Dying to live. Abandoning all for everything. Diving into darkness to discover light's essence. Extinguishing the soul with fire. Gorge in indulgent denial of ultimate ecstasy to acheive unending infinitesmal Planck seconds of overwhelming euphoria. Endure and endear unbearable pain to embody impossible pleasure made manifest in flesh. Become hunted prey of the yawning abyss to digest and assimilate predation. Dive headlong into oblivion with reckless abandon to find the center of substantial serenity. Drown in the black waters of the cold cosmos, so frigid it boils the warmth from blood, evaporating life's essence into the void itself. The disintegrated flesh of material being sloughs off of the mortal coil, becoming a vaporous cloud dissipating to stretch across all reality until each entangled atom has reached the edge of the chaotic limits of infinity. At the very brink of obliteration, as total annihilation sets in, the subtle vibrations of being reform in a conformal, concentric transubstantiation of a self unknown to all that is or every will be, both of the continuity of corporeal existence and the incoporeal limitlessness within the imagination of a bornless, boundless, supranatural, preexistant, deification of sefless, conscious being.

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