By Ridge Keough

The 5th dimensional reality is becoming a frequency in which humanity is growing into everyday. Our sights, smells, tastes are all changing as we raise our vibration to match that of the 5th dimension. Heightened states of awareness, compassion, and knowledge are all just beginning to flourish.

As our sensory systems align to higher frequencies, we gain more awareness of the multitude of dimensions. To be cognitively engaged in the 5th dimension allows us the ability to peer into that dimension. It does not mean that you are functioning in that dimension; just your thoughts believe that you are grasping the “reality” of it. Let’s get a brief understanding of how we got to the 5th dimension.

Dimensional Light

If the 3D world is all a hologram or illusion, we never are truly engaged in that dimensional field, but rather we are superimposed in that field like a shadow. If we partake in each dimension like a shadow, what happens when we shine light on ourselves or the dimension? Science says that light exist in two states simultaneously: electromagnetic waves and linear stream of particles called photons. Light is nothing more than an electromagnetic frequency (dimension) that is temporarily interacting with another dimension(s) which is why it can have two states simultaneously. Light actually is able to exist in all dimensions simultaneously; however, this cannot be proved yet. What we are experiencing as light is the result of these states of energy. Just like all three dimensions existing in the same point in space, so does the many dimensions of light. Like the human experience, the light we know so well is nothing more than the diffraction of this composition. Our illumination on this matter is just a grain of sand in the galaxy. What happens when our belief system is struck hard enough to crack the very grain of sand and re-arrange the atomic structure?


The journey of the soul is perceived by a three dimension construct and is limited to dark and light; as above, so below. The part of the galaxy you are in holds such duality. Even the nature of your being is in duality. You exist yet you do not. Your spirit exists yet you cannot see it. The center of this galaxy you call the great central sun is composed of a binary star that is two parts. This star is creating the foundation for which the rest of the galaxy is designed for the simple reason of its push/pull. There are a few other basic laws that define your reality and this only work in the first three dimensions. When we go to higher dimensions, we do not have all of the laws of physics apply.

The First Six Dimensions

Each dimension exists for a different reason with no two alike. It is speculated that an infinite number of dimensions exist in a vacuum called space. They all have there own rules and behaviors interweaving with each other yet never touching. Some are superhighways for energy while others are constructs to have an experience. Whatever the reason for the dimension, it is beyond our scope of understanding. To try and explain would be like talking about a space ship to a person in the 12th century. Let’s describe and examine the first six dimensions that exist in this hologram.

In the zero dimension or null, there is a constriction of energy. It is just a point in space with no mass. It exists more to be a place marker for the following dimensions than anything else. Think of the zero dimensions like a GPS coordinate that gives a specific location for a body of energy to exist. Without the null dimension, there can be no hologram. In numerology, a number 0 is a space holder.

In the first dimension we get some room to breath. It is rather linear in its design since there is no other dimension except the null. (And the null is a rather boring dimension) if the zero dimension is a point in space than the first is a plane that is only as wide as the point. The plane will stay in the same linearity with you perception no matter how you try to grasp more of it because it simply cannot show you more. It cannot be more than single plane for that is what it is. In numerology, the 1 is new beginnings.

Now we are starting to get really exciting for we have yet another addition to the dimensions. This new dimension; the second, adds breadth to the singular plane of the first. It gives the ability to finally create the depth and concrete substance to the way we perceive the first, building upon the finite element of the first. With the first two dimensions (plus null dimension) in place, we see the second dimension as something that is similar to a pane of paper. When we look at a piece of paper from its side, it becomes solid, impermeable and looks like a line. When the paper is flipped onto its writing surface, we see it as a large area but have no concept beyond length and width. It’s only when we bring in the 3rd dimension into play do we conceptualize the fullness of all the three. In numerology, the 2 is duality- humanity vs. divine.

The third dimension is one that gives the height to the length and width, the final step needed to create an area that can have mass (this doesn’t mean it will have mass only that it can). We take for granted the third dimension as something that just is. We came unto the earth with the full perception needed to have the first 3 dimensions activated and open. The third becomes solidified thought. The 3 dimension makes everything more “dense” and vibrate slower. The slower the vibrations, the more our thoughts perceive this a solid structure. All of these (s)lower vibrations help form the dualism of being in human form. If you look at light, it is a frequency that vibrates so fast, that it carries no structure yet it exists.

The three dimensions give us the ability to have an experience on earth without the ongoing communion with spirit- that comes in the next two dimensions. In Numerology, a 3 is a catalyst number and tells us that we would not be, if not for the 3rd dimension.

The next dimension up for grabs is the fourth. It is hard for us to understand the quantum shift that takes place with the 4th dimension but let’s say it is considered a place to be and to transfer energy. The quantum state allows many dualities to exist that when looked at from the 3rd dimension, make no sense. The 4th dimension has no objective except to create space for the next seven dimensions. It anchors all the energies on planet and sets the conditions for the existence of man. The 4th dimension prepares us to work with the higher dimensions and allows us to be on this planet in whatever energy we wish to use. It is considered a bridge dimension. If you remember back to the beginning, we mentioned how many of the dimensions were nothing more than a way to transfer energy and so the 4th is doing just that. Very simply, the fourth dimension is creating an environment for two way communications with the high frequencies of light. It also allows communication with Gaia, spirit, and any other being of light like ascended masters.

Remember that ascended masters once shared this third dimensional plane until they ascended into a higher dimension, they still are here in the third, yet vibrate at a higher dimension so we cannot see them only feel them. Seeing is a third dimensional sensory organ. Those who say they are seeing higher dimensions are doing so through a limited scope of the eyes, the pineal, and chakra system. The chakra system which extends out over 50 feet and has 144 levels to it, takes frequencies that are of a higher dimension and shifts them down so we can perceive them through the pineal and if the DNA has been raised enough, the eyes.

So the fourth is the land and the bridge to the higher dimensions. This land bridge allows us bi- directional flow of energy from the 5th-12th dimensions. In numerology, the 4 is mother earth energy, the physical world and things based in structure.

The 5th dimension completely changes the attributes of Gaia and humanity. When this is fully incorporated, there will be less need to learn as we come into the body fully awake and remembering all we have done. We feel and are a part of the Akash so the lessons of 3D don’t apply. The incessant want and need are gone as we become the master manifesters. With the mastery of self, comes the wisdom and knowledge to apply manifestation in a loving way. We shift to being in service like the Pleadians had done a hundred thousand years ago. We choose how to be and what planet to be in. The hologram of the lower dimensions has no pull. We graduate into the 5th dimension and draw it in around us, becoming one with energy. In numerology, the 5 is change.

Evolution through frequency

When we raise our vibration, we tell our spirit that we are evolving and are ready to receive more light. When we are working in the first three dimensions, we can only send information to spirit and not receive it back- this is how the veil works and it has been done through magnetics and intention. Your light was used in the creation of the veil. You and billions of other beings all came together and created this magnetic field and the dynamics needed to partake in Gaia. You decided to keep your DNA in two states separated by the veil and held for you by Gaia in the crystal cave or Akash. It’s easy to take DNA and separate the12 layers when we use magnetism and intention. The hard part is understanding that there are 12 layers.

The dimensions, light, planets, everything is here to help us have experience. We don’t need to label all the minutia or try and figure everything out- we can’t when we are coming from the 3D perspective. What we can do is work on the lessons and come from a loving, compassionate place. Life and the dimensions as we understand them, are a mirror to our personal experience. No two fingerprints, dimensions, or experiences are alike. Enjoy the ride knowing there are many parts of you in many dimensions doing the same.

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