The following is a list of characteristics regularly manifested by the reptilian possessed or
reptilian hybrid (Those sharing equal amounts of human and reptilian DNA). These “people”
are not rare, and in fact, humans with very little reptilian DNA are becoming exceedingly
rare. These individuals are also called Snake People and the Serpent Seed.
The original article can be found here. The “Explanation” and “Drawback” comments are from
psychics, one male and one female. After the characteristics you will find a list of symptoms
of reptilian attempts at possession. The final comments are my own opinions on this issue
related to Reptilian hosting with respect to male-female relationships. I also discuss
healing and recovery issues for those who have undergone trauma related to the reptilian
factor in their lives.
These characteristics apply to both laymen and also those who seek positions of power and
1) If questioned they respond to only that which they choose to respond to or not at all.
This is very easily recognizable in e-mail communications.
Explanation : This refers to the case when t is deliberately set up, usually a love bite.
The hosted person will cleverly use white lies; speaking only bits and pieces of info and
giving mixed symbols and signals to the conscience of the targeted human.
Drawback : Withholding certain vital information is powerful psychic self-defense for the
divine spirited person. Expose this info, and the soul may become exposed. This is with
regard to a highly pure souled/divine spirited person. Do not answer to each and every
question put to you; it will wreck your soul if you do not recognize the attack or the
person’s intention.
The following is a list of characteristics regularly manifested by the reptilian possessed
or reptilian hybrid (Those sharing equal amounts of human and reptilian DNA).
These “people” are not rare, and in fact, humans with very little reptilian DNA are becoming
exceedingly rare. These individuals are also called Snake People and the Serpent Seed.
2) They are expert manipulators. They often leave out crucial information rather than lie
outright because then they can come back and appear to be blameless later on.
Explanation : same as above case regarding the deliberate trapping scenario.
Drawback : same as above regarding divine spirited humans.
3) They are highly sexual, because they are energy vampires and sex is one of the easiest
ways to harvest the human energy field. (They were often hybridized through incest, which
is a whole other and very extensive topic.)
Explanation : For these hybrids, sex is a means of domination and control, covert or
expressed. Therefore sex is their tool to use and abuse and manipulate. This is not to be
confused with the very natural sexual instinct and attraction felt by normal humans.
Sex for them is a means of vampirism … they suck out or even capture very big part of the
person’s soul essence.
ALL HYBRIDS ARE ENERGY VAMPIRES … every single one of them. It’s absolutely possible they
were created by tantric, magical, or satanic rituals that involved incest.
Drawback : a clever reptilian hosting hybrid who knows that excess sexual interest will
appear to people as auspicious will deliberately induce this energy or characteristic in
their targets (tantric energy works behind this – tantrically and magically manipulated lunar
energy, only an extremely evolved and aware spirit can withstand this)… This had been
mentioned in the possession list as imposing their own characteristics which is exactly what
happens, without uttering a single word.
People must know the depth of trickery and evil that will be pulled by a hosting entity.
These reptilian characteristics can be induced in a normal human by cleverly crafted
matter-of-fact ‘accusations’. The poor guy or woman will not know what sincere expression of
emotions is causing them to be labeled as their own conscience will stop them from speaking
about this cheap trickery, which they understand in hindsight.
4) If left without spiritual healing they grow up to become pedophiles, as are Reptilians
within their own species.
Explanation : The doubt is if even healing can change this behavior, which appears
deliberately chosen. While healing them, the intuitive message is that healing energy will
not enter. Another factor, tantra, can promote this thought in some manner…. I am not sure
how, my intuition is that the tantric deliberately and violently induces this in a person
magically, psychically, while appearing before him cool headed and absolutely normal. The
mind of the person being affected breaks because of the extremely hypocritical display
recognized at deeper mind level. The indescribably terrorized and dominated mind is now
pedophilic with the magician/tantric controlling the person like a puppet. The mind wants to
control something weaker, do what has been done to it, in order to feel it is not the victim.
This is the root phenomenon happening behind all abuses… there is magic and tantra involved,
Drawback : Healing may not be possible. Divine energy will not respond to self-made choice,
this is a law of divine energy healing. Attempt to heal it, and the power of the healer will
decrease dramatically because of free will violation. Best way is to keep away.
5) They are compartmentalized. They do not want the people they know to meet each other.
They split off people and groups so that they can present differently to different people.
Explanation : Absolutely correct. The pack hunter mentality and secrecy and non-sincerity to
ultimately everyone is very common to these entities.
6) They are greed-based. They value money above all things.
(Remember, sex and money are both generated from the 2nd chakra).
Explanation : Correct. But the problem is not with second chakra, the problem is their
obsession to control. 2nd chakra is Swathishthana and the opposite corresponds to location
of kundalini. If kundalini is not merged with the spirit (sahasrara), or if the person is
not spiritually evolved, kundalini will seek to control everything. That causes the above
mentioned phenomenon… this is default, when the entity is reptilian hosted, which does not
have a higher spirit aspect to combine with in the first place.
7) They are experts at projecting. Whatever they are, they accuse others of being to doing.
If they are having an affair they will accuse their partner of having an affair. For this
reason, people who are in relationships with Reptilians often feel crazy.
Explanation : True. Defining characteristic of a clever hosting reptilian entity. The
craziness can become so much, that the victim can loose trust in his own senses.
This is painfully common technique of trapping. The hosted entity may NEVER admit it,
even if shown right before it… thus victim may move to self hypnosis and reality denial.
Drawback : But a reptilian being can also deny a true accusation by calling the other
paranoid and possessive, which the poor victim will not be.
8) They are emotionless, even robotic. Their facial expressions are plastic and often cold.
They are, however, masters of mimicry so they know what they are supposed to be feeling or
what real human beings feel, so they will make believe they are feeling real emotions,
including fake crying. They harvest the human energy field by making those around them
upset/angry/afraid/sad. They almost appear high in these situations as they get to
vicariously feel instead of experiencing only their natural numbed state.
Explanation : Very correct. All statements are true. The problem however, is the same stated
in other explanations as well…. situation reversal.
Drawback : In situation reversal, the true being who honors his integrity by bravely speaking
the truth will be accused of creating moody environment, fear based individual etc.
Accusing the truth seeker and speaker as a dark cloud in a group, which the extremely pure
and brave spirited person will not be. They accuse him or her to be spoiling the already
happy mood, serene environment etc, laughing inside.
9) They use mind control to get what they want and to control all situations.
People obey them and they are highly magnetic. They are programmed that those who can
discern them must be destroyed, hence those who know the truth about them are in grave danger.
Explanation : Correct, but issue is that a powerful spirit would also have great commanding
power (over energies)… but will not be used to dominate or control people, but to show them
he truly believes in what he speaks and does. The warriors of light help the divine spirited
person, thus increasing his commanding power over energies. The trickster hosted being will
use this scenario to label, the powerfully spirited person as overconfident, controlling,
dominating etc. when their enemy is eliminated through cleverly crafted scenarios, they
overtake and do mimicry for all that the powerful person did. But their inner state will be
the thrill of superiority which they acquired over others…and they won’t do half of what the
true divine spirited person did.
Drawback : The truly dominating, controlling fundamentalist or male chauvinist or feminist
can use this as a means to hide their true agenda to create elitism and superiority.
They would do this to an opposing crowd not because he or she truly cares about people, but
because of their need to dominate over others. People who create followers are not true
spirited people. Make this your rule of thumb. A truly spirited person will seek to inform
and dare to lead if necessary, but will not create obedient worshipping followers.
10) They often choose to be vegetarians. When they consume meat they exude a foul body odor.
(This begins to occur as full Reptilian possession occurs.)
Explanation : This may be true. I’ve seen aggression characteristic to be more in vegetarians
(not raw food vegetarians.) Non vegetarian food satisfies the kundalini or animal nature and
it goes to comfort, not disturb the person for a serene period of time. This period I have
seen is the most spiritually receptive state for a person. A vegetarian (again, excluding raw
food vegetarians, who are in fact more spiritually aligned) does not get this serene phase,
I have seen this. As a result, the pingala nadi (sun principle), left brain over-activates
resulting in aggression. Non vegetarian food and raw vegetarian food, after consumption,
activates ida nadi (lunar pricniple) or the right brain.
Foul smell is common phenomenon in exorcism of demonic possession. I have recognized
reptilian and draconian energies involved in the possession. Possession can happen even
through food, if not cleared off of negativity and magical energies.
A better diet would contain both vegetarian and non vegetarian foods. If you want to be
vegetarian I would advice changing and adopting to raw food diet, which is highly beneficial
to body and spiritual purity. Body odor becoming foul, taking a slimy feeling all over are
many a times attempts of reptilian energy trying to intrude or in the process of entering.
Correct about that. (A non-vegetarian diet must not however excuse a person from being
identified as possessed. Pretty clever and adaptive ones can manage through any diet, except
raw food, provided the raw foodist is not a tantric or anyone of that nature and practice.
He or she would compensate for the raw food diet through aggression)
11) They have a heavy, musky odor to begin with. Some humans find it sexually stimulating or
12) They are cruel and care about no one and will do anything to get their way.
Explanation : This applies to the aggressive ones among the hosted beings. Many cowardly
ones use deception and trickery. But the above statement is true for all of them, with the
exception, they may not do anything unapproved by their dominating boss entity who may be
another person. A parent who was heavily involved in black magic or tantra or any of the
mentioned negatives, a far more dangerous and negative hosted being who provides outside
protection to this particular hosted being. They are dominated under hierarchies of higher
and higher narcissism and psychopathic cruelty and control freakishness and they themselves
try to dominates the lesser weaker control freaks.
Drawback : Do not confuse this characteristic for a person firm in his convictions towards a
higher positive mission and a person who is the light to expose these beings and their ways
with unflinching determination.
13) While found in all walks of life, there are a few types: they are most prevalent in
positions of power and control: police officers, administrators, bankers, attorneys/judges,
school administrators and often teachers, clergy (where there is hierarchy) and politicians.
They are also found wherever children are, as children provide a pure food source (energy)
for them and can be used as bait to lure and destroy light being parents. Look for fully
incorporated demons/reptilians as court-appointed custody evaluators, teachers, coaches,
principals, club leaders, church youth group leaders, pastors, etc. These inhabited people
are often magnetic, charming, and beloved by their unconscious communities. Reports of abuse
are denied and covered. The recent exposure of the pedophile at Penn State is typical of the
millions of occupied individuals who interface with innocent human children all over the
Explanation : True. But unfortunately the same situations can all contain a true loving
person. Many have been smear campaigned by the real negative cults and mass media working
for true pedophile networks, in order to destroy and character assassinate someone. The very
hard truth is recognition of someone of this nature requires very strong sense of conscience
and personal boundary and true divine spirit capable of true perception. Only a true
sensitive can identify who is what.
Drawbacks : True abusers escape and evade this and even impose this characteristic on an
innocent scapegoat, fully aware that normal human senses can be fooled by the verbal
gymnastics and extreme trickster methods. Developing sensitivity to identify people is the
only way out of this and to get away and guard from true abusers and to prevent inflicting
emotional harm on someone who is a true loving individual. On the negative side, a person
can appear as an extremely loving sentimental figure and hide true abusive intentions
undetected by thousands surrounding that entity.
14) Both males and females are highly misogynistic.
In5d note: definition of misogynistic: reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust,
or mistreatment of women.
Explanation : This is wrong. What they (both reptilian possessed males and females) truly
hate are balanced true human beings, both males and females. A feminist female will cleverly
label a feminist male as the true male, and the feminist male will show that only a feminist
female is the true female. A non-feminist female who may show spiritual interest is the
matter of ridicule and mockery to this group. Same way a non-feminist male will be labeled
as arrogant or abusive by this clever group.
In case of male chauvinism, females who accept the chauvinist male will be regarded highly
and those who do not accept domination by this person will be mocked and ridiculed by the
chauvinist and his gang of mind controlled followers.
To each of these imbalanced and negative entity possessed groups, true human feelings are a
matter of ridicule. True humans, both male and female are those to be hated and destroyed. A
feminist or a male chauvinist will never speak for humanity. Even if they did it will a
clever argument to hide their true nature of gender superiority and promotion of their kind.
15) They are extremely dangerous. Psychology has attempted to understand this phenomenon by
using the labels of narcissism, sociopath and psychopath to explain their inhuman tendencies.
Explanation : Correct… dangerous nature may be stealthily and covertly violently guarded
until safe zone for their abuse has been secretly or somewhat openly been acquired. There is
no drawback to this except their characteristic method of their imposition of their own
character to their enemy, a true human being.
A true human being is NEVER a narcissist, psychopath or sociopath. But develop sensitivity
if you are to truly identify these groups. A person having allegiance to the mentioned
negatives in the earlier list WILL become these abusive groups. Wither expressed or covert
that is guarantee.
16) They do not like the sun and prefer cold, dark rooms. They overheat easily and will wear
sunglasses indoors and sit in the shade on outdoor patios and beaches.
Explanation: This is also only partly true. What is true however is that such a person will
have rapid cooling need from normal environment. Hosted person will not be comfortable with
normal rate of cooling down. Rapidly wanting to reduce body temp to a cold state is often
Drawback : A higher scenario can be mistaken for this. A person whose DNA is maturing into
higher spiritual DNA will prefer cooler environment. DNA matures in dark, sun light free
environment. It is moon light that makes the energy DNA activated, not the sunlight. The
internet info saying that this energy is coming only from the sun is outright wrong. Our
true Sun, in a higher dimensional earth is a cool star. Moon represents the once existed
state of this sun in miniature form as cool light. Through the right meditations, the energy
of the moon stored in prepared water must be multiplied trillions of times and ingested in
order to slowly, very slowly activate the higher DNA.
The real sun’s energy (present one) is already present everywhere. This is the reason why it
does not need to be sought after. But moonlight is not like that. True energy of the moon is
available only for three days with last day as the full moon. This is the reason why several
crystal cleansing procedure makes use of three days of moonlight.
Magic or tantra must never be applied to the moon or to anything. It will destroy pure
nature and characteristics. Likewise magically or tantrically manipulated moon energy is
what is used by the hosted beings to sexually possess another person into becoming lustful of
the hosted being. The sunglass phenomenon may be true. I have observed this among certain
hosted people, although the characteristic may not be applicable to all possessed individuals.
17) They are hierarchical and seek positions within hierarchy where power and control can be
increasingly exerted as they are promoted. They are obedient to corrupt authority and are
mechanically unquestioning of those above themselves in the hierarchy.
Explanation: Correct
18) Related to #17 above, they have a “hive mentality”. They cannot function alone.
They prefer work settings where they operate in networks such as government agencies,
the military, and legal systems. They will always outnumber their victims. Utilized for
suppression, oppression.
Explanation: Correct
19) They despise true Light Beings and feel intensely superior to humans whom they view only
as a food source, breeding vessel and slave force. The hatred they feel is palpable.
Explanation : Correct. However, they don’t ‘feel’ this superiority, their adamant adaptation
of superiority is the violent denial they are putting up to the fact that true humans are
spirited and the spirit of true humans is a truly divine spirit. Inability to connect to
divine spirit/will/love/beingness and lack of this is the reason for their enormous
unadulterated hatred. They are mental parasites, not even true spirits. Their superiority
and torture is a way to con themselves into believing they are superior to true spirited
humans. To get this means, they employ the services of their worshippers, who believe they
are Gods and creators of human beings. These are people who I mentioned having allegiance to
the negatives, who are possessed of these entities and act as their carrier and vehicle.
20) When enraged, they will involuntarily shape-shift. Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde personality switch.
This may be experienced as a momentary flash of a transformation or something more apparent
ie: green skin or scales or claws, often leaving the viewer disbelieving what they saw.
Explanation : Absolutely correct. But the interesting part here is — which part of you first
‘sees’ the shapeshifted being? Conscious mind? Hardly no… it is inner subconscious mind that
perceives it. Utter shock of the event will lead it to self hypnosis most of the time. It
will refuse to see what is right in front of it. Terrorization is the phenomenon here. A
mind which sees the actual being will go into a state of ‘hypnotic shock’ and the shocked
person may deliberately and spontaneously change the subject altogether, clearly recognizing
possibility of being harmed by this demonic entity that has not been registered in its mind
files until now as ‘common stuff ‘. Even if the subconscious mind accepts that you are brave,
it will refuse to show you the actual appearance of the entity, because it realizes what can
you do, even if you saw it? Nothing…. it would prefer to deny than not be mad as a result of
21) They are duplicitous, and regardless of all attempts to point out their contradictions,
they appear unphased or become infuriated and angry. They know the majority of the population
is under mind control and so they will appeal to factions of polarized interests without any
concern for their own blatant incongruities.
Explanation : Correct.
22) They have an aversion to water, especially seawater. Anyone who craves being in the ocean
and who loves taking baths over showers would be very unlikely to possess much Reptilian DNA.
Explanation : No. Not applicable to sensitives who would be able to feel negativity in sea
water sources. However in general salt water is a destroyer of negativity and negative beings.
This is one reason why oceans accumulate large amount of dissipated-negativity. But I still
doubt if this can be taken as a characteristic. I’ve seen reptilian possessed individuals
craving sea water sports and swimming and also those staying away from it altogether.
One thing is correct though, a reptilian possessed being does not love water (although it may
be expertly hidden and exact opposite character shown), be it drinking pure warm water or
enjoyable bathing. Water is divine feminine consciousness. It represents Gaia, Sophia, Mother
Mary, Saraswathy, Knowledge, Right brain hemisphere, Reiki energy, divine mind.
23) Power Seeking or layman vampires: They ascend to worldly power and wealth quickly despite
obvious deficits of low or moderate intellect, average or below-average appearance,
unremarkable education, common skills, etc. We all know people like this and it is most
noticeable in politicians.
Explanation : Power seeking energy vampires seek to ascend to worldly power or seek and
strive to be the favorite of someone already in that position. That is absolutely true, but
the lack of these conditions above mentioned must not be taken as the person’s drawback if
he or she was sincere in service and intention. Many a times, magic, satanic rituals,
tantric rituals, soul pledging to darker beings etc., are done to gain worldly fame and
ascend the ladder of worldly pleasures at the cost of their soul purity. There is no come
back from this, which is why such people keep on moving in the path of the negative doing and
trying to do more and more heinous acts for power, fame and worldly pleasures. Please do not
fall into any of it ever, for any reason. Die, rather than sacrifice your soul purity. As
Jesus said, even the whole world is worth nothing if your soul is lost. What is meant here is
the soul purity.
Symptoms of Reptilian Attempts at Possession:
Reptilians regularly and increasingly possess humans. They have no right to legitimate
incarnation on this planet, so they oust sacred human souls and steal viable bodies.
Beware of anyone that has any positive spin on reptilians. They are agents of the antichrist
and serve their demonic handlers. In parts of the world (ie., Denver, Colorado) a large
percentage of the population is possessed by reptilians. They also move from one body to
another and so are in effect contagious.
Symptoms that you are under assault by reptilians include the following:
1. Cold chills or the feeling of being often cold when others around you are not.
2. Extreme and sudden grogginess/ dopiness/drowsiness.
3. Mental confusion/inability to concentrate or maintain complex thought.
4. Extreme chest pain. Squeezing of the heart. Mimics heart attack over and over again with
no medical cause.
5. Numbness in face and extremities.
6. Eye twitching or pain.
7. Violent sneezing, which has no resemblance to allergic/normal sneezing. (This is actually
the body’s attempt to rid itself of the alien presence.)
8. Migraines (with sensitivity to light and sound/nausea)
9. Hearing of another voice or voices (always with a sinister message ie. “I hate you.” A
message that is uncharacteristic and unfamiliar to the victim.)
10. Uncharacteristic rage
11. Chronic depression
12. Suicidal feelings and thoughts (When the soul is putting up a long and strong fight,
the entity urges the person to kill themselves.)
13. Electronic interference with computers, phones, etc.
14. Tiny static during phone conversations.
15. Foul taste in the mouth
16. Unexplained muscle spasms and sharp, often random, pains
17. Abandonment by former friends and family (The other person is “thought-seeded” ™ to
leave the person who is afflicted or given the message to harm the individual.)
18. Interrupted sleep, particularly around 3 A.M.
19. Feelings of sudden and unexpected terror.
20. Panic attacks (especially when pursuing your divine destiny)
21. Feeling of always being watched/monitored
22. “Brain-splitting” ™ This is a term I have coined for the sensation mentally of the soul’s
own voice battling with the programmed or intrusive reptilian voice. Probably indicates
a brain implant and the timing of the symptom represents an attempt to stop the person
from following a “divine light impulse” (God-given ™). This may also indicate an attempt
to induce schizophrenia, which is always reptilian-caused.
23. Short-term memory loss. This makes life difficult. It also may indicate an attempt to
induce Alzheimer’s Disease, which is always reptilian-caused.
24. Bouts of extreme fatigue, maybe especially upon waking. As if the life force is being
sucked out of you (It is.) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, in most cases, is likely reptilian
25. Note: Most, if not all of the above, may be attributed to other organic causes. Please
start with an in depth physical exam from a medical professional. After that the symptoms
are best interpreted by a spiritual expert as a cluster of symptoms. They also will be
concomitant with an assault on the lifestyle and present in advanced beings of light,
as those pose the most threat to the reptilian agenda.
Eve Lorgen’s Summary
They are often experts intellectually, and can spin high level research material in such a
way as to entrap someone spiritually, emotionally or mentally. They may be hosted by a very
high level demon or entity, who uses the researcher to entrap truth seekers. It could be
mentally or in a “love bite” driven scenario. It can be enacted physically or merely on the
astral plane through connecting with them energetically in some way. What happens with these
types, whether they know they are being ‘used or not” is that their attached
entity—oftentimes a reptilian but not necessarily so, will astrally visit and cord up with
the person with many romantic and soul mate feeling interactions, while the researcher is
completely unaware, uninterested or outright coldly rejecting of the person who has been
corded up with “their entity”. These kinds of public figures can even be super star types,
whether they are rock stars, actors, famous authors, religious gurus, teachers or researchers.
They are used to entrap many people sometimes in the thousands.
Then once they ‘have you” in these magically created entrapments through black magic, the
entity takes over to use you as its puppet if it can do so. If the victim tries to
communicate with the hosted person physically and establish a “real relationship” or
connection, the controlled hosted person may ignore them coldly and take no responsibility
for the entrapment scheme just enacted (by their controlling entity). The host is so
completely controlled that they cannot respond with human kindness, understanding, awareness
and compassion any longer. They either have no idea on how they are being used, or they gave
up and are only pretending; living a duplicitous life.
This can also happen with an entity that is taunting a “victim” to make them believe it is
the one (human) they love, but they are being played by some dark entity who feeds off of
their desires (a reptilian love bite kind of thing). Unfortunately even some psychics can
be misled into seeing something that really isn’t the true issue. Especially if their spirit
guide is a reptilian, draco, winged serpent, demon etc. This is why the person who may be
victimized by this kind of interaction needs to leave no stone unturned in their own healing
and recovery process and truly know their own personal histories.
Often the host is only partially possessed, or the hurt inner child part of them is so
traumatized that they “left their body” so that the dominating entity takes over the now
adult body and personality. The entity also ensures that the original soul inside, who is
often a traumatized inner child or adult, will never get true healing and recovery of their
The entity will help ensure that the hurt inner child or adult stays addicted to numbing
activities, alcohol, drugs, sex, work, or any number of addictions to prevent true feeling
and healing of their original traumas. This defense against their own emotional pain and
memories makes them easily controlled to enact even more abuse on others. The victim often
becomes the abuser through their own unhealed wounds.
Oftentimes the arrogant and defensive entity takes over, and offers the hurt inner child a
sense of control and superiority or magical powers and paranormal abilities. This can happen
with expert sexual prowess, as in reptilian manipulated, kundalini-sexual energy arousal in
others. The once hurt and shamed impotent male can now become a Don Juan and can bed any
woman and get her under his control.
The reptilians or other entities can also host females to become femme fatale lovers and
seducers, drama queens extraordinaire, or whining victims who suck you dry in endless,
”I’m so powerless he keeps hurting me….” emotional vampire dramas.
I know it takes a lot of patience and compassion to heal oneself and others. And yet one
cannot allow these predators to continue their abuse, predation and vampirization on humanity.
It’s hard not to “name call” or make judgements on a common archetypal form they take when
being seen. In general it is the reptilian, snake, dragon, demon type of form. But one has to
remember that it is the energy, intent that must be recognized rather than “it’s always this
or that form”.
I find that in general, women enable the abusers when they are men or in relationships with
men who won’t take responsibility to heal their own wounds. Women try too hard to change the
man, or see they have potential to change or heal, all the while they enable and allow these
ego-driven, stubborn men to continue their abuse. Women tend to give their power away to men,
hoping that the men “will change” when it’s not likely.
Men on the other hand, are easily deceived by women seductresses, and sexually they are
easily manipulated. They want and need their egos and opinions to be appeased, admired to
such an extent they cannot see how they are being manipulated and deceived. Emotionally they
are more difficult to heal from traumas. Their hearts are more likely to be shut down from
trauma. They are good with logic and rationality but it can also blind them to the needs of
their own hearts. But once they do take responsibility they can be quick to change and be
powerful men.
Women on the other hand, can get stuck in sappy sentimentality and not have a good critical
reasoning ability. They can be gullible, and succumb to romantic ideations and desires,
losing their ability to see through a predator’s intention, because of their own unfulfilled
desires in love.
Women in general, live in fear of being alone, of being a “spinster”, or of being a poor
unattractive “bag lady”. Never being loved enough and ending up in poverty. So they give
too much, or enable men who are either not good enough for them or are in active addictions
just because they are afraid of facing these fears. Much of this with women is economic too.
If they didn’t feel powerless—especially economically, they would not be as likely to
manipulate men.
Women on the other hand, are more likely to be aware on subtle levels of reality. Their
intuition is superior to men, if they heal their own wounds. They are more likely to heal
from their own traumas and to help heal others. Men are often prodded by a woman they love
to start their healing journeys, and if they do not have this, they are not likely to heal or
awaken at all to their hearts and souls.
I believe this Cherokee Proverb is essentially true:
“A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul; so as to unite with Source, her
lowest calling is to seduce; separate man from soul, and leave him aimlessly wandering.
A man’s highest calling is to protect woman; so she is free to walk the earth unharmed,
man’s lowest calling is to ambush and force way into life of woman.”
If women could be protected, supported and cherished for who they are in their innate gifts
of intuition and connection to Love, Nature, and expanded awareness, then their wisdom is the
gift they offer men who can use this to find their own souls and express this love and
success in the world very powerfully. And yes we do need each other!
It takes two to tango in this dance of life and of love. But what I can’t understand is why
so many men won’t even dance or want to try. I think we have to break the barriers and
defenses against true love, so we all can live with more joy.
We really don’t need the predators, and we don’t have a responsibility of owning them, as if
it is US. It is NOT human! Our only responsibility lies in how we got them in our lives.
Then we clear this infection out of our being. Clear it out of our lives with compassion and
a fierceness that leaves no stones unturned. It is time to create the rules to OUR GAME, not
play by the Predators’ game. You see, the predators never play fair. The question we need to
ask is:
"What do you do when you finally decide to take
responsibility for your own life and happiness?"
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Posted by Rosey Cross on January 26, 2025 at 5:58pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Rosey Cross on January 26, 2025 at 5:51pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Atrayo on January 25, 2025 at 3:05pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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Posted by Rosey Cross on November 8, 2024 at 5:19pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Rosey Cross on November 5, 2024 at 5:33pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Added by Imelda James 0 Comments 0 Likes
Added by Imelda James 0 Comments 0 Likes
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