I honour you who came before us. To give life in your time, so we can carry on your line. May you be blessed in the life you have lived, so that we may follow in your footsteps.

Dear ancestors. Although I have no knowledge of what you have faced and overcome in your time, I pledge support for you were successful in bringing a joyous and well fulfilling life to me. Thank you for your continuation of the reincarnation cycle, for those who honoured your well being have made a gem out of who you are.

I am in humble appreciation, awed by your memory of love as it stands upon the alter of friendship and achievements. Somehow we are all connected, and together, in this moment, I thank you for the people you have become. Giving soulful animation in loving memory to the spirit of life from within us all.

With your blessing, I seek to enlighten others upon the pathways of life and the journey ahead of us. Not everyone has an easy road to discover their purpose, but all of us have the god given right to do so. I will go fourth and empower the land to seek for healing and companionship as you have done. May we freely travel with the name of love as our shepherd and soul awakening as our eternal guide.

You are not alone in the peace you have promised us so we may live in your stead. I admire the courage you have brought fourth to ensure we are always standing tall. Together with you by my side, as equals within the eternal embrace of god, I sacrifice thoughts upon the winds of change to never let your time here be forgotten.

You mean the world to me, this one. And I will do my best to ensure my place here on planet Earth is respected and commemorated. In tribute to all who deserve no more or less than their name sake hath come fourth to show itself, so mote it be.

A sacred star, a guardian of hope and promise. Let this night invite you to manifest yourself in the shadow of our success, so we may live in its glory and grace. For you have given us the means to do so, brought up in the image of thus, our eternal creation.

This Day of the Dead, I honour my family, who gave birth to a living miracle. This day of the dead, I honour my birth as a tribute to our presence among the living souls who have rested upon the surface of Gaia. This day of the dead, I honour the life vested into me by the great beyond and the worlds of eternal possibility.

I come fourth as a messenger, to shine the light of this, our world, in our time, onto any who who would seek our co-creation in harmonious abundance. Let your will be known. This day of the dead, I give power to all who came before me in the collective consciousness of the celebration of Samhain. Thy presence welcome, thy souls harvested in peaceful coexistence.

Rapturous Maximous.

Views: 264


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Comment by Sirian Starlight on November 12, 2022 at 4:04am

I think that is an awesome study of the arcane arts to be honest. And it has a lot of rich history. Some of which the natives have preserved for generations.

Comment by Linda M. on November 8, 2022 at 7:20pm

Well, celebrating and honoring the dead, your relatives, friends, etc,is good. As for the witchy aspect, I'm a kitchen witch, so I have no problem with that.  I want to learn more about mexican witchcraft.

Comment by Sirian Starlight on November 8, 2022 at 4:18pm

What are your thoughts on it?

Comment by Linda M. on November 6, 2022 at 11:27am

I love this time of year, but it makes me chuckle a bit.  Day Of The Dead, has to do with Mexican Witchcraft.  So many people celebrate, but have no idea about origins.

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