetary Rays. This is useful when the magician-practitioner needs to produce specific results in the curative aspect, mental, sexual, magical, psychic defense and cleaning etc..
Lunar Features: Water elementals (undines and nereids) can work with travel, arts and crafts, of the order of nature, novelists, business fluids, diseases of the stomach, brain, lungs, maternity and childbirth, education of children up to 7 years of age, inconsistencies, agriculture, initiation, preparation magical environments and people to spiritual works.
Moon beings: aquatic plants in general, eucalyptus, olive (olive oil, olives), queen of the night, skirt, white (Datura arborea - floripôndio, which also belongs to the radius of Neptune), jimson weed (Datura stramonium L.), male-fetus and ferns in general, camphor tree (Laurus camphora L.), persimmon, avocado, spinach, lettuce, watercress, Arantes (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) guaco, celery, eggplant, yerba mate, asparagus, balsam, purslane, plantain, fuscia, nettle -do-good-shepherd, betony, blissful, (mineral) ammonia, silver, platinum, (animals) usually fish, crabs, frogs and toads, turtles, etc. marsupials in general.; colors: silver and blue.
Ray Mercurian
Mercurial Features: sylphs are the air, have the double influence solar-mercurial, mind magic, communication, friendship, journalism, publicity, intellectual, mental healing, travel, astral travel, mind and personality of children between 7 and 14 years etc..
Mercurial beings (plants) cinnamon, hazelnut, guarana, star-anise, tobacco, coca, anise, hemp, (animals) squirrel, horse, (metal) mercury, yellow and orange.
Ray Venusian
Venusian Features: sylphs are the air, are doubly influenced by Venus-Moon; magic of love and sex magic, pink ray, love, art, romance and dating, sex drive and fertility, fine arts, perfumes, poetry, drama, female sexuality, adolescence (between 14 and 21 years), marriage, music etc..
Venusian beings (plants) rose, passion flower, verbena, daisy, marie-shameless (Impatiens walleriana), carnation, violet, grape, wheat, currant, strawberry, guava, myrtle (animals), bees, pigeons, rabbits, swans ; (minerals) rose quartz etc.., color: blue and pink.
Solar features: air Sylphs, blue and gold rays, theology, rituals, ancient wisdom, magic stars, dignitaries and contact hierarchies, social status, dignity, faith and humility, general health, etc..
Solar beings (plants) sunflower, pineapple, plum, damiana, hose, marcela, lettuce, frankincense (incense), mulungu (Erictrina mulungu L.), mustard, corn, benzoin, Pfaffia paniculata, bay, chamomile, storax, tooth lion, lily grass, passion fruit, (animals) lion, rooster, hummingbirds, peacock, eagles and falcons; (minerals) gold, crystal, diamond, etc. pyrite., color: blue and gold.
Ray Marciano
Martian Features: fiery salamanders, purple and red rays, issues with the police and military, discussions, disagreements and strife, surgery (blood), strength, cleaning mood, anemia, peace, momentum and early works etc..
Martial beings (plants), sword-Saint-George, basil, rosemary, rue, pepper, acacia, asafoetida, mugwort, mastic, garlic, Boldo, broom, cascara, oak, mahogany, fig and absinthe (wormwood) , walnut, sarsaparilla, elm, bush, juniper (Juniperus communis L.), plantain, tomato, holy thistle, Rosewood or Mimoso Gualandai (Jacaranda mimosifolia), sugar cane, bamboo, lemon, nettle, castor oil, mackerel, stick-d'alho, Bombax, (animals) wolf, sheep, cat, (metals) and magnet-ferrous iron, hematite, etc..
Ray Jupiterian
Jovian Features: sylphs of the air, also features Saturnian; rays sapphire, purple and navy blue; issues related to money, profitability, contacts with dignitaries and judges in court victory, eloquence, ecclesiastical authorities etc..;
Jovian beings (plants) all the vegetables like the crown, such as agave (Agave americana marginata), aloe (Aloe vera L.), Aloe (Aloes socotrina L.), heliotrope (Viburnum prunifolium L.) (minerals) tin, sapphire and so on., (animals) horses, zebras, wildebeest, donkeys, asses, etc..
Ray Saturnian
Features Saturnian gnomes of the earth, white, black and gray; issues related to land issues, ecology, agronomy, skin diseases, mines, earthquakes, depression, suicidal desires, karmas to be redeemed, etc. work and unemployment.;
Saturnian beings (plants) melissa, peppermint, pine, cypress, quaresmeira, or willow (Salix alba L.), burdock, taro, carrots, potatoes and other tubers, purple-ipe, ipe, yellow, orange, pomegranate , jabuticabeira; (animals), vultures, hawks, armadillos and moles, hyenas, spiders, worms, butterflies and moths; (minerals) onyx, lead, uranium and other radioactive, agate, magnetite, etc. volcanic rocks.
There Onaissi, Elemental Magic
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