Change Kyllonen
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United States, Texas
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I would like to see what other's insights and reflections are, and may be in things related to the esoteric mysteries. I've had many synchronicities that clearly reflect an institutional feel for the notion i may be on to something quite "huge" when it comes to Man's history and origins in the cosmos, let alone on the Earth Plane itself. Many of these said insights are definitely not of my own making since I've come across many, even personally, whom share these visions. I'm from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in the U.S. where millions of pounds of copper have been mined and has "mysteriously" gone unaccounted for in the records of history. Since the latter is written by "the victors" I find this intriguing and suspicious. It is assumed, quite assuredly i will find much connections in my travels here. Although my "journey" started out as a conspiracy theorist, I've graduated from such blind ignorance into the mysteries themselves. With that said, I respect One's own journey and views and am not here to propogate, egotistically, this mind's insights. I am here to converse with like and open minds knowing mutual compromise solves more problems than denial. I also know that the best escape from any shackles and or proverbial prison is to learn from those that know the route themselves if not from the liberated themselves. Despite our differences only two types of people walk this planet, those of self-service, via ego, and those serving others, via Spiritual Heart. I'm not here to bring religion into the picture, at least dogmatically , any more than I would politics. They never the longest threads in social media and they are rarely mature discussions. However I'm well aware that certain groups in all of history have had power driven intentions and Truth becomes all too often kept secret. It may sound theorist, but my insights and instincts speak in an entirely different direction than most would think. This lacks in subjective opinion and is so shared by many of like heart and mind that I would most likely be labeled part of the conspiracy most of the general public seen privy to. Being a native of the land where the copper culture originated, my life makes Neo's and Alice's journeys seem parallel to my own. Copper ( the purest on the planet) being found from there in places around the globe seem to validate my research and obviously Egypt and MesoAmerica have their hands in this. With that said, that is how I come across this site...... "Coincidentally." Re-researching material i come across 19 years ago which became the mortar upon the cornerstone of my journey. As of now there's no weak house of cards here and is holding strong like a large stone edifice during a deluge.
About Myself & My Interests...
Hard to say much more about me in simple terms more than that stated above and not pre-scribing information more relevant for the inquiries below. However I was born (according to a lineage and kings list chart in a Peter Lemesurier book on the Great Pyramid) on October 14th and circumstantial evidence claims a certain Avatar of Spiritual philosophy was baptised on a Tuesday in 29 ad on that day. The year I was born was also a Tuesday and find it only proverbially comical since "rebirth" is the whole motive of the latter practice and I know I'm no second coming but astrology, albeit esoterically not new age charlatanism, makes it clear this fact is why my life has gone the way it has. Everything from a passing mother and her visitations to me (skepticism respected and understood), to all the synchronicities that , via Butterfly Effect, lead me here typing this. Something big is happening and even my paternal grandfather made a random out of the blue comment on the notion one day and he's about as old-school as they come. I feel at the depths of my being in at least part of its manifestation of not a major element itself. I love the outdoors and can't get enough of it and find it ironic our natural existence scares most from consideration. This connection to the sphere we live in lead me to two seasons as a marina attendant on Isle Royale in Lake Superior and a full year in Big Bend, Texas. Both are national parks. I reside in Texas now and enjoy my three+ year sabbatical from Great Lakes winters. Slowly growing out of the fanatical stage in still a hockey fan and prefer online skates to biking and driving. Anything outdoors is my preference, and leisurely reading and sharing insights is my agenda. Friends, family and a good beer cannot be denied.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
Too many "favorites" to mention, at least academically, but to name a couple i enjoyed my fifth grade homeroom teacher since she really took to her mind heart my poetry skills back then and never disciplined me for my self awarded drawing time and skills. Often i'd have up to a third of the class standing around my desk watching me draw. Don't fully understand their position but artists rarely are never their worst critic. My other favorite, aside from every single art teacher I've had, would be my sixth grade social studies teacher. I could always tell he had a problem with his curricular obligations and the "facts" staring up at him. He somehow managed a lengthy career tossing in open minded opinions bordering philosophy without facing judgement from the academic pecking order. He was also the chess class and music appreciation teacher and it rarely ever felt like going to school in his classroom. Should synchronicity have its way either teacher would instantly know this was about them because of the middle school attended but student and year may fog memory. Aside from the exceptions I've pretty much come out of the womb in objective Sherlock Holmes mode and questioned everything told to me, according to my dad and others, so with my dad's own philosophies and social rebellion to conformity i had a hard time in school because if it wasn't self evident or made convincing sense i had a hard time retaining information. If it didn't "sit" it didn't "set." One third grade teacher had me suspended from post lunch recess to write a thousand times ( hard to forget such traumas) "I will not ask questions during class" for annoying her with my scrutiny since she obviously saw she had no idea how any of the data proved or meant anything practical. Students absorbing this credibility descent also rebelled minutely but it's safe to add their misinformed parents had battle plans. I was rewarded for my diligence. It remains today but not out of stubbornness but out of parallels with the changing paradigm. Great minds think alike and I'm here to meet more of only just one. Collective shifts usually happen in its novice years in small numbers before credibility tips scales.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Oh boy....shorter than the so list but over time this will be added to but at start and so far books by and about G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, Carlos Castenada, Boris Mouravieff, Micael Ledwith, Amit Goswami, Terrence McKenna, Manly P Hall, Jon Milo Duquette, Edgar Cayce and Franz Barden to name a few. If be here til the "1,000 years of peace" typing book names. Ones read eventually will be noted.
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
I really don't discriminate music since I've almost found at least one song in any genre i like.......except heavy- & death- metal. Nothing spiritual or soulful would likely be comfortable to even remotely enjoy.
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, for now and definitely at the top of the grading list, and Keanu Reeves and Sir Patrick....?.....the guy from star trek who played professor X in X-Men. You can tell by the way he talks and carries himself he's a brilliant and wise soul. Will Smith too, definitely.
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:
Alex Grey, hands down. Ego aside, my own arts pretty good. Haha
Website: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any favourites?

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At 5:36am on October 14, 2021, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 11:30am on October 14, 2018, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 9:35pm on November 15, 2017, kyst said…

Welcome to the Temple Illuminatus ! ( : Please do make your self at home and enjoy the many discussions & groups we have here ... I am sure you will find many that with you .....feel free at any time to jump right in...And share your thoughts....or experiences... join a discussion or start your own..... If you have any questions we the admin team are here to help..... I look forward to future posts you share and getting to know more about you..... ( : Have a lovely eve!


At 3:24pm on November 12, 2017, SunKat said…

At 3:20pm on November 10, 2017, Minque Paw said…


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The Treasure Hunt

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the Curse

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Why So Sirius?

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Posted by Rosey Cross on August 10, 2024 at 5:32pm 0 Comments


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