The Process of Magick - Crowley’s Coffee Invocation

The basis of this particular study is to create a method of ritual, and I had done this prior with none other than Crowley’s Coffee Invocation. 

O Coffee
By the Mighty Name of Power I do Invoke thee
Consecrating thee to the Service of the Magic of Light

Let the Pulsations of my heart be strong
And regular and slow

Let my brain be wakeful and active in its supreme task of self control

That my desired end may be effected, through Thy Strength Adonai, Unto Whom the be the Glory Forever

Amen without Lie, and Amen, and Amen of Amen

Alright, so here we have the invocation of coffee and it already begins to show one of the principles of magick, that so long as the art is applied with knowledge and understanding of it, it can be applied in any capacity, whatever that may be.

He beings the invocation through the naming of the ingredient, essentially calling upon its essence, its genius (that being the spirit, or the guardian spirit, inherent in the plant itself, the essential consciousness to which I refuse to use iron to gather materials). Thus in the charging of anything, from a fire to candle to the beverage of our choosing - we could always begin by the calling of its essence into being ,acknowledging the energy of it and its consciousness in our works.

He declares the invocation, bolstering it by the usage of a Divine Force, here being the Holy Guardian Angel defined by the usage of the name Adonai (meaning Lord and being a preferred name of God). This is seen in the older grimoires as many prayers of conjuration use the method of calling forth and binding the evoked by the name, or names, of God. Thus here we can insert our own divinity, be it a specific divinity such as a patron, a spirit or simply the Universal Power - it does make reference of a Name of Power, and thus we would, if able, hold a name or word of power in our mind. We invoke the item by the name or word that we direct our mind towards.

He then begins its task, programming it by modern terms, by beginning to give it its service that being to the Magic of Light before beginning the duties that it should serve. Here we would dedicate it to our craft and our pursuits and give it the task that we need it to perform.

Lastly, in place of anything that he may have intended extra but had not named, he says that his desired end should be effected. Here we could hold the intent in our minds, that the rosemary should serve the purpose of mental clarity, that the tea leaves should serve the purpose of tasseography when their time should come etc. and he further bolsters this through the mentoned Divine Name, Adonai, again making reference to his Holy Guardian Angel in this context but it could be used by referring to the deity or patron of one’s choosing,

Then the sealing verse, being Amen, which one could use straight from or use in accordance with the tradition that one follows. 

So a structure can be determined here and it will be listed here

O (name of ingredient to conjure its essence)
By N.N/ The Mighty N.N, the Mighty Name of Power, I do invoke you
Consecrating you to the service of my craft/magick/ rite/ ritual etc.

Insert charge(s)

that my desired end may be effected (holding in mind the desired end)
through N.N/ thy aid/ thy strength/ thy will (etc.) N.N
Unto whom be the glory forever

Sealing verse - So mote it be, it shall be, as I speak let it be done, amen etc.

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Comment by Mystic Wolf on January 9, 2022 at 8:53pm

This is very interesting SunKat "The Process of Magick - Crowley’s Coffee Invocation" Can you invoke and bind a spirit of your choice or am I way off here?

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