Jewels of Truth Statement #2222: "The Three Stages of Prayer As A Sacred Practice With God"

Hello All,

I usually make my 3rd post to "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site as an announcement. However since I have nothing to announce this month I'll just offer another extra "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement as a bonus. This is a spiritually channeled clairvoyant statement via automatic writing from the angelic host. This is statement #2,222 on the topic of Prayer and it's three stages of spiritual evolution of prayer in life as a soul.

So without a further adieu may you find it beneficial as I have in writing these inspired missives with the Angels of Heaven.


2222) There is an evolution to prayer in life as a spiritual devotee to the divinity within every soul. As children we're taught to pray to God as a supplicant from our lack that we wish to fill in life be it as a need or want. Later as the soul hopefully matures as a person in the world. A holy relationship develops with God, the Angels, and the Heavens on a personal basis in faith. Such a devoted person soon finds the universal spiritual practice of affirmative prayer. As to what is constant in heaven as a spiritual truth in total eloquence within utmost compassion. The soul entreats itself to a prayer practice to manifest their needs or wants in life. The third shift of prayer evolution of a person is when they personally realize through fruitful worship with God. That they are an Infinite aspect of the omnipresence of God(dess) as his / her perfect essence become realized as a sacred entity soul. At this stage of faith the person learns to claim their perfect good from heaven which they share with God constantly as their divine birthright.

This form of prayer is more a shift of personal awareness away from the human physicality of a world of lack and scarcity. Into a solidified divine union of true abundance of not just the world. But within the bosom of God's worthy delight of good news for all life inclusively. The spiritual soul body suspends temporarily the human sense of finite resources of this Earth. To literally call upon the Infinite collective resources of not just the goodwill of Heaven, but that of the influential Will of God holistically. Much like how all the prophets in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Abramatic Family of Faiths fully crystallizes these enlightened souls. That have funneled into our mortal reality the wonders of paradise as the eternal beautiful truths in all life.

When an entity soul claims their heavenly good a suspension of disbelief is required. To call down with fearless holy authority the divine into the mundane material reality of this cosmos. One doesn't demand like a tyrant they instead call in with humility their heavenly family of Angels as their holy siblings with God. To facilitate a transfer of grace into this Earth always right now and not for later on. For heaven exists in the eternal and the Earth within the temporal basis of perceived time as a mortal construct of reality. Where eternity and the now present tense moment are constantly united as one circular front of a simultaneous cause and effect. One must solemnly envision their good or that of another's good as already happening right now without delay of gradual time as the 4th dimension. What this affords as a spiritual practice of prayer when held with loving intentions. Is a particular focused unconditional love based emotion when united with heaven in the Holy Spirit. Will be wonders of all sacred kinds into this dream of life and death from the absolute "Mind of God". Always give thanks in the present tense to the totality of God's Glory everywhere. Make sure you attune yourselves to the dimensions of unlimited abundance offered constantly in goodwill without pause or recriminations to no one. To abuse this power afforded to every entity soul leaves you exposed to karma rather than the immunity of heavenly grace. Amen.                                                                                                                      ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact "Atrayo" directly. 

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Comment by Atrayo on May 18, 2016 at 1:32pm

Thank you Ali for stopping by and enjoying the message. Be Blessed. :o)

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