
Today is a Holy Day!

I do not know how to say-

You came my way.

As I lay on my bed;

Dreaming of Our Lady in red!


(art by howarddavidjohnson)

I awoke!

Did almost choke!

Right above me-

Calling to my Soul to see!

You told me it was time to come further Awake!

Chants and sayings, You did make!

Inside my solar plexus, seemed to quake!


I, from a deep slumber arose

A new sensation from head to toes.

As if cracking from inside an egg would go!

You connected to my solar plexus;

I never knew it had so many flexus!


(art by Deligaris)

You said unto me-

Let Your love Be

Awaken the Love inside Me!

So familiar, so pure, so true!

I realized that I am Awake on this Earth realm, too!

I wanted to go back to sleep and awake up in the Winter Blue!

No, that is not what I have promised our Lady and Them!

I must remain calm and grow within!

Many tasks must be accomlished before Gaia returns to Her original way of spin!

Twin Flame unites starts deep down in-

You are uniting with me and have for many years I realize!

So many times I did think I was having a fantasize!


(art not credited?-found on google/yahoo search)

Male of my Soul

I continue to Awake in Your Love and Feel so Whole!

Divine Love is not same as Earth bound love;

Divine Love may change but never dies-let it free to fly like a dove!

The Divine Will for Twin Flames to unite as One;

Is Stronger than what that of the Sun!

For if I fight and go change,

Divine Will takes control and can make things seem insane!

So- Your Ka has come to me!

I am so much gratitude and love be

To let the love from You Awaken the love in me!

I love you eternally!


(art by _Wildatart24)

(written by margaretburns 4/10/14)


(my photo taken today 4/10/14)


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