
The Message is Here!

The Message speaks loud and clear!

Those who hear!

Time is coming and is near!

Time, energy, light,expended as We prepare!

Hark, follow your heart, witness to bear!



War past Aeons, now must end and not be!

Gaia and Supernal made Destiny!

We incarnated as Beings of Light!

Fear not, let Your Star Being radiate bright!

We are One, The Ships are in sight!



Twin Flames merge to One!

Collective born into You...never undone!

The Matrix of Your True Soul birth-

Is deep in Your heart; find it and know your worth!

You are here for a task to do!

You...We...One from the Constellation of Blue!

Incarnate as human, yes true!

You so worthy-one of the chosen few!

You Will succeed in the task given unto You!

Remember, Search, find Your Way through-

The viels and energy of lies from the Matrix around YOU!



(art by ImagineAtrix)

Soul of Passionate Heart,

Human Bodies flesh and viels separate apart-

Collective Mind change in energy ripples start!

Ripples into waves-

Translating beyond viels and haze!

Urantia is written.. You ...Your self amaze!

Release ego and flesh made ways!



(artist not known)

The Message is very clear-

Deep Soul meaning for those who truly hear!

Message vibrates memory of who you are!

Mulit-dimensional Being light brighter than any Star!

Gathering, Merging back into the Collective One!

The Conscious of the True Son!

Matters not what Your ego has done!

Return to that which you are One!

We are part of You!

Family of Love and Light True!

The Ships are Here.. our Family from the Sacred Blue!

The Message, They Bring too You!

Listen and Folow Through!



(image by suzannelei)




(written by margaretburnsandbabydaragon 10/6/14)





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