No offense but I am never facetious about the Killing, the Murder of Witches!
I will never ever downplay, nor whitewash, nor devalue, nor minimize, nor lessen, nor soften and de-emphasize the pure and brutal harm which Abrahamic Mythologies also known as mainstream, fat, rich, non-tax-paying and big Religions did.
And I do mean their recorded by (world-wide history) “World Mass Murders” of “People: Women, Children and Men” who simply refused to worship their Mythological Version of their Invisible Man in the sky!
Pure bullshit!
Because when it comes to Bibles, Popes and the Roman Catholic Church, they were as horrible as a plague but longer lasting than any plague ever!
Some people like to say, hey witches were “not” BURNED!
I say, study and mind your World Academia, first before saying NONSENSE!
One big European Witch-Hunting which Witches Were “Burned” At The Stake is...
Well, it took place in Bamberg, Germany, from 1626 to 1631.
Of the one thousand 1000 people convicted, 900 nine hundred people were actually “BURNED ALIVE” AT THE STAKE!
YES, Burned alive, FOLKS!
It is recorded on local records, Academic records world-wide!
No place to hide, to cover this up!
No soft bullshit here at all!
There are vast bodies of Academic and non-Academic writings / reports about people, about Witches being murdered by Christians, by the Catholic Church, folks!
Oh yes, there are also reports that a few of these poor people were fortunate enough to have been beheaded first.
Of course, in the dear USA, I am forced to agree,
(chiefly after the so-called, highly “edited records” have it, the American witches, they were "Not Burned First", not in the US, they were actually “Murdered” First!
Whether burned or not, yes, they were murdered!
But wait!
Murdered but only after having been "Tortured" and killed afterwards… Then, only then, finally "Burned"!
How do you like that?
But facts are facts, and Witches were ALSO “BURNED WHILE ALIVE” and at the stake, and in many, many places around the World.
The short & minimized LIST of World places / locations in general are: Germany, Italy, also Portugal, Scotland, also in dear France and Scandinavia.
There are many, many “Different Estimates of about the so-called NUMBERS of those who were brutally MURDERED by Christians, and chiefly when they all were Academically carefully chosen and thoughtfully organized a.k.a. "curated, edited and modified" many, many times before our present times.
And consider that they were specially handled by “Christians”, (the very people who did this), as the reporters, as the writers of/for most of all the world history of Witches, of Pagans…
And of course, Christians writing on behalf of the people who did not believe in the Abrahamic Mythologies and its New Religion and its associated mythological absurdities and nonsense!
However this all may be, myself, I never ever downplay the Torture of Witches, the abuse and ill-treating of People, the shameful Killing & blatant Murder of Witches, I never ever downplay the importance and the respect for Burning Times, for those who perished before!
May those people who were accused of Witchcraft, who were Murdered, regardless of whether tortured to death, pressed to death, stoned to death, drowned, hung, or burned alive, may they all rest in peace!
May the souls of those who caused all of this primitive, wilful ignorant, wilful intellectual dishonest horrible atrocities and abuse against humanity, against our Species a.k.a. human beings, may They All get to learn their much needed Lessons and then To Evolve and never to be allowed to do that again!
Once a witch, always a witch! And proud to be!
Once family, always family!
Sky a.k.a. Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
1 - Many Kinds Of Balance & Harmony
2 - Buffs Of Absolute Security
3 - Reality Is To Each Person, Whatever That Person Can Perceive
4 - Good And Bad
5 - We Own It
Yes, in fact, there are many, many indeed.
We all find Balance and Harmony in the Differences of all the Variables of Genders, of Sexual Preferences, of different Natural Tastes and of course, we find the Gifts of Harmony and Balance in “whatever feels natural and right” to our own selves individually as a human being.
Honesty always and truly begins with oneself first.
However, the fact has always been and it still is, circumstantially empowered Freedom which bestows the real and true choice of the free and true Expression of oneself, such only comes with the Passing of Time required by All Experience...
And chiefly, hopefully with Wisdom.
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
Yes, folks! Fanatical & Rich Religions have invented, promoted, imposed & spread a primitive Culture...
Of dis-informed People, obsessed with "Absolute Security" ( the stuff of childlike fantasy )...
A Culture of People obsessed with the word "Freedom" but just in token, and meaningless without any useful empowerment which any valuable & real Freedom will always require and demand...
A Culture of People obsessed with Conventionality passing as Morality, a Culture of People obsessed with Self-Righteousness passing as Religion.
Population after population bred and only to play victims, to play meaningless martyrs and to play useless and worthless saviours from cradle to grave.
Critical Thinking requires a Culture of well-informed People who are capable of Thinking for Themselves and to question all and everything with intelligence and with wisdom.
Sometimes, the very meaning of life depends upon the Right Question and not at all upon any right answers.
I say, it is all very much overkill, folks!
So try hard to do what you will and not to harm anybody if you can.
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
Reality is to each and every person, whatever that person can perceive it to be via their natural physical senses, via their Mineral Senses (via their body).
And yes, it is limited by the senses and very much so.
We all are much censored and indeed very limited by our temporary Bodies, that it is, because, there are many more Technologically-Proven and Interpreted Realities within us and outside of us and in all and everything all Species, in all Existence.
For instance, under an Atomic Microscope, our hand, a cup of coffee and a red rose are made of the same stuff: Atoms and more, each of the atoms are apart from each other and not touching each other at all, their energy force fields is the only glue between them as in fact, there are spaces between every atom, such tells us that Solidity as we know, think of and see is but an illusion of our senses, colours as we know and see them are an illusion and so forth, etc...
- Yes!
Reality is always limited, censored and fully confined to our Perception of it...
However, Reality has always been much more than what we perceive, much more than what we believe and have been taught to think of as by our Species' own invented collections of Belief and Language and their invented Values and Ways of Conduct.
Observation is not always as reliable, as truthful and as factual as we thought of it at all.
Quantum Academia with its Quantum Sciences, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics and so forth, in general with the assistance of Technology, we have come to a point of no return, mainstream Traditions, Religions and the Govs who bed them are themselves shocked, stunned and trying very hard to suppress, to hold back the Information which matters for now.
But at this time of Internet, of Open Communications all over the Earth, the astrological New Age of Mercury and Uranus to myself, I would dare to say.
At our times, it is all out there available however most people do not know what to look for specifically in order to find it and most people would also not be prepared to understand the Language of Quantum Academia without some academic foundation in the Technical Language of the Sciences and of the Arts.
Be it as it may, facts are facts and yes, reality is much more than what we can perceive with our senses.
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
The famous - "AS IS ABOVE SO IS BELOW" does teach us all that we carry the ALL within us in trillions of atoms, of mini-worlds, of Nano-oriented realms and different forms of existence and life.
We are contained in the ALL and equally the ALL is contained in us all.
So, I say yes, there millions of universes within each and every one of us and nothing perishes when we die, not even us, our Light/Soul.
Everything simply changes, transforms.
The quality of the Supreme Being, is Eternity, Infinity and we are creatures of the Supreme Being and we and all Creation share in Eternity and Infinity within ourselves.
The only absolute constant in all universes is eternal and infinite CHANGE and change is what we and everything are made of.
They are but only qualifications invented by this Species in re of what feels right, good and pleasing, and in re of that what feels wrong, bad and displeasing.
Beyond that, it is only solely our Species and its miserable men-made/invented Mythologies of rubbish.
And of course, plus all of that primitive collection of ignorant, moronic and harmful (men-made/invented) Values and Ways of Conduct along with plenty of (invented/men-made) Belief and Language.
And to make it all stick, in order to make it real, we say it is all inspired by the Supreme Being, the word of God, the will of God, LOL, when indeed the fact is, for any decent human being who bothers to become factually well-informed / educated, worldly/multi-cultured and truly capable of intelligent and wise Critical Thinking on behalf of oneself and one’s own best interests.
It is all very clear, it has always been the word of this Species, the will of this Species, the manufactured rubbish of this Species and the God-part is there only to make it stick for the 99% of population who go from cradle to grave without a clue and looted by the 1% who invents and imposes/enforces all of this ignorance, primitive, obsolete and pure rubbish.
Holy rubbish, to be more specific, LOL
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
I did learn when I was very young that if somebody tells/reveals to me special knowledge, something of worth and importance...
If I choose to believe and simply go about my life, this knowledge will be forgotten because it was only shared knowledge.
However, if I take this information / this knowledge and I study it, research it and find it out for myself by "myself proving it for myself", then the message, the information, the shared knowledge transforms, changes from ordinary and forgettable knowledge to unforgettable Wisdom.
And such it is, because once we take knowledge and we turn it into our own experience, - WE OWN IT .
Chiefly when/if we experience it for our own selves individually.
So, yes, there is a huge and inescapable difference between knowing something and owning that knowing of that something as personal experience, ergo Wisdom.
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
Many so-called spiritual mythologies and their fans/followers, they toot and tout the Light, we are of Light.
I've taken that a step further by disclosing the fact that as Members of the Family of All Creation, We all are LIGHTS. We all have a spark from the Ultimate Original Supreme Source of All Life/Existence, of all Creation inside of us. The "As Above So Below" is much more real and true as we consider the CREATRESS Herself can be found in all Her Creation and equally Her Creation can be found in Her. She is infinite, she is eternal and so are we all as the LIGHTS which we all are.
But having said that, I have to disclose, to say the fact that We All also are DARKNESS.
We cannot praise one at the expense of ignoring the other.
Sure enough, we do not know All, none of us!
In fact, We do "Not" know All and Everything that there is to know, our Not-Knowing, our natural Ignorance is our Darkness.
Also, I will disclose that I do know for sure that all difficult and deemed bad/evil/harmful people/beings, whether human beings, or of different Species, us and Them, We All share in the Not-Knowing / Ignorance, Fear of eternal and infinite Evolution, coupled with the Fear of/from losing the Elemental Pedestals of all the many Belief and Language that we have invented, of all the many Values that we have invented, of all the many Ways of Action and Reaction, the many Ways of Conduct that we have invented.
The very Lowest Levels of Evolutionary Experience, at that stage, we/they all fear to lose their elemental might, their invented ideas of respect, of fame, of relevance and of course of control...
For a healthy, better and wise change, I shall and will firmly say, yes, We All are are LIGHTS, folks and We All are DARKNESS too!
Because We still own our individual & collective "Not-Knowing", we all, we still are Learners/Students, and also at once, we are Guides/Teachers too.
And chiefly along the many journeys from cradle to grave of our evolutionary existence.
There is nothing bad nor evil, nor wrong about all of that,
All the loss, all the destruction, all the hurting, all the harm, all the fear, all the illnesses, all the difficult emotions, they all are Elemental, they all are tools of our experience as we grow beyond the tools and beyond the experience itself.
It is Evolution, it is the process of learning and owning all parts of who and of what we really and truly are and without the interference of any filters to censor, to limit our perception, our awareness of our BEING, of our Existence / Life.
We are Members of all Creation, we all came to exist and we did so exactly the way as Nature Herself had meant / intended for us all to be.
Our own invented Mythologies and their Religions cannot stand the test of Infinity and Eternity, it will pass, we will shed the rubbish that we have created in order to learn our own Selves, in order to master our own Selves both individually and collectively.
For me / myself, I will say, I can fire up the Light, my Light, my Fire on and in the Lowest Darkness & Not-knowing.
But only because I've been there myself and I can see it all for it really is, the beautiful Dance of Evolution.
The Worst and the Best are counter-parts of each other...
The Lowest and the Highest are counter-parts of each other...
To learn the fact that none are any different from each other, except when temporarily behind limited, censored Elemental Perception, Elemental Awareness.
We cannot see it all from the perspective of one single lifetime / incarnation and time-band.
Unless we bring that baggage wherever we go in the dance of life, death and rebirth, I do mean in the many journeys from cradle to grave which we all do in these elemental worlds / realms and time-bands.
Having the real perspective and memory of what it really is "Outside" of this Elemental Theatre, outside of these Elemental Plays and outside of Their Scripts, it becomes easy to understand the best and the worst, the lowest and the highest and to see them for what they really are.
The Darkness is equally honoured by me as I honour the Light.
We must own our Darkness as much as we must own our Light.
It is what it is...
And if / when you get to feel THAT, you will own its mystery too.
Oh long ago, you would not know, maybe, but I will say, I had thought of doing so much more than I have been allowed to do, however all I did and still do is, I open Doors.
Once I open Them, it is Open.
And They will remain that way for all ready or not, for them...
Once I open a Door, they begin to open all over and it spreads all over.
We've got to the end of this episode, I suppose!
Ah well, to finalize, words can only touch and reward Others with their bounties when Others/they are ready to handle their Content.
How about the rest? It all gets lost in many Culture-filtred Contexts which miss the true Content.
Therefore I say - No worries!
I cannot really reveal that what cannot be learned without first being felt by experience coupled with its wisdom!
Plenty of Love to All
Master your Light !
Master your Darkness !
And honour all parts of yourself, all parts that belong to you and honour Who You Are!
Your idea of yourself should be sacred and blessed, because it is the Respect and Love that you have for Yourself !
Everything begins with Oneself.
Good luck!
SKY a.k.a. PADILLA also known as JD Aeon
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