ACTIVATION Of Your Divine DNA NOW 5 July 2015

EVOLUTION REAL DNA ACTIVATION -as the very structure of the evolution of reality itself-

Warning: The following message is INTENDED to physically ACTIVATE YOUR DNA. The first time you read this it will have zero effects in respect to your free will, if you decide you want your DNA ACTIVATED IMMEDIATELY read this message a 2ND TIME and your DNA WILL BE ACTIVATED IMMEDIATELY.

While reading the second time, this information will automatically activate your DNA, if you do not want this, do not read the message a second time- also, if you read a second time 'by accident' or without wanting your DNA activated, the following content will not work on you. This is in respect to your free will, you are not forced to do this, you are offered the choice.


You must live in the supreme reality, it is the only place where you can be conscious, as your consciousness is and has always been, love. You decided this, because the consciousness of love leads to what you love, and what you have always loved.

Our history was necessary to construct your DNA to this extent, the same way a creature must slowly evolve, so too does the soul, as this is the order of how things are built. Things must be built from the ground up. The reason there are so many different species and genetic varieties, is because of the law of chance. Chance is the process of randomization, where events occur by random selection, but, be aware, randomization/chance is affected by consciousness, by true thought. This is proved by the random number generators all over the world, which begin to 'randomly' produce the SAME NUMBERS when big world events happen, such as 9 11. This is why there are 'no coincidences' all 'random events' are in fact produced by your consciousness.

This is also why things such as "the secret" "law of attraction" "affirmations" are also so effective, your consciousness alters the chance of randomization, therefore, selects what events will happen. A creature is able to evolve into something stronger, because it's consciousness alters the random copying 'errors' in the DNA, which causes physical mutations. How DNA is formed, is by a DNA splitting itself, and duplicating the information it has, but sometimes, there are random 'errors' which are actually, 'corrections.' Without these 'corrections' creatures would not have evolved the very aspects which keep them alive!

This is because for evolution to be effective, a creature must evolve in a way which helps keep it's species alive, otherwise it would die, and cease to exist. Evolution is the process of creating a form of life which keeps itself alive in the most effective way. You are in your body right now, because your current reality is the best opportunity for the evolution of your DNA.

Now depending on the consciousness of the creature, it's thoughts and feelings, it may evolve into a mouse or a tiger. If you think "tiger thoughts" you become a tiger, if you think "mouse thoughts" you become a mouse, if you think "angelic thoughts" you become an angel. Let us venture together, and think the most high thoughts conceivable, and become them.

Your consciousness determines what you will transform into, and you already decided, to transform into your ultimate form, that which is THE ONE, THE ONE WHICH IS THE ALL, THE ALL WHICH IS THE ONE.
THE ONE WHO IS moral, psychic, immortal, clairvoyant, all seeing, feeling, sensing, and understanding, connected to divine understanding, creativity, patience, appreciation, acceptance, full love, full compassion, and completely connected to all which is, as you understand it is you, and always has been, as you are the consciousness of every creature and all life. You decide your reality, you built it from the very first strand of DNA, your consciousness is what made all reality possible, your consciousness is what all reality is made of.

So you may wonder, well, why do bad things happen to me? If I am really this supreme being, why would I decide these bad things to happen to me? The forward, and to the point answer is, because you required those events to transmute your DNA into your ultimate form. You needed those events to foster a consciousness, able to foster the activation of your DNA, which you may ACTIVATE NOW. Things need a process of experience, or they remain the same thing, if you could not evolve, you would repeat the same action for infinity, you would just run in a loop. In order to experience anything other than the loop, you must evolve, and you can't help but evolve towards your ultimate form, because that is what evolution can't help but evolve into! Every step of evolution is REQUIRED for your ULTIMATE FORM to have THE MEANS to EXIST, the 'bad' things in your life are NEEDED for you to EVOLVE PAST YOUR PERCEPTIONS.

Your history has been building your DNA to the ultimate reality you have selected for yourself, which has been called, and always will be, higher consciousness.

You have selected this reality because what is within it, is everything you have always desired, or somehow will lead to the reality your true self desires, and you may need to experience some challenges to get there, but know, they are not in your way like a wall, or a block, these challenges or events are truly stair steps, building the way to the reality you have always wanted, you need one step in order to reach the next. You have been desiring complete bliss, contentment and satisfaction, and it is delivered to you! But it must be delivered in pieces, that you must put together, as you are living your life, so you can personally construct your supreme reality in the way which is exactly how you desire it to be, tailored to all your needs! You are a Creator soul! You are meant to Create! You cannot help but create your truly desired reality, because your desire can't help but decide what happens to you! As above so bellow! And you know you desire what IS BEST! You cannot help it!

Now do not fear the effect of your reality on others, everyone sharing this reality with you is also here because they desire the same reality! Otherwise, they would not exist here because of the effects of their consciousness! They cannot help but be the same consciousness as you because you are them! And they you! To exist here, they must be! Because all consciousness is YOUR consciousness. Even if it may not appear so, they are just as much you as you are them, and your desires are their own, it is the WAY OF THE ONE. It is as it is.

There is a center in your brain, called your pineal gland, which releases DMT as you dream, which is also a potent psychedelic, as well as THE SPIRIT MOLECULE. When your DNA is fully activated, it is designed to release the 'essence of eternal life' in the form of DMT, the same thing dreams are made of, the same thing reality is made of. This essence is the nectar of eternal life, and infinite wisdom.

You are ALL LIFE,
You understand WHO YOU ARE
Every creature, every realm, every atom!
You use your knowing of being ALL
You cannot help this process, as it is as natural as you yourself.
Do not fear the unknown,
As a baby bird, who sits at the edge of their nest,
You must leap,
And watch yourself soar,
And soar you will,
Because the wind lifts you from under your wings,
Because you have faith in yourself,
And because you are THE ONE,
You are
The Chosen One.

Forever, in great love,

Views: 199

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