Atrayo's Blog – July 2013 Archive (10)

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Vigilance"


Those with a vigilant heart must always uphold the truth for the common good. Doing so permits transparency of the masses so as to govern with prudence and wise counsel. If the populace does not hold a government, a corporation, or any other institution in check. Than gross negligence, abuses of the system, or crimes will be committed without regard to safety, property, or the utmost general welfare for…


Added by Atrayo on July 30, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All,

Again it seems I have left this segment of "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month" to the very end. As the Summer heat wave grips the country if not certain parts of the world. I hope many of you are finding yourself well hydrated and protected from the intense rays of the sun.

Today's all original trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements written originally back in early January 2010. Are on the topics of the…


Added by Atrayo on July 28, 2013 at 9:28am — No Comments

"Atrayo's Oracle" Turns 8 Years Old!

Hello All,

With a happy heart I'm proud to say "Atrayo's Oracle" has turned 8 years old here at Google's Blogger service. I would have not had an inkling that I would be around for 8 years time online. I'm happy to say I'm glad I was proven very wrong. For when I first started "Atrayo's Oracle" I was two years out from publishing my first book ever of "Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within", Volume 1".

Today I continue the joy of sharing the…


Added by Atrayo on July 25, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Child of God"

Child of God:

What is this mystery we call God and of such as it is expressed through life? Well it is a splendor if one permits it to be in regards of their own willful temperament. Only by a personal choice can life become a total form of a living awe and worship to God(dess). However for those that choose to live in doubt and fear. Will only choose to harvest such darkness from their collectiv…

Added by Atrayo on July 23, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Prosperity"


Often those who seek wealth are told to enrich their attitudes using a belief system of prosperity consciousness. But what does this mean to one who truly is foreign to its concept and dynamics? Basically it is molding the Infinite spiritual energy within their being to work in parallel with the laws of metaphysics expressed in moderate conduct.

In turn they will prime the pump of t…

Added by Atrayo on July 20, 2013 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Life"


Keep your mind on solid practical ground in order to maintain a sincere balance. However allow your heart to connect to your soul where the heavens will pour into your spirit. Allowing creative forces to marshal to your aid as a form of awakening your purpose in this one life.

Live your dreams, but do so in a harmony with this world that will permit you not only to succeed. But to thrive where it is applicable. This is the manner…


Added by Atrayo on July 18, 2013 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: “Science Has No Room For The Boundless"

Hello All,

I hope many of you are enjoying the Summer season albeit here in Florida where I reside its been soggy. Our annual tropical rainy season is in full swing presently, such as from late June into early September. Nonetheless today’s solitary "Jewels of Truth" statement in the series of #1511 is on the topic of "Science”. How the limits of science are encountered as a mode of thought in making our collective lives better. However at what cost and…


Added by Atrayo on July 16, 2013 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Love"


Absolute love; heals absolutely. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within", Volume 1 pg. 47

Added by Atrayo on July 14, 2013 at 5:12pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Free Will"

What we call free will is a tremendous gift from God. This gift is but a chance to fulfill our role in life for the highest good of all. Or we can ruin this gift by wasting ourselves and our environment around us into oblivion. However a God(dess) of absolute Love will always redeem us with the benefit of a grace that is everlasting. Do we exercise this gift of "Free Will" with prudence or do we waste it by our own personal misgivings…


Added by Atrayo on July 8, 2013 at 4:18pm — No Comments

Jewels of Truth Statement: "The Revival of the Heart"

Hello All,

I seem to be writing more frequently it seems. I hope your enjoying the material at hand. Be it the spiritual wisdom all of original works of my own doing. Including those of you with a worthy curiosity and fascination of this world of ours. By means of my futurist innovative views that may provide commercial, governmental, and certainly societal opportunities.

A little spiritual and religious background on myself if I haven't made it clearly defined in my…


Added by Atrayo on July 8, 2013 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

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