Preparing for Reiki

Reiki energy heals the whole person - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The physical part of the person is a dense body that can be perceived by sight and touch. The emotional, mental and spiritual parts of a person are nonphysical energy bodies comprised of Ki. These nonphysical bodies are intertwined with the health of the physical body. The Reiki principle is that healing cannot be to the physical alone, but must include all the vibrational energy bodies. Reiki healing, therefore, goes far beyond traditional western medicine, getting to the emotional, mental and spiritual sources of dis-ease. “Most metaphysical healers believe that all physical pain has nonphysical roots in emotional trauma, negative mental patterns, or spiritual despair.

To heal the dis-ease, these roots must be discovered and treated.” (Stern, 1995, p. 18) In preparing an individual for giving and receiving holistic healing, Dr. Usui passed on a set of simple rules to his students that were to be repeated and honored each day, thus making Reiki a way of life. This simple set of rules was later published by Takata and, while numerous versions have appeared through the years, each version carries the same powerful message:

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.  

Just for today I will not worry.  

Just for today I will not be angry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.  
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

Usui adopted these five principles from the guidelines for a fulfilled life laid down by the Meiji Emperor of Japan (1868-1912). These principles are considered stepping stones on the path to awareness.

The connecting thread running through these principles is a oneness of the individual and the universe. To communicate the importance of these principles, Reiki masters continue to harness the power of story.

For example, the following ancient story was recited by Reiki Master Osho Rajneesh in his teachings. While it specifically addresses giving thanks for many blessings, it builds on elements of the values expressed collectively by the set of Reiki principles: looking at life every day with new eyes, and finding a harmonious balance in the beautiful quest of life.


Views: 60

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you, it's very well written, well documented (and interesting!). As I am on my path to learn Reiki, I was very pleased to read about it here. Thank you again :)


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