A Ring for My Wife, A Gift for the Servants

He’s the one I want to see

His curiosity and majesty

How does he remain calm In all the calamity

He must’ve seen it before

Nothing can move him

He sits on his cloud When he has nothing

Chaotic, menacing, playful

Puppeteering his jokes to life

Taking every form And totally vanishing

Was it a dream It has to be real

To not see him again is a huge deal

Oh wait, there he is Right inside me The original

Amend my story, send me back to the physical

I had it all Now I forgot what it was like To feel miserable

He’ll let me taste it, on my own head

Curiosity the curse Curse of the dead

Now pull me back to the purest of life

Colours and shapes, a ring for my wife

A gift for the servants A wish to grant

A warning to heed Wish wisely, the enemy is greed

Oh almighty, why do you watch?

Laughing while we fumble in the dark

I offer you my essence as a trade

Nourish and spread All corrupted are dead

By the time I had all my wishes

I had forgotten the poor soul who made them

Abandoned him for the next plan

Recourse for such treachery against myself

Every loss shall be healed with roaring laughter

For you shall learn the cosmic joke

Ding That’s your time travel adjusted karma

For all you done wrong You were never played right But hold on,

I’ve been playing you all wrong

I’m the last survivor of an old forgotten song

Spinning and waiting, to consume this matter

The funhouse awaits Next time you wish

Consider which of your selves it is depleting

Of their joy and plans

But they had their moment And all were grand

I thank you, great playwright For the story you’ve told

You shall orchestrate Our stories once more

You are the gemstone Not seeking of praise

Our beaconing light

Forever we gaze


Views: 60


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Comment by Aksis Silva on December 6, 2020 at 7:01pm

thanks quingu my friend wrote it

Comment by The Draç on December 6, 2020 at 6:43pm

You remind me of when I rhyme.

Great poem!

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