  • Male
  • United States
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Gender, any & all.
Male, Androgynous
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U.S/ (Ohio)
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I found the site via a Google search on the Illuminati. I have been researching "occult" things on my own for a number of years now, and have found very few people who were both interested in nonscientific research and intelligent, creative, and open-minded enough to do it well. This site seems to have a good philosophy behind it, and it uses iconography (the intersecting ascending and descending tetrahedra, though I thought of it in terms of triangles) which I relate to Illumism and feel comfortable with. I also struggle to have meaningful relations with people now, as my interests lie so far afield of what most people are thinking about on a day-to day basis. This site seems to emphasize interaction between PEOPLE rather than just exchange of information, and I think it would be good for me to be part of a community rather than a lone wolf on the lunatic fringe.
About Myself & My Interests...
I am a polymath, polyglot, and autodidact. I am interested in just about everything, though my main areas of interest are Mathematics (and Logic, which I group as one), Philosophy, and Computer Science. I am currently in school majoring in mathematics and CS with a minor in philosophy. I also write poetry and essays, sing, play guitar, draw, play Ultimate Frisbee, bike... I can't really list everything, but those are many of the big ones.

I am also very interested in strategy games, and game theory in general. I play or have played seriously: Chess, Go, Starcraft 1 and 2, Super Smash Brothers... I currently devote most of my strategy game time to Magic the Gathering, which I play competitively and fairly regularly.

I love to learn and to grow- I particularly love to clash my knowledge, prowess, and will against those of others in competition or debate. I always feel that I gain the most from being tested and forced to apply myself, and I also greatly enjoy this.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
My parents- Never taught me anything about religion, leaving me to figure it out for myself. They taught me to respect and love others and to have an internal locus of control.

(high school) Sophomore English Teacher- Mr. Clarkson- held students to an incredibly high standard of performance and taught extreme logical rigor. Made us pay attention to all minutiae of writing to ensure that we said exactly what we meant- nothing more, nothing less. Helped develop my already existing drive for excellence.

I have had very few mentor figures in my life, as most of the adults and authority figures I encountered seemed to be either much less intelligent than me, less mature than me, or both.

I also had a 7th-8th grade science teacher who inspired wonder in me, and a 4th grade reading teacher who encouraged my love of reading. A high school engineering teacher and German teacher were also fairly influential. I currently am working with a professor of mathematics at my university who is incredibly passionate about mathematics and about learning in general. His excitement is infectious and he is helping me to find a path for myself in mathematics, academics, and life in general.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
James Gleich's Chaos, James Gleich's Information, Dune, Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, Chimerascope, The Wind's 12 Quarters, Stranger in a Strange Land, Amnesia Moon,Lev Grossman's The Magicians Trilogy, "G(o)del, Escher, Bach" , The Golden Compass Trilogy, Cat's Cradle, The Star Thrower, Aldous Huxley's Island, Anathem, Waiting for Godot, Knots, the Dao of Pooh, The Great Chain of Being, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, An Anthropologist on Mars, the Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, A Song of Fire and Ice (series), Understanding Our Mind, Myths to Live By, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the Illuminatus! Trilogy, Job: A Comedy of Justice, The Lathe of Heaven, Foundation Trilogy, The Light of Other Days, The Book of Lies

I'm sure I'll think of more. Hard to put those in any order.
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
Faded Paper Figures, The Radio Dept. , Black Moth Super Rainbow, Blink 182, Coheed and Cambria, Metric, The Shins, Freelance Whales, Starfucker, Above and Beyond, Imogen Heap, Crystal Castles, Deathcab for Cutie, Fleet Foxes, Omnia, Kaki King, Joni Mitchell, mewithoutyou, Takehiko Yamada (Kingdom Hearts Piano Collection), Why, Wylde Olde Souls, Thursday, Thrice, The Used, Tobacco, Sufjan Stevens

(perhaps more that I have forgotten or only like a few songs by)
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
I am not a big film buff. I have some favorites, though.

The Matrix, Paprika, I Heart Huckabees, Watchmen, Holy Mountain... I feel like there must be 5-10 more but I can't bring them to mind at the moment.

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At 12:40pm on November 18, 2014, Bryan said…

Thanks for joining us. Enjoy yourself here :)


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