By Samantha Cifelli, M.S.,

As one becomes spiritually aware, it is easy to get caught up with our eternal nature and spirituality as a whole, going “down the rabbit hole” in a sense. However, it is innately necessary to not lose sight of our physical presence within this incarnation. It is true that we are not our bodies; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This, however, does not negate our physical presence. Though we are more than our bodies, our bodies are what allow us to exist in this earthly plane. They are the reason why we are able to incarnate here in the first place, perform our lightwork, and contribute to the overall ascension or the rise in consciousness currently taking place at this critical point in Earth’s history. Our bodies love us unconditionally. Coming from someone who suffered for years with eating disorders and an inner critic who constantly belittled and bullied my vessel, this is extremely humbling. Even through all the torment I bestowed upon my body, my body was still there for me, never held anything against me, and loved me all the way. It is time for us to collectively give back to our bodies the love they have so freely given us through our lifetime. It is time for us to be present with them, their pain, their struggles, and ask how we can be of service to them, as they have served us all these years.

In my last article, I discussed the importance of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual detoxification. As we cleanse ourselves energetically, we raise our frequency while creating space for newer, higher energies. One way for us to energetically detox is through the use of a higher frequency diet, one which is heavy in organic fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, herbs, spices, and whole grains. Nutrition directly affects our physical aspect, our physical body and manifestation. However, in the knowingness that we are integrated, holistic beings from a body, mind, emotion, and spirit perspective, nutrition will indirectly touch upon these other layers of Self, helping us to achieve healing on each level and to ascend within our being. Using nutrition to assist our detoxification process is a beautiful way to show our bodies the love, presence, and care they so deeply deserve but have been collectively denied.

As we detoxify, we will experience various ascension symptoms touching upon each aspect of Self. On a spiritual level, we become continuously aware of our true, Divine essence. We let go of old spiritual paradigms or beliefs as we remember who we truly are. This allows for continuous spiritual wisdom to flow through our crown and integrate into our being. On a mental level, we are more aware of the nature of our ego and the inner critic, who back talks us, puts us down, and makes us feel less than through the use of words and thoughts. On an emotional level, our lower, suppressed emotions resurface in order to be expressed, moved through, and, ultimately, transmuted back to Source. Lastly, on a physical level, any physical issues, including dormant symptoms, will begin to dissipate.

When we commit to our healing journey, we may anticipate that our healing will be portrayed by a straight trajectory upwards. This is, continuous, progressive movement. This is largely a misconception, however, as perceived regressions do and will occur. Without an understanding of the underlying mechanism behind these perceived regressions as well as their purpose, our minds may latch on, keeping us in a downward spiral. With understanding comes clarity, through the ups and the downs. There is purpose to your downs, and they are what allow you to progress even further from your original starting point and last achieved “high.” In essence, we cannot have highs without lows.

The Fibonacci sequence provides us with the opportunity to understand our growth and expansion. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes as follows: 0,1,1,2,3,5 and so on. The Fibonacci sequence has been found to exist in nature; flowers, hurricanes, animals, and galaxies are just some examples, offering us another parallel among nature, math, and our collective experience. The Fibonacci spiral is the connection of quarter circles which are drawn within an array of squares with the Fibonacci numbers for dimensions.

Nutrition And The Fibonacci Sequence

Analyzing this spiral provides a parallel to our own ascension process and the journey we may experience when we commit to bettering our health and to using nutrition to assist our detoxification process. Notice how with each downward spiral, the next turn upwards is even greater. We are progressively ascending and evolving, and our downward turns allow us to expand even more so from where we began. The highs, represented in the sequence by 3, 5, 21, and 34, symbolize the perceived easy progression on our journey. Our diet may be clean, but more so that it is just clean, it is that it is not a struggle to eat this way. We want to eat clean and have lost our cravings to unhealthy foods. We may have this overall feeling of self-confidence and everything going well for us, until we inevitably reach our lows, that is. The lows in this spiral are signified by 1,2, 8, and 13. Lows follow our highs, and vice versa. In these stretches, as related to food, our unhealthy cravings may resurface. It may be more of a struggle to eat healthy, simply because we lost the ease in doing so. When days ago it was so simple, so effortless, now it is a chore and something that is forced. We may give into our cravings and then feel guilty for doing so. Negative emotions and thought processes may resurface once again. This all can put us in a state of feeling badly about our progress, leaving us to wonder what went wrong. We may not be consciously aware of the purpose of this low, and this is where clarity of the Fibonacci sequence and spiral comes into play.

The purpose of our lows is to serve our growth and expansion. It is harder to grow from our highs than from our lows. In our highs, we feel this newer, higher frequency and desire to stay there and further ascend. Our lows are what allow us to do just that, as we must further purge our suppressed emotions by diving deeper into them, transmute more negative thoughts, and integrate lessons by revisiting them, over and over, until we finally “get it.” Our karma is cleared. This process can be difficult as our lows have us consistently revisit our pain in new and deeper ways, but with clarity we can understand the purpose of this, that we must face our fears and our shadows until they no longer hold power over us and an associated negative frequency which we have held onto for years. From here, we transcend to our new high, pushing the threshold of joy to a place we have never previously experienced. Ultimately, this journey is entirely freeing. No longer will you be a slave to your pain and your fears. At first, you may negatively anticipate your lows, but eventually, you will understand and even appreciate them for serving you along your journey and allowing you to grow, evolve, and change into the person you were born to be.

Our journey is every bit cyclical. This is not only applied to our journey with food, nutrition, and health but to our ascension process as a whole. Next time you are in a bad stretch, commune with yourself. See what lessons you are visiting or revisiting, and see how this is ultimately serving you by allowing you to face yourself, hold your pain in your heart, and give back to your inner child what he or she so desperately needs. Allow your process, for resistance will keep you stuck. Know that your pain is temporary. Be proud of yourself for how far you have come, how much you have grown. Eventually, what ails you now will no longer be of relevance, and you will be presented with even more lessons to learn and other reasons to grow. With each step, you will have more clarity, peace, and understanding of your journey. The voice of your soul will grow stronger and stronger, holding you in the dark and letting you know that all is well.

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