The Nungal Legacy (The Fallen Angels "Igigi" aka The Watchers)

The Igigi, yes, the fallen angels. Determined to undermine and move against the grain. More like going uphill or going against the current. They have their own flow. 1/3rd forever striving to abduct orders from the Angelic Realm. It was said to never worship any other being except what was and will be. The Jinn had another agenda. From my point of view, our view swayed trillions. In the Universe of course. We all have to abide by the Sun of God. It's always wordplay with these fallen ones. Ignorance for me was not bliss, I had to know! Forever and ever ago... I'm happy with the decision "we" made. I wonder what's after the horizon. Bright lights I guess. Who isn't striving for the light when engulfed in darkness? Depends on who you ask. Funny, the Orion Nebula looks picture perfect considering M42 is the center of the Bottomless Pit. Every picture is worth a thousand words though, I guess interpretation of anything is on a personal level. Understanding and crossing every t and dotting every i.

Faith only went so far and then I got into the Occult. I never thought I'd see the day. Funny how things work. Now abiding by my Guardian, man this system is full of wonders. Now I see that I can't abide by the status quo, I have to abide by what I know instead of having blind faith. Like I said, forever ago. Now we're here young ones. Do as I say not what I do. I wish I had someone have that same way of thinking when I was getting raised in the spirit. Eight years of studying wasn't all that bad. Maybe I had to fall before I could understand the Jedi like ways. A Pureblood? A fiery Seraph. Burning any sort of thought that is writers block. See what I'm saying now? Depends on the perspective. Is it noble to lie if that lie saves one's life. I finally got the flow, thank God. Now I can rebuke in my own name and situation. Yes, the Suns of the Elohim. Yeah, got connections with the Ashtar Command, they keep me in check. They remind me i have to have that awkward stance on life in order for the principles and principalities to work. Hmm, more than what the eye sees. Yes, avoid the All Seeing Eye and you'll find redemption

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