satya prakash bagaria


new delhi,delhi


Profile Information:

Gender, any & all.
Area location: Country with Optional State, Province etc.
New Delhi, India
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
Help myself self realize
About Myself & My Interests...
Am 57 years old, with a family living in new delhi, india. Working on myself to free myself from the recycle of birth and death.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
Have gone through a few teachers in my quest for self realization and now am fully satisfied and convinced that i was under the right guidance of Dr. Amit Jain of CFEL (World Center For Enlightened Living) teaching GNOSIS to fulfill my quest.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Not a Avid reader. Now read some articles of V.M Master Samael books.
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
Spiritual, Nature, Frequency etc
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
Spiritual & Motivational
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:
Website: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any favourites?

Comment Wall:

  • Leila Raven

  • Miku Miyamoto

    namaskār, satya prakash bagaria !

    Thank you so much for

    (the Quote of Krishnamurti ji I have posted.)

     I feel glad. My name is Miku. I am pleased to meet you.

  • Richard Creager

    Thank you for the warm welcome.

  • Miku Miyamoto

    Your group. What do you do??
    Please let me know in detail. :)

  • Robin Gregory-Hagemeyer

    Thank you Satya. I'll check in when I have a minute. With love always.

  • Niss

    Thank you for adding me. I am feeling lost and am looking for guidance in my new journey.
  • Luciana A.Schlei


  • Dollygolightly

    Thank you for the welcome :)
  • the Thanatokos

    Thanks, Satya.

  • Octo Altair

    Thank-you for your polite comment. Much appreciated. :)

  • Dancing in a Sea of Crystals

    Hello Satya. Thank you very much for the warm welcome. Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)

  • Mishla

    Thank you Satya for such a kind and warm welcome. Sending you blessings of love, light & laughter!

  • L. Love

    Thank you for the birthday wishes and your beautiful blessings :)  Much love to you :)

  • Mlle Daphne

    Thank you for the welcome. Blessings...

  • Richard Creager

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  • Barrie Briggs

    We are all one and therefore all friends.  May peace be with you. Barrie

  • Flameater

    Thank you for the birthday wish Satya. Blessings to you both in the nice tall hats! :)

  • Sopdet

    Sorry it took so long to reply.  Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.

  • Ernie Hopkins

    Thanks!!! :-)

  • Catherine Sarah Hislop

    thank you

  • DjNothinNice

    Thank you for the happy b day

  • Atrayo

    Thank you Kindly brother Satya for the birthday wishes. May all your endeavors be fruitful. Namaste, Atrayo.

  • Selena Acevedo

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes :)

  • SunKat

  • Debbie

    I see it's your birthday ;} 

  • Debbie

    You are so welcome ;}

  • Yeh Kongchao


  • Star Child

    Thank you for the birthday wishes and that delicious looking cake!

  • Meceu

    Thanks for your bd cake it seems delicious :D

  • Michelle Loddy

    thank you so much needed that today :}

  • kyst

  • SunKat

  • SunKat