by StarStuffs

There are many animal kin listed here, many of which are not found in other websites. All the information contained herein is written by me upon contemplating the animal. The following is an extremely brief overview of some animals and their reflective energies. Above all learn to listen to your heart and hear your intuition in discerning your unique relationship with an animal totem. No one can give you the answers to your personal pathway and the connection to the animals that come to you. This web site encourages you to awaken your self by tapping into your own wisdom.

There are a wide variety of animal dictionaries available in bookstores, from Audubon's field guides to the mysticism/occult. Among the countless sources of information, this is to acquaint you with some of the qualities of our animal relatives.


Transformation of the spirit with spirit helpers, be aware to others who need assistance and for those who can help you. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures.


Transformation of the spirit, barracuda shows how to make your own way and follow your own path with strength and courage. Barracuda can teach a balance of action with inaction, rest and work, rest and play. He shows the power of actions and strength. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures.

Brittle Stars:

Teaches how to maneuver delicately and successfully in any situation. This creature is very agile and extremely strong. Brittle Star has amazing regenerative properties with an indication of coming back stronger and more abundant. If he comes to you something in your life may take a year to regenerate, but when it does, it will be better and more abundant. He shows how emotions can help propel you forward by tenacity and determination with slow and steady movements. It is a time to keep intuitions sharp and your outer "shell" hard. The wisdom of Brittle Stars aids in strengthen your resolve by the wisdom of emotions and your own inner fortitude and strength.


Teaches lessons of breath for health, persistence and durability, balancer of emotions, builder of dreams, teamwork and cooperation with others, time of action to build upon those long awaited dreams, may mean to go forth with plans. Beaver can show how to achieve by building with the necessary resources that are available to you. Are you being productive in matters? Working with the group instead of against? Looking at the bigger picture for new perspective? Are you neglecting your wants, needs, dreams?


Transformation of the spirit, time to discard what is not needed any more, teaches to have a greater sensitivity in communication. Listen and feel to what is going on around you. Catfish will teach discernment with heightened senses along with sharpening intuitions and feelings. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures.


Coral shows creation of a solid foundation in which to build upon. It provides knowledge when and where to start and it supports your endeavors with opportunities. It is about timing and patience. It shows a universal trust in being where you are supposed to. It asks you to plant the seeds in order create your world with perfect timing. The power of dreaming and creativity builds inner and outer beauty. It will show how the awareness of your own rhythm cultivates fertile ground for this new phase in life. Coral will help in being a stable platform for others by providing spiritual and emotional support. Coral medicine asks for trust in yourself and your path by slowing down and allowing the universal operations to happen naturally.


Crab shows how to keep protected on all levels; mental, spiritual, physical. She will show how to take hold of an idea to fully grasp the meaning. Are you holding on too tight or not tight enough? She will help you choose the action best for the moment. Sometimes lateral movement is better than no movement, trust her direction. Crab can teach to keep your emotions guarded as well as keeping your solar plexus energy center protected. Sensing the vibrations around you will aid in communication. She will show how to work together to meet all of your needs in work, home, family and friends. Feel the rhythm of life for when true comfort sets in creative potentialities will be born. Crab medicine will help growth even if it means to leave the old behind. If Crab is in fresh water, realize the freshness of your world. If Crab is salt water, it is time to add flavor to your life. She will teach much on guarding yourself but also the balance and movement you need to progress into the next phase.


Open new creative dimensions, curiosity, trust playfulness, breath and water needed for life, teaches how to be free, maneuverability, wisdom, harmony with surroundings, needs balancing, shows proper use of sounds and prayers, communication abilities, teaches trust and shows the power of rhythm and emotions may need some fresh air to release tensions, newness and joy. Are you calling to bring forth your wants and desires? Are you voicing and expressing your creative self? What are your words, thoughts and actions creating? Dolphin reminds us to balance work and play and let loose of tensions.


Transformation of the spirit, the type of fish reveals certain strengths and traits, fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures. (You can look for a specific fish on this site as well).


Transformation, abundance, new waters of life abounds, reminds of emotional connections to mental, teaches how to cleanse and adapt, Are you being bogged down in old ways, drowning in emotions? They can show you how to change and add the water you need in your life. Frog can teach you to get in touch with your feelings and emotions and wash negativity and doubts away. Are you listening to your feelings and the voice of your heart? Are you getting bogged down in life - maybe it's time to leap forward with a new start?

Goldfish - Koi

Transformation of the spirit, and shows how to bring peace and prosperity to your world. Goldfish will help you look for new opportunities and aiding you in taking advantage of them. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures.


Teaches how to move gracefully through emotions along with balancing the spiritual and physical worlds, teaches tenacity, endurance, patience and practicality, demonstrates the power and wisdom of timing. Hippo balances and integrates physical earthly properties with watery emotional ones along with stability and strength of movement. Hippo shows how to look beneath the surface of appearances when needed, teaches to access intuition to speak your truths, demonstrates agility in movements to navigate the waters of life. Are you balancing the physical and spiritual? Are you listening to your intuitions and what your emotions are saying? Do you allow the daily world to override your feelings? Hippo can teach how to survive in the balance by providing stability and awareness to your feelings.


Jellyfish speaks of simplifying your life. Go with the flow of the current and allow things to take their course. Trust the process. She shows how to rest in the earthly realm and not to rush. Life or mind chatter too hectic? Take a walk, get close to nature so you can see the world in a better light. In communication, your words and actions may sting others, however unintentional. She will help balance this forwardness with compassion. Jellyfish asks you heal the painful past. What is hurting your spirit? She assists in tackling challenges of the mind, body and spirit. She will help identify the areas for you - because it is time. Jellyfish may be very transparent but she shows the heart's truth, if you will follow it. This includes the pain and growth that may arise in the journey.


This small creature speaks of a time of purifying and detoxifying your life. Leech instills calmness with underlying activity still going on. Are you patient? Trust the process you cannot see. He directs you toward the Life force that gives strength and nourishment to your many faceted self. He teaches skills of being analytical, scientific and inventive. How are you using your skills and talents? He shows truth and knowledge of underlying esoteric wisdom. Solitary in nature, use this time to formulate a direction, a plan for the choices you must make. Leech helps balance independence with social situations to prevent isolation and mental apathy. Leech medicine will show how to manage sensitivities you may be experiencing.


Lobster, like Crab, shows how to keep protected on all levels; mental, spiritual, physical. He teaches guarding yourself with camouflage if needed along with balance and grounding. Progressing backward is sometimes needed to move forward, trust Lobster to show when and how to move into the next phase of your life. He will demonstrate how to use intuition and honing your senses. He gives you the skills to go deep into situations and hold on and/or let go if needed. Lobster's depth of feeling will show how to work together to meet all of your needs in work, home, family and friends; truth, honesty and openness will help heal. Feel the rhythm of life for when true comfort sets in creative potentialities will be born. Lobster medicine will help growth even if it means to leave the old behind.


Marlin shows the power of being alone with confidence that demonstrates an inward peaceful strength. His sensitivity in the emotional realms and changing of pressures of daily life will show how to move with high bursts of speed and endurance. Communication tact and the very power of words play an important part of what Marlin teaches. He shows what is on the surface is sometimes the best spiritual nourishment. Marlin shows how to be powerful and use mental or emotional acrobatics when needed. For clearing non conducive energies, it may take up to four times of repeated occurrences to heal. Past lives may be explored to find answers. Marlin shows balance of night and day with the moon playing an important part in the cycle. Be aware of the colors; blue, black, white or striped will lend more meaning to your encounter of this swiftly moving creature.


Orca teaches abilities of entering the depths of the mind and emotions, accessing ancient memories buried deep within, recognizing the power of vibrational energy and aids to heighten intuition and perceptions. Orca can help you discover your own personal "song of the soul" that until now has been hidden. Orca teaches how to swim in life with grace and strength and dive the depths of your being. This animal demonstrates creativity and joy, aids in accessing personal freedom, teaches empowerment, heightens ability to heal with sound and song, and allows access to unconscious memories for health, healing and personal discovery. It is a time to carefully listen to your dreams and visions for Orca will teach you the mystery of your inner depths.


Playfulness, joy, togetherness, curiosity, awakening, creativity, imagination, healing wisdom, awareness, faithfulness, love of the young, life can be fun with the right attitude, do something special to awaken the joy in your life. Otter teaches the power of the feminine and the balance that is needed for the masculine side. Are you clinging to old thoughts, perceptions and feelings? It's time to look at things from a fresh perspective. Make time to awaken your inner child and remember that natural joy.


Transformation of the spirit, shows how to feel and sense others, will help clarify issues in life. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Salmon teaches using intuitions and instincts and listening to the stillness. Do you currently feel stuck? Salmon demonstrates a time to rest and a time to move. Salmon can show how to swim into new adventures. She teaches survival, migration and movement, journeys, beginnings and endings. Which stage are you currently in? Salmon shows how to cope with physical transformation during this transition time. Salmon's lesson covers 1-3 months so have patience as you adapt. She will show how to integrate the changes with a perfect sense of timing as well as finding where you truly belong. Salmon will guide you in this journey of the mind, body and spirit.

Sand Dollars:

Coordinated action, movements and motivation. Rigid exterior is needed. Sand Dollar shows that constant change is expected and there is freedom in this movement. She aids in the stages of metamorphosis and the new stages coming your way. Tests will begin to appear, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Her colors will help guide, green-healing, blue-emotional or purple-spiritual. She shows how to make the transition from surface to burrowing actions. What is just under the surface? Are you streamlining your activities? Sand Dollar demonstrates the power of likes and similarities. Are you socializing with like-gendered friends? Sand Dollar will teach much on internal fortitude in your transformation in all areas of your life.

Sea Anemone:

Sea Anemone is a meat eating animal that will teach the power to capture and obtain ideas. They exhibit great patience in getting what it needs to survive. Anemone will show how to keep centered and instill faith of Spirit's timing, how to discover new doorways and opportunities and any precautions and hidden dangers that could arise. It's time to be cautious, don't make rash assumptions as things are not usually as they are appear to be. Trust in the water of emotions and be still in the knowledge you possess. Sea Anemone will teach how to balance anxiousness with temperance, aware of the ebbing and flowing of communication and relationships.

Sea Cucumbers:

Heightened communication, emphasizing hormone levels along with unconscious signals and nerves. Sea Cucumber demonstrates an attention to emotions. Ability to change from rigid to soft by utilizing emotional balance. She shows how to remain firm in tight or delicate situations. Great movement with minimum amount of energy. Watch for potential symbiotic relationships to form. Do you withdrawal and retract yourself when you feel threatened? She will teach you when to guard your emotional self. Is it time to create a tough exterior? She will show how to build up your defenses, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Sea Horse:

Caution, patience, grounding, time to take on different roles than accustomed to, time to observe watch and move slowly with awareness, keep eyes forward and mind focused. Lessons of protection, peace, grace and emotional clarification and nourishing qualities for yourself and others. Sea Horse awakens the male/female balance of duties and responsibilities. Aids in bringing forth romance and deeper connections to relationships. Is it time reverse roles from provider to one who nurtures? Do you need to be more understanding towards friends and family? It is time to be aware of the watery emotions of others. Sea horse will aid in this balance.

Sea Lions/Seals:

Seal Lions are more mobile on land, has external ears. Seals are more at home in the water, does not have external ears just small openings. This lends to hearing and balance of paying attention to the inner voice. Association with water which is the creative, feminine, imaginative. Helps the inner creative imagination and inspiration balance with outer realities. Movement, playful, busy, one needs balance.

Sea Urchins:

Teaches discernment and the art of underlying circumstances. Slow and methodical, she shows how to maneuver with tenacity and patience. Nothing is impossible when Urchin is guiding you. Monitor defense mechanisms. Do you have tough exterior and soft inside? Urchin will teach this balance of rough and tender. Evolution, metamorphosis and new developments are highlighted with Sea Urchin medicine. She teaches ways of extracting information out of the rubble of the mind and of day to day activities. Care of your feet, physical movement and grounding properties hallmark Urchin's meaning. Listen to the color of the Sea Urchin for this will aid in understanding.


Transformation of the spirit, teaches how to swim the currents of a busy life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Shark teaches how to accomplish "impossible" tasks by utilizing discernment and trust.


Skates are very similar to Stingrays, however there are a few differences in the tail, fins and sizes of these cousins. Many qualities of Stingray medicine still applies. However, the uniqueness of Skate teaches less mobility in your actions and endeavors. Perhaps it is a time to safely contemplate your next direction. He will show the importance of meditation and the power of awareness in your surroundings. It is time to carefully observe while the seeds (the eggs) of new ventures are being planned. Skate demonstrates showing how to display and use the many "thorns" that are available. Are you using your presence, your voice, your assertiveness when you should? Are you in need of a "thicker skin" to deal with life's situations? Skate shows discernment, aids in communication and knowing when to act. He also teaches the power of observation, awareness and heightened senses so that you may move with grace and style.

Starfish/Sea Stars:

Teaches how to maneuver successfully in any situation. This creature is very agile and extremely strong. Starfish has amazing regenerative properties with an indication of coming back stronger and more abundant. If Starfish comes to you something in your life may take a year to regenerate, but when it does, it will be better and more abundant. Starfish shows how emotions can help propel you forward by tenacity and determination with slow and steady movements. It is a time to keep intuitions sharp and your outer "shell" hard. The wisdom of Starfish aids in strengthen your resolve by the wisdom of emotions and your own inner fortitude and strength.


Stingrays show how to maneuver with grace, style and elegance in the watery depths of emotions. Stingray will teach the importance of undulating and persistent movements in life. He will demonstrate the importance of regularly cleaning and cleanliness; to clear and maintain the clutter at home and work, to clean, balance and center your emotional and spiritual beingness. Stingrays teach the art of camouflage and blending in. Are you acclimating to your surroundings? Stingray's adaptation abilities will aid in transitions. This is also a time to drink plenty of fresh water and pay attention to salt and overall food intake. Stingray will show the balance of nutritional needs. Are you being too defensive or not being defensive enough? He will show how and when to use the venomous spines to strike effectively. Have you started a new endeavor recently? He shows that in 2-4 months ideas will come to fruition and be alive with possibilities. Stingray shows that movements in life must be balanced with sharp action and graceful tenacity.


Inner awakening, creation, movement, strong sense of family, sprout in creative imagination, reaching within or outside to find inspiration, don't hold back your endeavors, be strong and move swiftly. Whale shows how to dive deep within to awaken your creativity, imagination and intuition. He teaches awakening inspiration so you can see your own beauty reflected into the world. It is time to create you own song, your own rhythm in which for creative imagining takes place. Are you using your true creativity? Whale will teach how to access the power and magic of the creative - emotional - passionate force.

Views: 104

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Very informative, thanks, Sunkat!


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