The best way to connect with the faeries is to find a suitable place out in nature. This can be a wild little spot underneath your favourite tree in the garden, or a special area in a local park, by a river, in a wood, or by the sea. Wherever feels most comfortable and meaningful to you, and wherever you feel most inspired by the faeries.

Although most faeries are benevolent, there is a darker side to Faerie. Not to mention that even the most kindhearted of faeries can have a capricious, mischievous side to their nature as well! So it is usually best, at least when starting out, to cast a circle of protection around you while you meditate. A witch might cast a formal circle according to her own customs and rituals, while others might simply ask their guides, angels or deity for protection. A simple protective circle to cast is to visualize a circle of light around you, and summon an angel or protective guide to each quarter, North, East, South and West. Remember to dismiss the circle when you have finished (and to thank your guardians!)

Sitting in your chosen, protected spot, close your eyes and relax. Become aware of everything around you, experiencing this through all of your senses. For example, be aware of the warmth of the sun on your face. Listen to the running water of the river, or the leaves rustling in the breeze. Let your hands feel the grass or earth around you. Feel the bark of the tree you are resting against, and so on.

Let thoughts and feelings come to you. Do not force them or dwell on them; let them come and go like the ebb and flow of the tide.

Mentally ask the faeries for their guidance. Tell them you would like to work with them in whichever way pleases them. See if you receive any thoughts, words, images or messages. Don't worry if you do not get anything to start with; practice makes perfect!

Alternatively, you might like to try a guided meditation or visualisation to meet and connect with the faeries or a faerie queen. You can find such meditations in the various guide books available, or try the Sally Morningstar meditation below. It is best to try these in an area where you will not be disturbed, so favour your garden for this rather than a busy park!

When you wish to end your faerie connection, slowly root yourself back in the physical world and open your eyes when you are ready. Ground yourself by drinking some water or using a grounding crystal or stone. Write down your thoughts, feelings and experiences in a faerie journal.

As you develop your work with the Fey, you may receive messages and visions more easily. Remember though, if you ever get swept off to Faerieland, don't consume any of the food or drink offered to you, or you may never return!

Working with Faeries Through Meditation

Meditation, visualisation and pathworking are excellent ways to still the mind, focus on intent and slip into the realms of Faerie. Try this meditation from hedgewitch and author Sally Morningstar.

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