"The best way out is always through" —Robert Frost

I don’t think there is anything harder than finding the will to continue on in the face of extreme adversity. Imagine spending every waking moment of every day being knocked down, belittled, made to feel inferior and treated as if you are a true monster. 

Imagine having thoughts pushed directly into your mind that make your greatest fears and insecurities a reality. Think about how it would feel to have your emotions involuntarily toyed with all while feeling as though you are a puppet on strings for someone else’s entertainment. 

This is the point in your life where you are required to face your deepest fears, cast out your demons and address unresolved traumatic experiences from your past.

While I’m still in the middle of the greatest challenge of my life, I’m beginning to believe we find our true source of strength during the most difficult times in our lives. I believe we learn just how strong we are and what we are capable of when we have no choice but to get back up over and over again.

I've found it's easy to want to give up. It’s even easier to want to throw in the towel and submit to fear, but when it feels as though your life and sense of sanity are on the line, you’ll quickly find you have no choice but to dig in as deep as you can and find the inner fortitude to keep pushing on. 

If you have gone through a similar battle or are experiencing anything like the above, try to remember who you are. I don’t know all the answers yet, but make sure to hold onto your sense of self. Surrender into the experience, face your fears head on and forgive yourself for any challenges from your past. Don't allow insecurity to get the best of you and remember your worth.  You can still do anything you set out to do. You can still rise above whatever is bringing you down and you can still find your way.

Views: 98


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Comment by Bryan on November 14, 2021 at 10:59am

LOL Linda, you aren’t rambling. Thanks so much for sharing your story :) I miss Barbi too. She was taken entirely too early, but at least she’s at peace now. 

Comment by Bryan on October 26, 2021 at 5:46pm

@MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA you are welcome :) 

Comment by MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA on October 26, 2021 at 4:07pm

Thanks for sharing this text, Bryan.

Comment by Bryan on October 23, 2021 at 10:21am

@Quingu, you are welcome and thanks for that comment. It's good to not feel alone in something like this. It also seems to me the more fear, anger and sadness it's fed, the stronger the force becomes. It makes it difficult to find a reason to smile when you're knocked down at every step. We'll get through. I think it comes down to superior inner strength and a strong will to keep going. Of course I don't know that yet for certain. I'm just speculating based on my observations. 

@Sky, this was extremely helpful. Thank you for this. It really was what I needed to hear. Staying present is the biggest challenge right now. I'm also a big believer in balance between the two sides. Being exclusively at one end of the spectrum just seems inhuman to me. 

Comment by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon on October 23, 2021 at 1:54am

Bravo! It seems that you've found your inner LIGHT and now via your writing, you've become a beckon of hope, an inspiring light at the end of the tunnel for others who may read you and thereby learn to find their own inner LIGHT.

I wish it were Different when it comes to this elemental world of this Earth and this ever-passing Now & Here, but evolutionary LESSONS are learned in the FIRE, and it burns, it hurts and it scars deep. But it also heals after lessons are learned & progress is achieved! Perhaps, the hardest part of eternal and infinite EVOLUTION is the so-called LIGHT and all the Goodies, they can only be found in the DARKNESS, in the FIRE of the Longest NIGHT, and in the Depths of the Abyss/Chasm/Pit... What it means, is that we all must master DARKNESS, our inner Darkness first before we can get to the LIGHT, our inner LIGHT.

In Brazilian Quimbanda, it is common for the Pombagiras and Exus to state that they work in Hell, they work at the Gates of Cemeteries, at the Crossroads, in the Dirt, in the "perceived-as" worst places you may think of. All of that simply meaning that they work with DARKNESS and LIGHT, there is no white or black Magick, all Magick is both, all Lessons are both, all Experiences are made of both.

We learn to overcome, to heal our FEARS, our PAIN, after all this SHOW we all play from cradle to grave is temporary and we all must leave sometime and go home! 

Thank you for sharing!


SKY a.k.a. JD Aeon

Comment by 06iiris on October 22, 2021 at 3:55pm

I deal with this everytime I wake up.

Thank for this, Bryan.

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