Jewels of Truth Statement: "The Children As Natural Healers"

Hello All,

Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of Children. This entry is #1923 in the series written in mid-February last month. It touches upon three points of why children are important to the human spirit in maintaining our youthful attitudes to a degree. This statement goes deeper explaining how it is always the heirs of this world that often attempt to heal past divisions within a society at large. Lastly the upbringing of the children is of greatest concern so we make them not into hateful people when they come of age.

Always cherish the children for they are our embodiment unto the world and a reflection of our living souls unto God himself.

Enjoy the statement as always and may you reflect deeply always in your personal truths. Amen.



1923) The proxy of the fabled "Fountain of Youth" that Conquistador "Ponce de Leon" so feverishly sought in the New World. Was for himself and for God fearing Spain in the annals of history do we recall such an event. This is the stuff of folklore and legend misconstrued as attributed to fact. This is when inflated tales take on a life of their own in the world. Albeit if such a fountain of youth ever did exist it is long since gone or lost to the ages.

So the next best substitute at least in a spiritual sense of finding youth. Is to willingly associate with the young from toddlers up into young adults in their prime of life. What this offers is known to every grand parent that is involved in the life of their grand children personally. By allowing a refreshing window of abundant innocence to pour into their very surroundings. What this does is often widening the expanding horizons of the near jaded to the world. The living spirit of youth is infectious with a well meaning positive change to be usually embarked upon in life. Often it has rather healed the wounds of the fore fathers that have hated more than forgiven other groups of people within a society.

Be willing to find the Imagination alive coupled with a nourishing Inspiration amongst the youth of all ages in spirit. They are often the heirs and the greater harbingers of things to come in the world at large. Potentially taking humanity into the stars one distant age from now. To be built upon the efforts of our children's children that shall first attempt to tame our solar system.

Remember metaphysically our souls are eternally young without age as a metric of time whatsoever. What denotes age akin to mortals in the spiritual heavens is truly maturity of character in the essence of each soul. The greatest illumination of heaven is found in the children of every species, and not singularly just within humanity itself.

Be mindful as caregivers and mentors to the following generations in the footsteps of our ancestors. They will want to repeat our mistakes of this era, make sure they avoid the atrocities of every generation before them in time. Knowing full and well why such travesty is evil to the very soul of our species. Unless they jump headlong into such misery out of error and arrogance that may last a century or more in misgivings and hateful retaliations.

Discipline is good and so is compassionate wisdom filled with respectful instruction to all whom are willing to listen. However as with all things important in life best to be served fully in the allotment of moderation only. Too much of either discipline or compassion taken out of balance and one creates either a monster or a brat in life. Which ever comes first will declare the erroneous upbringing of a child into an eventual adult if God is willing. Amen.                                                                                  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

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