The Draç's Blog (808)

The Archangel Samael (Chief of Satans) III

The Art of War, we seek for peace.

To be a God, or to be discrete.

To love is to be numb, I feel the slightest touch.

To rely on those is like leaning on a crutch.

To determine, to weigh souls, we to and fro.

Back from Sirius up through the constellation Bow.

Chasing the Stars, it was a front.

In order to be free, it's a must to smoke blunts.

Afternoon delight, our scars run deep.

The two… Continue

Added by The Draç on November 24, 2019 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Sirian Amphibians

The wave like blood, it circulates towards the heart.

Continuing to read to look that smart.

The scorching fires, the heaviest of them all.

Lucky that Cinderella made it to the ball.

Surprisingly fell short of the Glory of God.

Shapeshifting at will, back into the dog.

The Cloud 9 jouney, we move through the mist.

Loving the touch of my cheek, after she turns and kiss.

For our rights, we preach, we lay…


Added by The Draç on November 24, 2019 at 10:30am — No Comments

Hollywood No More (Last Incarnation)

At the Throne in which I give my last plea.

To die an honourable death, got shot during a shooting spree.

To feed is to want, I cut off my tongue.

So cold from within, I'm not about having fun.

To continue down this path, I'll glady accept my fate.

Not willing to be with the (one), no more going on dates.

At stake is the World, I wish for one thing.

To die in the Pit and continue to feel pain.

As I say this… Continue

Added by The Draç on November 18, 2019 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Master Guide(s)

The Eater of Worlds, light cannot escape.

To continue to work by the eventual due date.

Our fate aligned, we look to the sky.

As if we were designed to be that high.

In line, we wait, our souls fragment over time.

Praying for happiness while listening to Sublime.

In which, I love, I cannot run.

My Master Guide wanting to have all the fun.

With love, my heart, it beats to the max.

Our souls… Continue

Added by The Draç on November 18, 2019 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Red Kingú Legacy (II)

For the love of God, we continue to burn.

From Iblis to Mohammad, we're kick to the curb.

Align, we're high, Draco speaks with me.

Being the one accused of a light shooting spree.

Denounced, we're right, we rise to the top.

With the power of 5, our enemies' souls continue to pop.

I stop, I find, I ignore all what was said.

Being like Christ, thats fed with immortal bread.

Added by The Draç on November 17, 2019 at 11:30am — No Comments

My Wish (Incarnations)

To lie is to test and to ride with the best.

Incest, inbred, the gun filled with led.

Alone, it hurts, my soul laid to rest.

Acting as if I had to be the one to invest.

No trust, I'm fine, the World filled with lies.

The last time I said my only goodbye.

Back to the stars, Thuban I come.

Knowing I'm not the one from the "Bun".

Ignore, it's right, I have no more love.

Trusting that God, that one up… Continue

Added by The Draç on November 14, 2019 at 7:00am — No Comments

The Babylonian Gods

The rich become meek and the poor then rise.

The Babylonian Gods under one disguise.

The fruit of their works is so sweet.

Acting as if they're the one to be beat.

Angelic woes, the Seraphim then abide.

The marriage of man and women is a complete lie.

To drink is to lust, the prophets then bleed.

In order for the Whore to continue to feed.

Added by The Draç on November 12, 2019 at 11:22am — 2 Comments

Lord Kingù Nungal (The Death Angel) VI

Those that live in fear, it's time to earn your keep.

From the Asiatic Bloodline, the story gets deep.

From Dubhe, the humans continue to mourn.

Being the one who is likely only going to score.

His name is Hor, we then look to fight.

An angel that's bright, then turns into Satan at night.

Uptight, the deceased line up to get judged.

Your honor looking like he'll never be the one to budge.

Added by The Draç on November 10, 2019 at 3:12pm — No Comments

Lord Kingù Nungal (The Death Angel) V

Smoking ashes from the smouldering dust.

Praising God like the symbol plus.

The cross ignores all that don't believe.

Hoping to God that we continue to see.

The Beast that rises from the one and only seas.

The Nectar Gods' whose symbol is the eternal bee.

We eat the scroll then raise our heads.

Déjà vu like we're laying in bed.

"Jinx", after what was then said.

Turning our souls into gold from… Continue

Added by The Draç on November 7, 2019 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Lord Kingù Nungal (The Death Angel) IV

The crowd in the Heavens sway from side to side.

Working within the lines, we learn to abide.…


Added by The Draç on October 31, 2019 at 4:51pm — No Comments

The End (M42)

Fire and brimestone, my fate then awaits.

The lake of fire, my soul then breaks.…


Added by The Draç on October 31, 2019 at 2:38pm — No Comments

Side Effects


Added by The Draç on October 30, 2019 at 11:00am — No Comments

Eternal Damnation

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever,"…


Added by The Draç on October 27, 2019 at 8:30am — No Comments

Altair Affairs

Soaring towards the sunset, my thoughts coming through.

Staring in his eyes as if he had a…


Added by The Draç on October 26, 2019 at 11:51am — 1 Comment

The Archangel Lucifer/Samael (Cheif of Satans)


Added by The Draç on October 24, 2019 at 1:30pm — No Comments

"Holy, Holy, Holy"

Our flames ignites, as the sacrifice turns right.

On my knees after our flight, I begin to pray at…


Added by The Draç on October 23, 2019 at 12:23pm — No Comments

The Ancient Cherub (Twinflame Love)

I wish her the best, she's fine as the Sun.

Together we race after Aldebaran the Bun.…


Added by The Draç on October 21, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments

Sin City (Redemption)

The rights were mine, I then ignite the soul.

Making it to Heaven is my one and only goal.…


Added by The Draç on October 20, 2019 at 9:09am — No Comments

Death's Wish

As Lucifer fell, the Angel Samael felt.

The Bottomless Pit underneath Orion's Belt.…


Added by The Draç on October 19, 2019 at 4:00pm — No Comments

My Draconian Wish


Added by The Draç on October 18, 2019 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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Pumpkin Cookies

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Simple spell to tie your man down

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The Treasure Hunt

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the Curse

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Posted by Rosey Cross on September 7, 2024 at 5:57pm 1 Comment

The Rule of Two

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Why So Sirius?

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Cult of Souls: Shiite

Posted by The Draç on August 23, 2024 at 11:00am 0 Comments


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