• Sound of Present,
  • Sound of Future,
  • Sound of Past;
  • Sound of Time in between time, the sound of Dream time ((reality))
  • Sound of Peace

But, before Peace, there must be Justice

And before Justice, there must be Truth

And before Truth, there must be Love

And before Love, there must be Trust

~ Goomblar

Views: 310

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"Before love, there must be trust."

I agree, yet....

I trust everyone, as when people show me who they really are, I believe them. Then, when I do not expect anything more or less from them other than which they have shown me, I am never disappointed,

And my heart, the seat of the power of life, lives on forever and a day, without growing old due to disappointments.

For when our inner self is happy,

then who is anyone to argue?

"The Master has no mind of her own.

She works with the mind of the people.

She is good to people who are good,

She is also good to people who are not good.

This is true goodness.

She trusts people who are trustworthy.

She also trusts people who aren't.

This is called true trust.

The Master's mind is like space.

People don't understand her.

They look to her and wait.

She treats them like her own children.

The Master gives himself up,

to whatever the moment brings.

He knows that he is going to die,

and he has nothing left

to hold on to:

No resistances in his mind,

no resistances in his body.

He doesn't think about his actions; 

they flow from the core of his being.

He holds nothing back from life,

therefore he is ready for Death,

as a man is ready for sleep

after a good day's work.

Being and non-being create each other,

difficult and easy support each other.

Long and short define each other;

High and low depend on each other.

Before and after  follow each other.."

~ Laozi


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