Levitation is a paranormal phenomenon accessible to people who have highly developed extra-sensorial powers, who are exceptionally gifted, or who have attained a very high degree of spirituality. Levitation refers to the act of rising up off the ground, and either remaining stationary above a single point, or moving through the air from one place to another. It’s also possible for beings with intense parapsychic power to levitate objects through space.

Most documented cases of levitation (i.e. observed by outside witnesses) have occurred among mystics of all faiths and beliefs, especially Christian and Hindu saints. Sometimes a levitation occurs spontaneously, without the person involved doing anything to cause it.

Spiritual Development

When levitation occurs spontaneously, it’s usually associated with some kind of intense spiritual practice, or a White Magic ritual or ceremony. In both monotheistic and polytheistic beliefs (with one or many deities), levitation is the result of an uplifting of the spirit that occurs while in trance, or during intense prayer, as illustrated below.



In western countries, Christian mythology is filled with accounts of levitation, starting with Jesus himself, who walked on water. One of the most amazing cases concerns Joseph de Cupertino, a 17th Century Italian saint, who levitated on numerous occasions after being admitted to the Franciscan Order. The first levitation took place in October of 1630, when he rose up above a procession honoring Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the Franciscan Order. Many more were to follow.

Levitation In Abundance

Many Christian saints, Like Saint Theresa of Avila, were seen by witnesses to rise up off the ground and levitate. Saint Theresa even practiced group levitation with Saint John of the Cross.

These sometimes famous, sometimes unknown saints often found themselves levitating involuntarily, to their great surprise. In most cases, the levitation occurred while they were deep in prayer, uttering the names of God, Jesus, the Holy Virgin, and other holy figures. Levitation also occurred while they were reciting sacred hymns or chants.

Other examples of Christian saints who levitated include Saint Agnes of Bohemia, Saint Francis of Assisi, Ignatius Loyola, and Saint Frances Xavier.

Padre Pio and Spontaneous Levitation

One of the most recent cases of levitation is that of Padre Pio, an Italian mystic who lived from 1887 to 1968. He is known for the many avowed miracles he performed, and the presence of stigmata on his body (traces of the wounds inflicted on Christ during the crucifixion, principally the holes made by the nails used to bind Jesus to the Cross). Padre Pio also had the ability to levitate at will, which occurs much more rarely than spontaneous levitation.

The most amazing report of Padre Pio practicing levitation came from the Commanding General of the Allied Forces during the second world war. This highly placed military man, a supreme rationalist, related the story of a group of pilots who were saved by Padre Pio while on duty.

The commander of the mission said that he and his men were on a bombing foray to San Giovanni de Rotondo, where there was a munitions depot. San Giovanni de Rotondo also happened to be the home of Padre Pio, and the pilots were astonished to see the holy priest floating in the sky as they approached their target.

Padre Pio lifted his hands as if to repel the bombs, and the pilots found their airplanes turning around of their own accord, without any guidance from the pilots at all! They all returned to their base safe and sound. None of them had ever heard of Padre Pio, and only found out who he was after their commander demanded an inquiry into their actions.

There are also many instances of non-believers have been seen to levitate. One common characteristic is that these levitations usually occur under the influence of extremely powerful, violent emotions.

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Comment by Catherine Sarah Hislop on December 1, 2012 at 5:56am
Thank you Robert yes it is interesting

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