Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

I hope your finding yourselves warm and bundled up in this Winter 2014 season. Unless of course if your in Oz (Australia) where its Summer right now. This month of January has evaporated quickly for many of us due to a variety of factors. How many of you have made it a concentrated effort to stop every once in a while and just breathe in "Life"? For plenty of us it costs nothing, just a quick respite to rejuvenate the spirit within allowing vigor and gratitude to fill up our senses for being alive right now.

Today's trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements are on the topics of: Service, Conduct, and Courage. Written originally back in early to the middle of April 2010 in the series # 1027-1029.

If at all possible enjoy this Winter weather in safety and a humane spirit towards all. May you as always find my statements intriguing as an expressive means of conveying Life in so many words.




1027) We are all born of this life as the result of the many blessed encounters strung across time and space. Our hearts and minds may be fashioned by the world, but our spirits and our ultimate soul in God has been fashioned from the Divine. We as the plural results of God's ultimate expression of Being has not cast us aside from our heavenly realm. We are all at his arm's reach to pull us aside if we stray too far from his earnest reproach into our personal lives. No one can take away your power to live with dignity unless you allow it.

As we each represent the godly in our lives akin to the Angels in this Earth and the Heavens. We showcase all that is divine in each other in order to promote the goodwill in our combined souls. All acts of genuine compassion with neither thoughts of earthly reward or recognition. Will grant the giver a total recovery of their own inherent heavenly beauty. The instantaneous good pleasure of giving is received almost immediately through the "Holy Spirit". We thereby unleash what is holiest in us and release what is purest in our brothers and sisters in spirit.

Forget not this truth of how we may love in action and for it to surround us instantly with grace. We are truly alive when we love each other in service by often reinforcing our faith in the process with God. Compassion and humility by the avenues of understanding and patience have afforded more "Peace on Earth". Than what any signed peace accord between nations could ever accomplish in any lifetime. By the measure we give from our hearts balanced by our minds it shall be afforded to us in this life and the next for all to celebrate as heavenly witnesses. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1028)  The Love of God(dess) pours forth like a mighty waterfall upon all be they faithful or not. In wondrous measures that are often beyond mere common comprehension. Be still in your hearts and your minds allow for this hidden mystery to overwhelm you. Distill yourselves onto this one point in life where all grace follows in unceasing prosperity. Follow the bread crumb trail of your angels be they well intentioned people or purely in heavenly spirit. Whatever the turn of events in life so that it takes you to moments of reflection or steps to accomplish. Do so with conviction knowing full and well of your place situated within your proper self.

Flow forth from a place of zeal for living that God provides all to those who are earnest in accordance to his "Divine Will". Yet be mindful of the duo feminine aspect of God as Goddess which expresses life by all means nurturing, gentle, humble, and kind when it is warranted. Otherwise without proper inner balance our soulful desires to tame ourselves be they masculine or feminine in essential natures. Will clash with the world at large by being out of step with our intent and our following resolve to be whole in being. Keep to wisdom on what is proper in conduct and what is clearly not. For foolishness beyond playtime is a recipe for disuse and illness in how we express what is real to us alone. In how we decide to reach our most valued spaces in being content as spiritual beings alive in the flesh. Will determine a life well lived or one of confused suffering. Amen.
                                                                                                  ----Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1029)  What is it to have courage? Is it to move mountains aside in spite of our fears?

Courage is a process that can define a soul in order to help crumble difficult circumstances surrounding them. For there to be fear in our minds there must also be Hope in our hearts. A strong counter balance must be achieved in spirit for courage to take hold down to the roots of our being. For difficult circumstances do not, nor should they not define us. Our reactions may be stern and they may be timid for to be fully human we stumble at times unceremoniously. Our Convictions is what helps us to define ourselves in life as a whole. Troubles will come in all sizes and solutions will appear in all places as well. The great practitioner of life knows how to create opportunity out of perils in order to surmount the ugly in life. The afflicted ones succumb to a gnashing of teeth as they are defeated even before they have fully commenced to tackle hardships. They have forsaken themselves without a chance to overcome. Hardly can the Angels in heaven assist with such a weak resolve to live.

With true courage lived with hope and convictions comes an ingredient called faith. A faith not based on the appearance of insurmountable difficulties. But one of an inner stillness which is sensible in spirit that is filled with unspoken strength and self-worth to overcome all things. Milestones become a well paved roadway to intercede on ones own behalf to nearly subjugate all injustice. For to squish one evil out of your personal life another will come along in your brothers or sisters life. For they are needing instruction in how to overcome for themselves. These are the hallmarks of a true courage that is not to be lauded from the hilltops, but kept in a spirit of humility in order to care for all precious things in life. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


More individuals become so anxious about their own troubles, and yet helping others is the best way to rid yourself of your own troubles. For what is the pattern? He gave up Heaven and entered physical being that ye might have access to the Father.
                                                                         ---Edgar C. Cayce. Reading 5081-1

May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony.
                                                                                                              ---Romans 15:5

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit. ---Psalm 51:12

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
                                                                                               ---Eleanor Roosevelt.

Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. ---E.B. White. "Charlotte's Web"

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