My Story As The Angelic Oracle Imagineer

Hello All,

First off, a very happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of you here in the States. To everyone one of my readers abroad I wish you a spirit of thanksgiving in cherishing what is precious to you in life today.

Ever since I started this original blog site at Google's Blogger service back upon July 2005 a little over 11 years ago. I never really delved deeply beyond the byline of who I am and what I'm doing passionately as a vocation. Today I want to explore some of my life's story for you who may be curious but never really gave it much thought.

Before I start I did an Interview at an Angelic podcast called The Glitch Movie, Hosted By "Sheri Lee Myers" back on Sept. 9th of this year. It's a short 22-minute show that explores some of my backstory and the extent of my clairvoyant spiritual automatic writing. There's also the short biography page on my website as an excerpt from one of my books. Jewels of "About Me" page. That gives the basic gist as the author for any of my published 3 books of the "Jewels of Truth" inclusive spiritual wisdom series.

In this blog entry, I won't be sharing a spiritual wisdom statement as I typically do but give you a behind the scenes look at myself in an autobiographical perspective. Some of it I've never really told anyone not even my parents, relatives, or friends.

The Early Years:

Many "New Agers" have spoken about Indigo or Crystal children as natural psychic-mediums that should be fostered and encouraged in their divine heavenly gifts. My mother's line of the family had psychic abilities predominantly amongst certain woman (Including my mother & grandmother). There was even a Grand Aunt of mine that was a full-time Psychic although I never knew her personally, except for a brief visit when I was a child.

I by all accounts I had a regular childhood although I was a natural channeler with 2 destructive spirit guides. I was 5 to 7 years old channeling two dark spirits that made my life miserable by negative behaviors such as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I never spoke about them much less did I ever give them any sort of nickname. I detested their presence in my life, although channeling them wasn't 24/7. Just occasionally they would do the opposite of kindness and yell and inject themselves into my thinking. I never heard voices these were, however, telepathic thoughts akin to a relay communication. It was always a competition with them making my young self-do inane minor tasks making me uncomfortable.

Eventually, I grew tired of them for the short couple of years I was channeling them starting around age 5. One day anxious and angry at them I banished them from my association and psyche by revoking my permission for their presence in my life. Basically, I pulled the rug out from under them metaphysically and set myself free for good. One can ask why I didn't go to my parents or some other trusted person with these thoughts. I was a child and didn't know any better from ages 5 to 7 years old which in later years I chalked up to rotten imaginary so-called friends.

The Teenage Years:

About a decade has elapsed where after stuffing my emotions after a scary separation and eventual divorce between my parents starting at my age 9. All those unprocessed grief and massive daddy issues as a latch kid child and co-dependent with my mother. I began to develop clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder with a touch of OCD. Thankfully my grandmother as a devout Roman-Catholic got me interested in the Christian non-denominational movement known as "Silent Unity". Their "Daily Word" magazine with daily metaphysical Christian empowerment messages was like a spiritual horoscope for me each day. I still subscribe to this day to the little "Daily Word" magazine.

At age 16 I began my spiritual Christianity as part Roman-Catholic and part non-denominational. I stayed with it for 3 years time in fits and starts honing my fascination into personal self-improvement from my very troubled mental health issues. At age 19 I had the angelic visitation that has changed my life through unconditional love and gladly I haven't been the same since. I originally nicknamed this Angel with the Hebrew word for father as "Abba". Believing naively that I was talking to God directly which about 6 months later I was corrected that this wasn't the case at all. The Angel as a custodian of sorts knew I was in such a raw place emotionally waited until I could accept that truth technically I wasn't talking to God directly. (side note: I've often wondered if the famous author "Neale Donald Walsh" of the "Conversations with God" series of books. Is actually talking directly to God, but perhaps directly to his Angelic Guardian instead? Like so many other psychic mediums typically encounter in blessed personal accounts.)

(My audio podcast interview above from Sept. 9th, 2016 goes into detail on how "Abba" first appeared to me and I communicated telepathically. )

The Young Adult Years:

Before I ever picked up a pen with my clairvoyant automatic writing I was honing my mediumship abilities. Following sometimes implicitly the spiritual and life guidance that Abba was offering me. I seemed to have graduated from his direct care in my life. Two more angels began to tend to me mentally and emotionally through inclusive compassion. I eventually nicknamed them as "Brother and Peach". All the while during this period I often questioned my sanity fearing I had gone coco for coco puffs.

Nonetheless, the Angels only spoke to me telepathically as thought impressions when spoken to at my behest. Unlike my toddler years in contrast to those other 2 degenerate spirits, I channeled as a child. (Side note: Every time I hear a criminal say they listened to the evil voices in their head do unspeakable acts. These are natural psychic mediums that never were given the spiritual support they needed in life. Not knowing they can swap out by permission to eject those evil spirits from their telepathic presence like I did as a toddler.) The Angels to this day are always unconditionally compassionate and inclusively loving towards me. Having directly taught me the power of unconditional forgiveness along the way to clear my emotional baggage.

My Adulthood to the Present:

During my early adult years in my 30's to now my mid 40's in age I've been a loner. Although I'm a pacificist I'm also celibate as a virgin never in any sexual relationships. I do not drink alcohol, have never smoked, have never touched drugs seeing them as instant poison, and I don't drink coffee. I do like sweets except for hard candies, and I have an eye for all beautiful things and people. (ie technically heterosexual) In demeanor, I'm often shy, but once someone gets to know me I'm sharp as a truth teller and mischievous in a playful manner. I'm a man-child, which is why I'm an online gamer since 1999. I may have Asperger's autism, but that hasn't been explored as a diagnosis to date.

In many ways, I appear child-like on the surface but deep down inside my boldness bleeds through in the courage and adversity I've experienced since childhood with mental health. I've allowed by willful permission for the Angels to mold me akin to how ancient royals would have expert tutors in their privileged upbringing. Most of my psychic and spiritual development has been self-taught through accessing the Mind of God through the Angels.

Now after channeling via automatic writing I've self-published 3 books of the "Jewels of Truth" series on inclusive compassionate spiritual angelic wisdom. I have another 3 manuscripts completed that need compiling into book form. While currently, I have another 2 manuscripts in development all related towards the same series. Beyond that, I channel original inspirational conceptual designs for commerce, charities, inventions, some governmental policy, and some military technology. Akin to my Angelic Oracle Imagineer abilities like a personal muse on tap accessing the Mind of God a.k.a. the Akashic Records. My blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" of 11 years running has over 500 free spiritual wisdom statements and over 200 original conceptual designs freely available.

In these 21 years time of doing clairvoyant automatic writing I've become through the inclusive spiritual wisdom. Into a sage and a mystic with the other dharmic gifts as an inspirational muse as a visionary and innovator of what I call the "Gems of Opportunity" series.

Whether you believe it or not this is my life's story in a candid manner. As a person I'm flawed and as a spirit of heaven we are all blessed only through God(dess). Thank you for reading and your interest in my never ending story.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly. 

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Comment by Atrayo on November 27, 2016 at 12:30am

Hi Linda,

My bad, when I sent you a friend invite and saw that you were an Admin the thought ran across my mind, lol. 

Comment by Atrayo on November 26, 2016 at 2:05pm

Thank you, Linda, for being a frequent reader. I'm glad you find the content of interest to you. :o)

Also, thanks to "Rosy" I presume in making this post of mine as Featured Content for the community. :o)

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