In this era of the Kalki Age we the human beings are very much confused with whatever little Wisdom is left within us. We are confused about who God is and whenever someone teaches us something spiritual we start worshipping him/her like the Divine. Is it Right? Yes we should give the being the right honour and must always be respectful to them but is worshipping them the right way!

Let’s have a look at it and try to analyse the repercussions of this. Let’s us first understand the lineage, if I may call it so.I

GOD -> Avatar -> Guru -> Teacher -> The Scholar/ Disciple.

God: The Divinity and none other.

Avatar: An image or a portion of the divinity which has come down for a 
specific purpose as a being so that you may relate to it later on.

Guru: One who knows some knowledge and have experienced the same 
transmuting the knowledge into wisdom but is still not the perfect one or has not transcended to merge into the divine.

Teacher: One who has knowledge, shares it with all but may not have 
experienced the same but still the knowledge can be conveyed to others.

The Scholar/Disciple: One who is ready to learn from anyone and experience the same so that his/her believes can be transmuted into Faith. 
Note: The Believes are blind and can be broken easily but the Faith you have experienced yourself and in no circumstances can be disturbed.

Note: With these as the description of the various identities we find that only the above two (GOD & AVATAR) can never make a mistake. All the other three (Guru, Teacher & Disciple) are all mistake prone. They can make mistakes and they do make mistakes, at times blunders.
When we accept the teacher or the guru as our God, we find their mistakes very, very disturbing and without any further delay we jump into another band wagon or start criticizing them along with putting our work in jeopardy and saying that all the spiritual work is a farce – A very big & wrong Karma. So if we don’t worship them as Divine, this does not happen and we understand that after all they have also been born as Human Being and can do mistakes. We forgive them and ourselves at that moment.

Yes a time may come in some instance when to follow the path of the Dharma, you may have to say good bye to your teacher and either follow some other or take it upon your shoulders but that does not mean that you can denigrate the person who has given you so much. You 
need to be always Thankful and Grateful for all that has been given.

This is my opinion and rest you are the best judge to decide whatever you want. The Freewill and the Choices always are yours.

Thanks for reading the article.

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