There are many animal kin listed here, many of which are not found in other websites. All the information contained herein is written by me upon contemplating the animal. The following is an extremely brief overview of some animals and their reflective energies. Above all learn to listen to your heart and hear your intuition in discerning your unique relationship with an animal totem. No one can give you the answers to your personal pathway and the connection to the animals that come to you. This web site encourages you to awaken your self by tapping into your own wisdom.
There are a wide variety of animal dictionaries available in bookstores, from Audubon's field guides to the mysticism/occult. Among the countless sources of information, this is to acquaint you with some of the qualities of our animal relatives.
Ant teaches a sense of community, social structures, industriousness a sense of provision. Ant shows how to create by planning and discipline and patience with endurance. Shows a promise of success through efforts and hard work and diligence. It may be a time for planning and preparation. Are you working together as a whole? Are you adding new things to life in some way? Do you have patience to endure? Ant can give you skills needed to be successfully.
Aphid teaches the importance of nourishment; spiritual, emotional and physical. Are your basic needs being met? Is it time to jumpstart your metabolism? She shows the importance of a balanced diet with plenty of water. Eat to replenish water balance. She shows the balance of physical and spiritual needs as well as introducing additional feminine aspects to help balance the masculine. She shows how to communicate your needs effectively as well as using your instincts and intuition of body language. Trust your feelings. She teaches perseverance and tenacity to obtain your goals. Aphid demonstrates how to defend your position by being adamant, immovable and unwavering. She says, "No compromising allowed." Part of Aphid's medicine is about self-empowerment. You have all that is needed within and it's time to seek and find. She demonstrates resourcefulness, riding the winds of change and making the absolute best of the situation. Use what is considered a "waste product" to your sweetest advantage. Be optimistic, positive; find the "liquid sugar", the hidden gem. What has begun as "winter" emerges as "spring". The time period for Aphid's lessons span 20-40 days. Within this time period, Aphid's medicine will support body, mind and spiritual self-authority. She validates what you already know and have neglected to do.
Beetles aid in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth - rebirth of the soul to a new spiritual ideal and renewed devotion. This animal teaches harmony in the coming changes by utilizing your intuitive abilities and teaches discernment where you need it the most. Beetles have a protective quality that will aid in the ability to socialize and communicate effectively by illuminating problems and situations in the correct perspective. Are you eating correctly? Now is the time to examine eating habits. Can you identify which stage of development are you in egg/larva/pupa/adult?. Is it time to fly or walk in life? Beetle will teach persistence with charm, trust in the process, proper movement and actions which allows the regeneration of your spirit to prosper.
Busiest and most useful of insects so it is time to examine your own productivity in life (mentally, physically, spiritually), shows how to communicate effectively, teaches how to carry loads and ideas to make them productive, teaches concentration and empowerment with lightness and agility. Are you reaping the honey of life by your dreams and opportunities? Are you productive in your actions? Dedication, working with others and working hard will propel you towards your goals.
Major transformations and transmutations taking place, outcome is different than expected. Symbol of joy, color, gentleness, lightness, and change in life. Awakens us to dance on the winds of life, teaches that growth doesn't have to be painful, allows us to discover the important issues in life for conscious transformation. Can you discern what is important right now? Don't sweat the small stuff, be joyful and thankful for your blessings.
The infant stage prior to transformation, teaches patience that all things will come to fruition in nature's time and not before, perfect timing and time of growth and harvesting, preparation period. Notice how you are moving like the caterpillar; inching along, resting, rapidly moving, pausing now and then. Caterpillar qualities will show one should move for the moment. His lessons of movement and preparedness is for the greater good of the transformation that will be arriving. Are you ready?
Cicadas aid in your emergence of You and understanding who you are by uncovering hidden truths and secrets that have been long forgotten. Usually this knowledge is just below the surface so listen to Cicada for he will teach where and how to look. Cicadas will help in the phase of birth, death and rebirth. Which part of the 13-17 year phase are you in? Cicadas will also teach the art of the communication using song or the written word. He will aid in transforming your own voice into an amplification of your heart and your desires to sing your own light. Are you living each moment in the "Now"? Are you to ready emerge from the illusion into the light of truth and understanding? Cicada will teach much if you are patient.
Cockroach teaches the art of adaptability and ultimate survival instincts under any conditions making this creature an emotional and spiritual shape shifter. He will teach perseverance and tenacity along with going with the flow of events. Cockroach applies determination and fortitude to survive in any event. The wisdom of Cockroach teaches how to keep in touch with the world around you, shows how to strengthen vitality and quickness of movement, ability to discern when and how to move, and make use of available resources. Are you looking into the recesses of your spirit for answers? Are digging deep enough to find what is hidden? Are you adapting to recent circumstances as well as you could? It time for Cockroach to teach the art of adapting and finding what is hidden.
Cricket will attune to new vibrations and will aid in heightening intuition, sensitivity and awareness. Crickets can teach effective communication techniques and subconsciousness communication cues to obtain what is needed or wanted. Crickets are about resurrection and transformation from stages as in the molting process. Is it time to shed old ideas to make way for the new? Expect changes and new developments that will bring growth through reflection and patience as the sensitivity to mental, emotional and physical challenges are coming your way. Are you singing your song to be heard at this time? Is it time to rest in contemplation or jump toward your intended target whether it be at work, in relationships, or personal goal and dream? Cricket will help in finding the right balance of action using intuition and subtle awareness.
Deer Fly:
Deer Fly teaches lesson of development in all areas. It's the journey not the destinations that are important here. She helps ground oneself in nature by helping contemplate the earth, ground and mud. There is balance of emotions and the spiritual along with physical and mental. She will assist the merging of those qualities. She will teach timing of when to attack along with the power and strength of words and actions. Her truthfulness may sting and bite but they are truths nonetheless. Females may need to be more assertive while males may need to be less assertive thus balancing robust vitality with gentleness. Deer Fly's pupal stage has a strong backbone so she can teach strength and fortitude with independence and courage. She indicates an ebb and flow of life cycles; feelings, emotions, relationships, physical, emotional and mental health. Meditating on black and white stripes will aid in balancing the energies needed and lend another viewpoint for learning. Deer Fly can show how groups of 4-5 people will aid in your journey. She shows an attraction to movement and what is hidden, emphasis on the esoteric, dreams and the subconscious realms. The time period of Deer Fly's lessons shows up in stages. 1st major stage occurs within 5-9 days. The 2nd major stage spans the next 2-3 weeks. When happens in this latter stage can have long lasting effects for up to three years. Deer Fly's medicine will demonstrate adaptability while layers of the self are uncovered for much new and exciting potential. She shows that change is coming.
Dragonfly embodies the pure essence and beautiful balance of changes in emotional/mental aspects and the effects on the body, mind and spirit. Her message speaks of transformation; shedding old illusions, releasing old perceptions and changing habits. Change IS inevitable. Dragonfly teaches the mastery of moving with speed, agility and precision with grace. She prepares you for a heightened period of intuition, visions, dreams and overall visual and spiritual acuity. She speaks true transformation with many changes that are very swift with emphasis on the emotional and un/subconscious. She teaches changes can be positive or negative, it depends on your level of acceptance of that change - just accept and allow the rebirth to happen. She reminds you of the spiritual support by the many that are assisting your development. It is time to keep your balance in the storm. Dragonfly will guide you through the transformation. Upon completion you will be filled with light, color and a new found joy with a sense of enlightenment and freedom. You will gain wisdom in the process. Dragonfly medicine will aid in the beautiful balance of the changing time. Ready or not, change IS coming. Also if you seeking out pieces of your life that need changing Dragonfly will also aid in this search. The time period for Dragonfly's immediate lesson spans about 2 months, this is the time period for your whirlwind transformation. It may take up to 4 years to adjust and discover the ramifications of the event(s). Dragonfly teaches with acceptance and internal fortitude the time period after the initial event can be shorter or longer. Change is indeed a process. Dragonfly energy is a gift - listen carefully.
Earthworm teaches growth, regeneration, healing and reflection. He shows us how to ground our spiritual and emotional sides to emerge transformed and renewed. Continue working with diligence as you will reap what is sown now. You may feel like you are in the dark, please know you are preparing "fertile soil" for your endeavors. Earthworm will teach how to feel the sensations and vibrations around you. He will help attune your extra senses.
*earthworms are not insects, they are considered annelids which are true worms.
Firefly teaches us to bring things into focus and to lighten the path that is hidden in order to understand our life force. He gives the spark of divine insight and inspiration. Firefly aids in illuminating what is hidden, understands what is confusing, brings wonder and awe in the darkness. He will teach strength to replace fear in the midst of the darkness; spiritual or emotional. Sometimes the faintest the light will see you through. Allow firefly to guide you - in the moment, through the forest of life and to navigate what you are unable to perceive or understanding. It is the light that should be your focus, not the dark. Firefly will show you how, so watch carefully!
The Fly teach the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. Fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one's personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? Fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth.
Grasshopper teaches to take a leap forward in life and to trust in your own instincts and rhythms. Listen to your inner voice and let grasshopper guide you. He teaches patience to be bold and move with pride and grace. Grasshopper can teach the ability to take more chances and continue onward with persistence. He demonstrates the power of intuition, feelings, communication, awareness of surroundings and circumstances. Are you trusting your instincts and listening to your inner voice? It may be time to guard your exterior self and protect your emotions. Grasshopper medicine will show the balance between outgoing behavior and quite solitude. He demonstrates the skill of being courageous as well as taking flight when needed. His medicine lends stability and solidity to new endeavors. Grasshopper guides in the transformations of thoughts, ideals and perceptions as new spiritual insights are acquired.
Horse Fly:
Horse Fly teaches lesson of development in all areas. It's the journey not the destinations that are important here. She helps ground oneself in nature by helping contemplate the earth, ground and mud will help. There is balance of emotions and the spiritual along with physical and mental. She demonstrates properties of spiritual healing and enlightenment with knowledge. She shows how to see with an earthly purity. She guides to opening up energy within the body to allow emotional - physical healing to take place. Meditating on the colors green and gold will aid in the connection to Horse Fly's messages. She teaches balance in truthfulness, which may sting and bite but they are truths nonetheless. Horse Flies can show how a group of 1 or 2 will aid in your journey. She shows attraction to shiny objects, emphasis on metallics and gems will help connect with her medicine. Horse Fly pairs its wisdom with livestock. Pay attention to its clues and the animal that presents itself with her. For example, if Horse Fly lands on Cow . The time period of Horse Fly's lessons shows up in stages. 1st major stage occurs within 5-9 days. The 2nd major stage spans the next 2-3 weeks. When happens in this latter stage can have long lasting effects for up to three years. Horse Fly will demonstrate adaptability while layers of the self are uncovered for much new and exciting potential. She shows that change is coming.
June Bug/Beetle - May Bug/Beetle:
Although there is naturally a great attraction to spiritual matters, June Bug/Beetle will show how to balance and remain grounded. His wisdom teaches to navigate what is hidden in the sub/unconscious realms. Pay attention to nocturnal activities: dream time, journeys, and moments of waking, along with meditational impressions. Expect emotions to come to the surface as well as being emotionally tested in order to clean and clear the way for new and better things. Mental, spiritual, emotional movement appears in sets of 3. Pay attention to synchronicities. He demonstrates exterior strength and fortitude and the use of a tough outer shell when needed. June Bug/Beetle demonstrates a higher intuition connection and a keen sense of discernment in all areas. He will show how to dig for answers to reveal the truths you need. He shows how to move with a sharp sense of timing. His medicine represents opportunities to recycle, reinvent and repurpose what you have, know, think and act. This self-reinvention may include participating in larger groups to expand knowledge and awareness. A balanced diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains. May or June is a significant indicator of events. The time period for June Bug/Beetle has various stages. Take notice of circumstances, dreams, wishes and encounters that may happen within the next two to five days. In 3 to 4 weeks lessons will be coming to swift manifestation. Be ready. In the last two to three years, have you been inspired to do something, have unfinished projects or endeavors that have been delayed? He will show how to progress forward as it is time to emerge.
Katydid teaches attunement to new vibrations and will aid in heightening intuition, sensitivity and awareness. They teach transformation in five stages as part of the molting process. Is it time to shed old ideas to make way for the new? Expect changes and new developments that will bring growth through reflection and patience as the sensitivity to mental, emotional and physical challenges are coming are your way. Katydids also teach the art of camouflage and the ability to evolve and use many survival techniques. Are you adapting to your surroundings? Are you blending in or standing out? Katydid will aid in strengthening senses and perceptions of the seen and unseen so whatever transformation stage you are in will be a time to be aware; mentally and spiritually sharp.
Ladybugs are about metamorphosis, growth and manifestation of ideas and thoughts. It is a time succeed and start something new. Ladybug Beetles have a protective quality that will aid in the ability to socialize and communicate effectively by illuminating problems and situations in the correct perspective. Are you socializing too much or not enough? Are you eating correctly? Now is the time to examine eating habits. Can you identify which stage of development are you in egg/larva/pupa/adult?. Is it time to "fly" or walk in life? Ladybugs will show when to hibernate ideas/actions and emerge in opportune moments. Ladybugs will teach persistence with charm, trust in the process, effectiveness of natural defenses, transformation of unwanted fears along with proper movement and actions which allows the regeneration of your spirit to prosper.
Mosquito reminds you to listen to the lessons you are experiencing. She shows how to listen to the patterns in your life so that you can fill nourished and fulfilled once again. She demonstrates the art of timing: movement and progression, rest and relaxation. What should you be doing? It may be a period of increased creativity and new endeavors. Mosquito medicine demonstrates the power of positive and negative energies. She shows how to transform personal attitudes and aids in recognizing attitudes of others. What is draining your energy? She shows spiritual and emotional nourishment is needed. Be strong and forthright. Fully trust your intuition, listen to your emotions and body reactions or it may "sting and itch" later. Mosquito offers opportunities to revitalize your spirit, take them when they appear. Her lessons span about 14 days. She shows how to move easily through the first three stages of egg, larva, and pupa. In the last stage she shows a time of rest. Although she is little in size, Mosquito has big medicine to teach.
Moth teaches sensitivity to touch, smell, taste, intuition and physical/spiritual awareness, along with heightening sound and vibrations in this world and in others. Moth aids in the metamorphosis of your being. Which stage are you currently in; egg, larva, chrysalis or flight? Moth will help in each transition and show how to adapt to the new surroundings. He will teach you to find your own light as a beacon in the direction you should go. It is time to pay attention to your feelings to clarify your movement and discern what is real and not. Are you listening carefully to verbal and non-verbal cues,to what is and is not being said? Are you sensing the world around you? or sensing too much? Moth will teach how to be still, rest and listen and balance your being. In finding your own light clarity in the moment of darkness will be found and your sensitivity to Spirit increases.
Praying Mantis:
Power of calmness, stillness, silence, time of meditation, inner reflection, stillness in healing or in creativity, teaches how to manipulate surroundings with skill, direct the body's energy to empower the body. Are you taking some quiet time for yourself? Are you being patient with those around you? Are you moving toward your goals? However slow it may take, patience and perseverance is the key. Are you allowing the time to stop and pause in between tasks? Are listening carefully to yourself, others and your surroundings - in other words are you paying attention? Praying Mantis can teach you how to balance these energies.
Silk Moth:
Silk Moth teaches the art of gathering and harvesting your resources into one. In about two weeks nourishment from your endeavors will be felt. Attachment, strength and tenacity to get the job done are hallmarked by Silk Moth due to the clinging properties it conveys. She shows how to balance industriousness with calming serenity. All things have timing so have patience. She shows how to blend in with others and surroundings. Are you extending yourself too much? She will teach how to remain fixed and steady in your own progress. In about five weeks, spiritual, mental and emotional changes will have started. At about two weeks later your transformation will be noticeable. Easy or difficult, Silk Moth demonstrates impermanence, all things pass, all processes continue. Nothing will be the same. She will show how to embrace the changes with a legacy of beauty, whether it be newly discovered knowledge and wisdom or a new found awareness of yourself along with the new awakening of the world around you. Silk Moth will teach much in her silence.
Scorpion aids in uncovering what is hidden along with a sense of timing and cunning calculation. He teaches vigilance and an all around intensity to his being. Scorpion uses a sense of navigation via intuition, what is started now will produce results later which equals patience. He shows how to find your place with awareness and tenacity, keep your instincts sharp and ready for they will be correct. Scorpions shows how to defend and attack when needed. Are you striking at an idea at its full potential? Is it time to contemplate and wait for the right moment to move? Scorpion will show to how to move with stealth and fortitude to accomplish any task.
Maintains a balance from past to present, helps in creativity and inspiration, helps understanding of illusions and reality, spiritual and physical balance, awakens sensibilities and weaves influences in development in your own world, stay focused on the center of things. Spider is gentleness and strength and will remind you of this pattern. She also will aid in communications and the written word. Are you creating to your fullest potential? Spider will teach the infinite possibilities of creative manifestation and the delicate strength of this balance. Notice the colors, patterns and behavior of the individual spider type for further insight to what Spider is saying.
Stink Bug:
Stink Bug aids with clarifying dreams, visions and insights. She can show the connections between seemingly separate unrelated events with heightened intuition. Pay attention to your instincts about people, situations and circumstances. She can demonstrate the order in which things are done, designating each level in the process of metamorphosis. Increased sensitivity to what is hidden and reading between the lines occurs with Stink Bug medicine. She can be a sharp communicator getting to the point. Are you being direct? She helps protect and shield energy and emotions when needed. She teaches the balance of concealment and surfacing. Are you stepping forward at work, school, community or relationships? Are you overloaded and need to step back? Odors have both attractant and repellent qualities. Stink Bug will guide in the proper use and balance of the positive and negative attributes of what is psychically sensed as well as what is physically sensed in your surroundings. Stink Bug medicine shows how to transform and shed what is no longer needed. The first 12 to 14 days will show which direction you should be going. There are five separate stages as insights are gained and growth is achieved. Stink Bug's lessons span a period of about a month when new ideals and thoughts are fully developed.
Tarantula medicine maintains a balance from past to present and helps in creativity and inspiration. She aids understanding of illusions and reality as well as spiritual and physical balancing. Tarantula awakens sensibilities and the power of movement; slow, steady and carefully while staying focused on the center of things. This spider shows a calm gentleness and strength and will remind you of this pattern. Mediation and centering will help calm the mind and spirit to hear her messages. She also will aid in communications and the written word. Be aware and move with strength and confidence. Are you creating to your fullest potential? Spider will teach the infinite possibilities of creative manifestation and the delicate strength of this balance. She shows the art of attuning your senses and feeling subtle vibrations of your surroundings.
The wasp teaches that it is time of productivity and construction. Increased communication is important at this time. Are you progressing toward your goals? He teaches diligence and keeping things in order along with guiding you in building your mental, spiritual and physical dwelling. It is a time for progression with balancing the spiritual and physical. He demonstrates how to remain grounded to secure a good base for your endeavors. It time to start a new endeavor or work on an existing one.
Yellow Fly:
Yellow Fly teaches lesson of development in all areas. It's the journey not the destinations that is important here. She helps ground oneself in nature by helping contemplate the earth, ground and mud will help. There is balance of emotions and the spiritual along with physical and mental. She offers opportunities for spiritual awareness to increase. Meditating on yellow, gold and purple will aid in tapping into your own higher wisdom. She teaches new opportunities to awaken the mind and body connection. Power of meditation will increase as well as noticing changing psychic abilities, heightened perceptions. She teaches new spiritual insights and renewals are occurring. You may find that you have increased compassion for others as you realize your connection to them. Yellow Fly will also teach protection from negativity. She instructs on the male energy for balance along with timing. Self-confidence will spark creativity and taking chances. She provides a positive attitude to make all possible. Either taking or receiving, she shows how to take care in communication as her truths may sting and bite but they are truths nonetheless. She will show the balance in this. The time period of Yellow Fly's lessons shows up in stages. 1st major stage occurs within 5-9 days. The 2nd major stage spans the next 2-3 weeks. When happens in this latter stage can have long lasting effects for up to three years. Yellow Fly will demonstrate adaptability while layers of the self are uncovered for much new and exciting potential. She shows that change is coming.
Well, it all makes sense, in a very definite way...
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