Reportin' live on the day to live, the mental institute is the MTV Cribs.

And Ye Kryptonite loses it's shine, to stop watch on a dime.

So that's the, to take a stand, or is this Abraham's Ram?

We doin' the Purple Haze, this is New York's Killa Cam.

Now this is the "curse," for you to burst, and rupture your cranium.

The Zyprexa is temptin', to treat ur mania.

Losin' sleep over this? And the Witch goes, "Tsk, Tsk."

And thas when you find out that we go down the naughty list.

To administer the remedy at night, the Nick at Nite.

Is it bros before hoes? You think we was always that tight?

And Ye' know, that I know, that I shine at midnight.

After gettin' discharged, the tomorrow morning, you catch the next flight.

Views: 24


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