Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Since I missed making this entry in February I'm making it now for all intents and purposes. Let's hope I stick to my posting schedule and not let the dates slip in a game of catch up. As a spiritual guide and teacher due to these couple of decades channeling these treasures of literature I often feel more so that I'm taking dictation as a classical scribe. Many artists of all genres have stated that the work they've authored in that particular iteration just flowed through them. It can be a one-off for most of them not having a clue how it transpired. Well, folks, I do this On demand at the drop of an intention since I have a good enough grasp how this occurs metaphysically.

Whether people call this Automatic Writing or Psychometry it's the same spiritual phenomena I'm using as an artful inspiration. To gauge knowledge and wisdom beyond my own lifetime with details I'm not privy to by regular direct experiences and not even personable indirect human means. Basically, it's a telepathic download in terms of language and writing and that for the most part isn't my own writing style to boot. My personal writing style is more colloquial in nature and not so poetic which the angels enjoy offering. In a way, it's like my salt water blends with their fresh water as a water jetty is the best example I can offer to date. In order to explain what I experience personally in my on demand style of automatic writing for readers to comprehend slightly.

Today's "Jewels of Truth" angelic channeled inclusive compassionate spiritual wisdom statements are in the long hand series of Divinity 1,140; Living 1,141; and Souls 1,142. With two additional social media assorted B series on the Absolute nature of God as 485B and 486B. Lastly, a spiritual picture meme also on the Absolute as 2,328 for good measure having 6 statements in all.

May you find them interesting and intriguing although you may not fully agree with the sentiment.



1140) Those who have chosen to succumb to misery and hardships without balance by refusing to recall their divinity have cheated their greatest prize upon totality. They have unceremoniously surrendered the greatest gift from the heavens within known to all of the created Universes combined. That of a sincere Hope and an unconditional Love to experience the sublime led fully by courage and a caring wisdom.

Having relinquished such spiritual good fortune of the faithful and most of all a dignified personal relationship with the Creator God(dess) with the Angelic Host. Leaves one in a hollow state of living affairs without experiencing a personal dimension of well-being Irrespective of which religious or spiritual tradition one may follow in reality. Without coming to know the originator of benevolence how can one ever fathom the immense spiritual essence and wonder of all of life in its infinite array? Dare I say only by experiencing indirectly the best of a compassionate humanity can they come to realize a potential mindful divinity within one’s being. Mercy be upon the godless without remorse having no lasting value found in the majesty they so richly deserve as a beautiful child of God. Amen.                                                                                                     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1141) We are either here for ourselves in a solemn spirit of goodwill or we are working against our own better interests. How true are these words towards the aim of our very own well-being? Do you inherently support yourself with a proper dose of humility and compassion by seeking the best by accepting help from all others? Or rather do you feel more like you’re at the mercy of this world steering as often as you can only to feel like you’re going in circles?

One must first know their own heart of hearts and mind of minds internally before one can truly begin to live rightly a life worth living. As the famous Greek philosopher of Socrates once stated to “Know they self”. Once in knowing thy self permits you the seeker to grow within your very boundaries of purposeful living. In what you can accomplish and what you should avoid at nearly any foreseeable costs imaginable. By pursuing your own inner Northern Starry Lights like the mariners of old. Sailing the open waters of the blue vast oceans can seem treacherous and yet it holds immense possibilities of positive life nourishing promises of success.

So which ideals will cause you to merit this life in a greater capacity of being alive in meaning and purpose? What will be the motivations to steer you towards heartfelt promises that give you life through sound potential dreams? Where will you find the courage to act and when to course correct along one's route when confronted by immovable obstacles? Will you die a thousand fears recriminating with every imaginable state of doubting to the point of paralysis or worse turning tail and running away? These questions and many more should be a checklist of reason to consider in pursuing the results of such decisions made and encountered in due time.

Will you live to serve yourself only or to care for others according to what drives you to become alive through a sacred service of being true to your needs and wants as a person? Only the brave moving past fears and intimidations from all others will come to understand the merit of their own living convictions in this world. All others that perform no such internal reflection by reason and a strong sense of contemplation will be tossed often repeatedly capsizing their life until they find their way into well-being. 

Not because they aren’t worth a good life but because they refused common sense to improve their livelihood by living only on the surface. Versus the depths down below in being alive as a matter of sincere principles of character on the pathway to fulfillment in the world. To walk in the world is no easy feat when everyone else is clamoring for attention to be heard fully. Persistence is for both the wise at heart and the bold of character no matter if success appears overnight or decades from now. Be not slain by indecisions or worst of all the fears of others that wish you wellness in health but cause you to resent the very spark of God in you forever. Amen.

                                                                                                                    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1142) The Kingdom of God(dess) has a sacred union with all souls apparent in being alive in the truth of the ages. So does the realms of the heavenly host by extension of a united common endeavor to include all entities in an embrace that is pure and holy by the grace of God. Anything else that isn’t quite like this in principle is cast out as incomplete or corrupt by its shallow intentions. Outside the blessed realms and beyond the enlightened state of limbo as the benign realities. There rests in anguish all that is against health and well-being in a total collapse of the Will of God. Albeit God is there in Spirit nonetheless wherever his children of whatever caliber of being God resides within their very souls earnestly.

All of Creation is a whole affair as the totality of God no matter the alignment of spiritual beings as entity children of God infinitely so in nature. Only the substance of one’s own merit depicted by their soulful vibrational integrity of tonal cues will distinguish every individual spirit from another. In other words, their maturity and sense of repose will define if such an entity is good, neutral, or evil in the afterlife. Beyond the presence of the Holy Light shining as living beacons will souls be able to distinguish from each other as to their overall intents in existence of worth.
One must surrender what their mortal egos dictates to this metaphysical reality of no limitations whatsoever. To assume the best of the Will of God means to live unconditional lives as people based upon a benevolence of character. Our divine holy nature is flawless because God resides in each of us. However, our fallible human nature contradicts this dynamic as a living paradox of being in this world. What we hope for and yearn to be may not fully come to pass as occurrences and yet still we strive to overcome what we deem is lacking in our lives.  

For many there is an innate sense of goodwill as a viable faith filled with potentials only imaginable with confidence. Trust that the journey of living is worth it and so it becomes such a good thing to behold beautifully. With Thanksgiving to God there must come an understanding what is and what isn’t true and upon such a basis freely share gladness of the good that is being encountered with gratitude.  The rest must be surrendered time and again until the moment strikes with a promise to act decisively for ourselves and for all others worth being stewards of in the beautiful truth God displays in our souls. Amen.                               ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

485B)  What is escapes mere mention in an astounding fashion as the sublime invokes steadily the absolute power of God. Amen.


486B) All inequities belong to the failings of several factors that are at play from the personal nature well into the heights of forces beyond one's own control as dynamics. When humanity confronts these forces of change head on there is the friction known as inadequacy to achieve desirable results. This rests outside the realm of current possibility regardless if the actions enlisted are noble or not in human nature.

In light of this, the divine accessible to all with a solid and robust faith can call upon amazing forces that eclipse the human condition itself. Be it considered saint-like or of our better angels in scope of being true reaching well past the unconditional of excellence one arrives at the sublime realities. Here rests the tranquil absolute nature of God as enlightened as the holy power known as Grace the omniscient in divine nature.

What follows is termed as the miraculous all errors are washed away with a love that transcends mere fairness, but reveals the holiest purity that escapes mortality in complete comprehension. This is the realm of the impossible and the implausible as a common occurrence known for its legendary powers of loving forgiveness as the Supreme Creator. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch heaven.   ---Johannes A. Gaertner.

While we cry ourselves to sleep, gratitude waits patiently to console and reassure us; there is a landscape larger than the one we can see.  ---Sarah Ban Breathnach.


The grateful hearts sits at a continuous feast. ---Proverbs 15:15

It takes a person of great heart to see... the wisdom the elders have to offer, and so serve them out of gratitude for the life they have passed on to us. ---Kent Nerburn.


The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness. ---Michel de Montaigne.

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public. ---Cornel West.

Courage is fear that has said its prayers. ---Anne Lamott.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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