Hello All,
Today is some bonus content for the very tail end of this month of March. While I have a moment to focus and channel subsequent material for you the spiritual reader to explore topics of faith and introspection of the divine.
The topics are on the conjunction of Mercy and Forgiveness as similar but distinct vulnerabilities of Inner strength. The 2nd statement topic is on the Preceptive Reality of the Divine and how we can mount a robust connection to it spiritually.
As always may you find the topics intriguing if not Inspirational on your spiritual journeys throughout the world. Amen.
Mercy & Forgiveness:
3221) There are many tenets to pursue upon this world that can cause great pause for the noble-hearted. That is with the handsome attributes as graces of Mercy and Forgiveness at large. Both are servants to heal disruptions of all manner of ill ease upon the human condition. Often as a tough love to remedy sickness of the spirit within in order to help overcome this troubling world altogether over time.
Each is a marvel of wondrous magnitudes of ever-widening vulnerabilities to uphold by the strong with great convictions at hand. Knowing full and well that each of these attributes has separate distinctions and yet qualifying similarities to unify by means of compassion.
This turbulent world is awash with hostilities both great and small in orders of degrees that leave the onlooker with vertigo. It is no wonder that what one objects to by being offended due to fearsome tenacity. Will upset the stoic person and the very sensitive emotionally in tandem when confronted with disgust. Such rotten negativity can easily consume oneself twisting and warping one's psyche against themselves and the world with great heartaches.
Acting with ill will as in vulgar hostilities towards loved ones, strangers, and certainly with enemies destroys the peace leaving Hell on Earth in its wake. Only the pious one be they a holy man, woman, innocent child, and creature can overcome such encountered hatred with utmost mercy and forgiveness in earnest.
Such restorative actions heal the heart, mind, and the holy spirit within each of us in complete and utter Oneness. The person cultivates a heavenly balm that for all intents and purposes is a gift or grace of a very Living God in your midst. Both Mercy and Forgiveness usher forth a solemn balance to enliven holy spirits and the very essence of God(dess) in each of us with intentional permission to ascend with mutual dignified justice.
By healing the perceived faults whether caused by senseless error(s), corruption(s), and any other harbinger of evil. Taking the Leap of Faith to overcome this world by surrendering your ego not looking for faults in the other aggressor. But, yearning and needing to break the dysfunctional cycle of fear, hate, and revenge altogether in life.
For when Mercy is granted selflessly it is a noble act of God from within your very soul. A magnanimous strength laced with piety and grandeur that is of a highly effective goodwill. It is an honor that when bestowed bears witness to the wrongdoer being released from their own perjury at hand.
In earnest with the vulnerability of truly rendered Forgiveness, it takes a total dissatisfaction with someone, a circumstance, or an event and releases it from sinking you into an abyss of your own making. It takes stalwart vigilance to release one's psyche and distrust of the offense to merely choose a better option through internalized compassion for oneself.
When otherwise emotional and mental hardships would wreck and poison your beauty that would wholly exist if no injury had occurred. Here lays the person or creature to behold a finer alternative that is sublime to merely walk away with integrity instead. Not to be goaded into a confrontation that all lose together no matter the stakes in question.
The vacuum of such pain and suffering becomes backfilled with such acts of divinity known as Mercy and Forgiveness as a unified front. Some can enact these convictions Immediately and countless others need to approach such internalized healing gradually. As if walking a private solitary path best accomplished with deeply personal reflections allowing moments of sorrow to be released with utmost tenderness involved.
Both Mercy and Forgiveness are acts of God that restore each of you as divine heirs into the Kingdom of God upon this chaotic world. Enacting a silent form of inquisitive justice that never boasts its kindness, but surrenders the ego assuming your divine role as earth angels instead. To share such an abundant healing allows for an everlasting Love of God(dess) to continually flourish without equal. This welcomes Heaven on Earth to take root not only upon this transitory world of humanity but also in your everlasting souls in and with God forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Preceptive Reality:
3185) All of reality is both real and unreal simultaneously beyond merely what is observed but by whom is observing equally in tandem. This conundrum unravels upon itself several unknown paradoxes by sublime means possible and impossible. As life is often declared spiritually to be an impossibility that this universe shouldn't even exist. But, alas here we are united in an Omnipresence known as God it, her, and his macro totality.
Regardless of whichever reality in question, you feel tethered to the most at any given moment of your days and your endless lives together with us the Heavenly Host. Each of you is afforded a deeply personal connection to the divine that no one can alter not even God itself. For it would contradict his own edict or Divine Law of unique expressions of each entity.
However, what is objective to God is alone absolutely unified constantly unto every other divine truth forever. What is transitory as illusionary exists and it doesn't for a time and a space that is also subject to interpretations and reinterpretations ad nauseam.
Often what is fiction to humanity is only impossible for a short while until either by technological means it is disproven as total facts. This is true of the theorems of the sciences and the supremacy of highly evolved spiritual masters known as avatars. What is sacrosanct to one religious tradition can easily become disputed and called into question as heresy. Regardless of the merits involved and thus myopic rationales are encouraged in spite of greater looming truths at large.
The basis of human civilization is faulty at best if not utterly corrupt by criminal tendencies. To ingratiate at the pinnacle classes what should otherwise be the communal property of welfare. Pure anything on earth by humanity leads to disaster when it is applied in theory and practice. Only by means of half measures of moderated compromises can Heaven on Earth as the Wuji of the Ying & Yang be found forever.
Nonetheless, the afterlives thrive on the impossible scales of divinity as enlightened tracts of what is otherwise extraordinary in godly angelic nature. These expressions as paradoxes and greater than these conundrums defy the rationale and the known dwarf infantile spiritualities combined on earth by humanity to date.
What is impossible to humanity in any given epoch soon gradually becomes developed either by ethereal spiritual magicks or scientific-technological means. Whichever comes first unto the reality of mortal creatures such as the semi-sentient simian apes of humanity. This is what passes from one series of generations of fundamental understandings until it is grasped by other epochs of civilization by means of temporal occurrences.
Humanity has access to three pillars of the Soul Growth of God upon the world and Creation at large. These are the three legs to the stool to attempt to reach the metaphysical angels by faith as nascent spiritual children. They are the foremost spiritual devotional faith regardless of religion or any other tradition on Earth. Second, the clairvoyant powers of the Highest Self aka the Holy Ghost of God upon each of you.
With higher echelon senses of spiritual sight (Clairvoyance), hearing (Clairaudience), taste (Clairgustance), smell (Clairalienance), touch (Clairsentience), and knowing (Claircognizant). Thus the six spiritual or otherwise metaphysical senses of your ghost auric body are wholly intertwined with your carnal flesh human mortal temporal body here on Earth.
The third stool leg is the study and practice of divine and/or elemental magicks to perturb or influence reality with your divinity. Whether used for good, neutrality, or evil your karma will echo the consequences of your intents and actions upon this transitory world. These are the trio of metaphysical bridges of faith, intuitive, and magical powers of the Soul of God available to the brave of heart. To evolve past primary human barbaric tendencies for greater exalted divine inheritance upon the world.
Only the meek follow the herd spiritually without questioning all of reality as the norms, taboos, and the sacrosanct altogether with respect to personal spiritual evolution. Thus the wheat is separated by the chaff with those courageous enough to explore the Inner worlds without falling prey to ancient wickedness. The path of the penitent heart is difficult and lonely at times but full of the Glory of God at every possible turn.
The road to perdition is easy and alluring at first absent-minded of the consequences that can harm the guilty and innocent alike. It is the base of a pyramid wide at the bottom but narrows at the top pinnacle. Where only the animalistic barbaric competitive few ever reach the very lonely top as the capstone.
The inverse occurs for the beneficent supplicant of God where struggle and hardship and myriad forms of character-building long-suffering are encountered. Here the pyramid is inverted upside down the pinnacle top is at the very base full of responsibility. Only by trekking with virtue and gratitude does one begin to overcome the world with the angelic heavenly host and your blessed ancestors. Here success arrives as an open-ended Glory of an Everlasting God(dess) the pyramid of power at the pinnacle end is the very wide base of the triangle itself.
What is fictional to humanity is only a fading of the senses a temporary setback at least when robust self-development is pursued earnestly. Otherwise, self-delusions often lead to forms of zealotry and subsequently madness of the ego mind. When wisdom is coupled with beauty from within there creativity is found to recreate your local environment into the very plausible as the 3rd-way philosophy. Where all parties involved reach a modest success as the greatest final inheritor of these pursuits is God itself spiritually.
No one is denied by God prematurely to access the blessed realms spiritually by solemn faith. However, the righteous must earn their way in the very beginning as the inverted pyramid indicates as a modular formula of personal character. By stripping away the ego although not completely but developing altruistic tendencies of mutual inclusive compassion. Unexpected blessings begin to occur randomly over the path of a lifetime spelled in decades (ie 20+ years) as a journeyman of dedication to the pious spiritual life. Regardless if one is married to a monastic life with a religious institution or not as a hermit solitary by faith.
Those willing to suffer with compassionate dignity, not for the sake of masochism. But for a greater character-building personality by means of discipline as a regime of grace on Earth. Begin to realize that the heavenly currency of the hereafter is unconditional love as utmost reverence and adulations as praise to God(dess). With consecrated private acts of generosity whether in personal self-mastery and/or charitable giving whichever is more plausible to the supplicant in life as the seeker of faith.
No one is truly lost that seeks redemption no matter how bastardized it may seem at the first dear child of God. Half measures over the years lead to greater personal revelations of the wondrous heavens in your common midst as a State of perpetual divinity all around you constantly. By the very act of compounding your efforts in years and subsequent decades, holiness binds to you as a second skin of living graces.
Here is when life becomes remarkably magical where divine order yields to predominant encounters out of the ordinary. That only reinforces the beauty within your heart and mind. Yes, misery will still exist in the world if you aren't careful and lose temporarily your divine center. You can start to wallow in stress and depression if you misplace your tethered moorings of the faith-filled blessed lifestyle. Daily devotions as prayer, contemplative meditations, and the use of life-affirming blessed affirmations are basic tools to cultivate your divinity in this world.
Allow for your intuitive impulses balanced with your non-emotional mindfulness to afford a better rationale to bring you filtered pathways of better living practices. Over time with the cooperation of trusted fellows, you can come to understand that reality is perceived from within foremost.
To do the opposite and live by the whims of approvals of others leads to a life of misery tied to the capricious egos of foolish people indeed. God within always approves of you absolutely forever with true and pure blessed love everlasting like no other entity upon Creation altogether. Let this be your ardent perfect truth to defy this or any other reality perceived as real or fictitious and in that, you are home in a forever paradise of your own cultivated beginnings. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
To be astonished is one of the surest ways of not growing old too quickly. ---Sidone-Gabrielle Colette.
Change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things. ---Barrack Obama.
My Religion is kindness. ---H.H. (His Holiness) The 19th Dalai Lama.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 17 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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