"Jewels of Truth" Reading From Volumes 1 & 2 on Love and Lovers

Hello All Lovers of Life,

Welcome all my new readers to this St. Valentine holiday special entry. With a hearty thank you for my long standing readers that enjoy my inspired vocation in life.

Today I thought I would do something special instead of sharing one solitary statement from my recent spiritual wisdom writings. I was thinking why not offer several statements from both of my published volumes of the "Jewels of Truth" series. To wet our appetites for passions in life be it a person or a chosen expression of the object of our greatest love in life. I'll start off with excerpts from Volume 1 the "Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within" with the topics of Love & Lovers. Followed by Volume 2  the "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul" with the identical topics of Love & Lovers. Let me know which volume you like best in the series be it the first or the latter second volume.

Do enjoy the material and may it inspire your poetic love life with that special someone closest to you. Namaste.



When you truly encounter someone that will be your future lover on this Earth. And your eyes gaze into each other your souls are remembering what was, and by your sacred permission on a mutual basis what will be once more. Building that former relationship where you both last left off in total celestial bliss. Such is the taste of profound intimacy for an eternal soul that transcends beyond humanity, but to all other species of life.  


Love is the intoxication of God.
Absolute love; heals absolutely.
All tribulations fade when exposed to total Love.
Love is the softest balm any soul can feel, and the sweetest taste Life has to offer all.
The amount of love you can receive is the measure of love you can give.

Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1 pg. 47 & 49



When two lovers gaze into each others star gazed eyes. Both Heaven and Earth pass away from their own combined reality. Where entire unspoken symphonies of absolute Love are exchanged to each other. As if a sacred serenade has become beholden in this blessed instant that occurs between them both. This and so much more intensity is the unconditional love God(dess) constantly exchanges throughout all life in Creation.

Unfortunately only a minority become intimate with this form of Divine Love in any given lifetime, although it is always open to all. That is why lovers always tread here in the bosom of God(dess). Or as it is best known as the "Garden of Eden". Amen.


Wherever your love is, so is your Heaven made manifest before your very eyes.
Love is the ultimate absolute magical force known for its benevolence throughout Creation. Amen.
To love fully and well, especially unconditionally. Is to usher forth the fragrance of heaven into your life. Heaven can be brought anywhere there is a lover of life. Like the glass blower creating a masterpiece. Love is shaped and formed by the purest of desires of a nurturing goodwill. Such a lovers grace for ones own divinity can invoke the "Will of Heaven" where glories will be established as needed. That is the power of "Heaven and Earth" in holy matrimony that has moved mountains across the ages of time forever more. Amen.

Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul, Volume 2 pg. 99, 100, 101

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