by StarStuffs

There are many animal kin listed here, many of which are not found in other websites. All the information contained herein is written by me upon contemplating the animal. The following is an extremely brief overview of some animals and their reflective energies. Above all learn to listen to your heart and hear your intuition in discerning your unique relationship with an animal totem. No one can give you the answers to your personal pathway and the connection to the animals that come to you. This web site encourages you to awaken your self by tapping into your own wisdom.

There are a wide variety of animal dictionaries available in bookstores, from Audubon's field guides to the mysticism/occult. Among the countless sources of information, this is to acquaint you with some of the qualities of our animal relatives.


Anhinga can show how to delve into the depths of yourself and chase your dreams, ambitions and goals whether it be physical or spiritual endeavors. He will teach ways to spread your wings of possibilities. Anhinga will demonstrate how to fly with utmost timing and precision and only when thoughts and strong intentions are in place. He will teach great maneuverability and swiftness with a very direct "spearheading" approach. Are you open to your emotions and to allow them to guide you? It is time to trust your feelings and go after what you want. Trust in Anhinga's abilities for now is the time that your thrust is very powerful.


Blackbird awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. He stirs psychic abilities and brings to consciousness latent healing gifts and creativity. Blackbird shows how to move with determination, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. At this time there is a magic of the unseen worlds coming forth that is paired with the balance of grounding within the earth as you walk your path. Blackbird will guide in this new awakening. Blackbird teaches use of intuition that will aid in understanding Mother Nature and the connection to all things. Are you listening carefully to the seen and unseen worlds? Are you grounding and balancing your energy appropriately? Blackbird will teach much and bring new surprises when you least expect it. Pay attention and listen carefully. (See also Redwing Blackbird)

Black Phoebe:

Black Phoebe presents opportunities to socialize and be more active with others. She designates the balance between masculine and feminine energies; the power and strength of the sacred feminine as well as the delicate beauty of male expression. All is One. She demonstrates the art of timing for your emotional and spiritual nourishment. Black Phoebe illuminates underlying hidden knowledge and wisdom. This creates a more solid foundation to build upon. She aids in heightening the powers of observation in the stillness within. She teaches listening to the heart that attunes you with each beat. Listen, for it will propel you onward. Black Phoebe's medicine is about expressing yourself by balancing the heart and the joy it brings. She brings music to the soul as emotions are stirred. The time period for her lessons cover about a month with quick transitions. Within three to six days the process will start. The next two weeks sees the result come to fruition. Two weeks later her lessons are incorporated. Allow Black Phoebe to show you how to fly.


Bluebird is about your happiness within and without. He signifies a contentment and fulfillment that is happening or is about to happen. Bluebird shows how to find those joyful gems in everyday life with an appreciation anew. He teaches a balance of work and play and reminds us to reinstate the fun back into life. Listen to the song of Bluebird in order to sing your own of joy with an awakened confidence and internal peace. It is time to look for chances to touch joy in your life. Dance and sing with every step, Bluebird will show you the way.

Blue Jay:

Blue Jay is highly adaptive and will teach knowledge of survival in this world and in others. He will guide in the proper use of power to utilize abilities to their fullest potential. Blue Jay will aid in this discovery and developing personal power, awareness and higher knowledge. Blue Jay helps balance the earthy realm with Spiritual, teaches courage and tenacity along with ingenuity and resourcefulness. Are you listening to your intuition and instincts? Are you balancing your gifts? Blue Jay will teach much for he will show how to master the abilities you are learning.

Bobolink (Reedbird):

Bobolink awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. He stirs psychic abilities and brings to consciousness latent healing gifts and creativity. He shows how to move with determination, assertion, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. Trust your intuition and watch for synchronicities to show the way. Endurance, endurance, endurance is what Bobolink teaches. Are you patient to go the distance? He infuses satisfaction, joy, and empowerment of the hard work you are/will be doing. There is a new awakening that will give life and using vitality and power toward your endeavors. He teaches the importance of voice and communication and cooperation with others. Bobolink speaks of knowledge and intelligence with an emphasis on utilizing your voice to "sing" beautifully. This is a period of balancing the light and dark and grounding the physical with the spiritual. Pay attention to dualities and adjust perceptions accordingly. Bobolink speaks about a diet that incorporates rice and grains. Return to your roots: thoughts, places, people, even the self. Pay attention to the color of Bobolink for this will guide in understanding which phase you are in. The more drab color bird could mean something new, a beginning, has already started. Brightly colored could mean you are about to embark on a journey of the mind, body and spirit. Yellow color brings vitality, creativity, energy, light, higher awareness, knowledge, optimism. If there are a group of them, which called a "chain" - you may want to get a chain to remind of its lessons. A chain is built of links. Are you building your own chain? There is a promise of the future. Bobolink's medicine is about major renewals twice a year typically March-May and August-October. Is it time to reevaluate your position? Out with the old, in with the new, he will show how it is done. He will show how to navigate the winds of change. There should be about 9 weeks of preparation/learning. Have patience in the process. Bobolink is about brightening your world, singing your own song, foraging for knowledge and having confidence to connect with your own regality. 

Brown Thrasher:

When Brown Thrasher appears to you it is time to sing a joyous song of life and all of the experiences that surround you. Coincidences and synchronicities will expand your spirituality in a profound way. He teaches ways of communicating by listening and singing your own song in life along with care and tact in how you speak. He is about following your soul purpose and recognizing innate abilities. Communicating by listening and singing your song, being carefree and open with thoughts, ideas and creativity are part of Brown Thrasher's lessons. Sensitive to surroundings, he shows how to follow through with your impressions and hunches. Brown Thrasher teaches the art of camouflage, timing, action and inaction. He demonstrates alertness, internal peace, and personal reclamation and transformation. Qualities of generosity and gentleness will bring rejuvenation and beauty to your world. Are you bringing joy and harmony to others? Is it time to lighten up? He will aid in focus and clarity to find balance. His medicine will show how to adapt with a renewed sense of joy. Brown Thrasher has a well-rounded diet, are you eating right? The time period for Brown Thrasher is about 9 days. Rapid developments await you. He will help keep you grounded so that you may sing the song in your heart.


Bunting speaks of knowledge and intelligence with an emphasis on utilizing your voice to "sing" beautifully. She speaks of joy and purity within a small body which speaks from the heart. She can teach when to camouflage oneself in order to rest along with showing oneself when it is time. Emotions may need to surface or remain hidden in order to heal. Pay attention to the color of Bunting for this will guide in understanding. Colorful Buntings may mean adding color and vitality to one's life. Blue/Indigo Buntings is significant of good, truth and love with spiritual origins. White Buntings is also about truth but also light and emphasizes purity, cleansing and healing. Let Bunting sing her song to your heart and allow the singing to show you the way.


Buzzard or Vulture teaches the power of purification of the mind, body and spirit. Vulture aids accomplishing tasks through great patience and vision, using your sense of smell and discernment, and how to glide and soar with your own energy. He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness. Buzzard can teach confidence and the ability to stand with dignity and soar with clarity and purpose. He shows how to seek a new and heightened vision while increasing sensitivity. It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening?


New experiences are presenting themselves emphasizing the stimulation of sound: vocally and musically as well as within the spiritual realm. Canary can show you how to sing into your own to bring more light and joy into daily activities. Canary helps you recognize your own voice and teaches creative expression. She can show you the strength and power of your words and the delicate balance that may be needed. She reiterates heightened psychic awareness and sensitivity to the worlds around you. Is it time to integrate something new and refreshing into your life? Let Canary guide you into a more joy filled period in life. It is time to sing your own song.


Cardinal Medicine renews vitality in life and returns joy, brilliance and balance to the mind, body and spirit. He awakens spiritual transformations, intellectual insights and heightens intuitions and perceptions. Cardinal aids in manifesting dreams and ideas by focussing intentions where it's needed. He adds color and balance to life and demonstrates that everything you do is important. He aids in understanding and helping you find your own song in life. Are you doing what needs to be done or should be done? Pay attention to your diet. Are you eating balance meals; too much or not enough? Cardinal can teach moderation in all things and can help in finding a healthy balance of physical and spiritual. Do you have enthusiasm for a project or idea? Are you voicing your ideas? Are you listening carefully to others and your surroundings. When you listen to Cardinal's lessons, he will teach you strength in creativity and productivity with discernment and balance.


Catbird teaches ways of communicating by listening and singing your own song in life along with care and tact in how you speak. She shows how to be carefree and open so it may be time to loosen up and not conceal your thoughts, ideas and principles. Extremely sensitive, Catbird shows how to follow through with your impressions and hunches. Be alert to what may be hidden under the surface. Pay attention to dreams. Moving with alertness and grace she teaches generosity and gentleness with a touch of ferociousness when needed. Catbird brings the feeling of Spring back into your life by rejuvenating your spirit with the beauty of the world. The time period of Catbird lessons range from about 4 to 6 weeks and cycles two to three times. Catbird's optimum time is in the morning hours so meditation and quiet time should be utilized.


Cheerful, bird of truth, mind mysteries, joy, heals/balances/opens perceptions, teaches about voicing impressions and expressions. Chickadee teaches to use our voice and the power of small things along with small ideas. He teaches the art of flexibility and curiosity. Pay attention to your diet and balance accordingly. Incubation for development is 6-8 weeks time. Are you sharing your thoughts and opinions right now? Chickadee can show how to express ideals with timing.(See also Titmouse)


Fertility energies have started to come to fruition. Over the next 21 days, chicken will teach the balance of being stubborn and outgoing. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Chicken demonstrate that sameness is not always good. It is time for something new. Keep watch for the number 12 as it a sign post from Chicken. Chicken gives the power to fly short distances with bursts of energy. She lends enthusiasm, helps discover new growths as well as balancing patience with effort and rewards. She shows how to utilize your current resources and helps you discover potentials where you least expect it.


Teaches how to accomplish tasks through patience, vision and riding the thermals of life to maximize your energy powerfully and efficiently, teaches lessons that change is imminent. Condor will help with any changes. Condors can show how to nurture, protect and tend to ourselves to avoid the drudgery and ruts of life. Are you taking yourself too seriously? Are you allowing and going with the flow. Time to relax? Changes happen, it's up to us and the lessons of Condor to help adapt.


Teach a time of renewal, new endeavors, creative thinking, pay attention to actions in relationships. Cowbird awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. At this time there is a magic of the unseen worlds coming forth that is paired with the balance of grounding within the earth as you walk your path. Cowbird will guide in this new awakening. Cowbird teaches use of intuition that will aid in understanding Mother Nature. Are you listening carefully to the seen and unseen worlds? She teaches the art of adaptivity and resourcefulness. Surrounding yourself with others with similar interests will benefit you at this time. She shows how to see from a higher viewpoint to gain a better perspective on situations.


Justices, longevity, feminine energies, gives proper focus in all endeavors. Crane shows you the wonder of creation through dancing, music, inner and outer beauty of the self and the world. Opportunities for social settings and activities that are done in large groups may appear. Groups may provide inspiration, creativity and mental/emotional support. Crane shows how to vocalize and express oneself eloquently. Crane shows truths and aids in personal discernment. He will show how to watch over and protect others by relying on your intuitional senses. A diet change may be needed. Are you eating a balanced diet? Crane shows the art of body language and how important of a role it plays in communication. Watch and listen. Be aware of what others are doing and not saying. He will help you examine your close relationships in order to create bonds or finally break them. It may 2 or 3 years for Crane's lessons, including relationships, to be fully mature.


Crow is a harbinger of change; spiritual, mental and emotional. Life, death, rebirth, transition magic, watchfulness, look for opportunities coming up, aids in ability to move spiritually and physically. They teach the power and balance of light/dark and spiritual/physical. He teaches to create and manifest things in our lives, all of life is waiting. Crow announces a newness on the horizon. Are you aware of the nuances in life? Are you listening to signs around you? Crow can give strength and show you how to maneuver in intuitions and insights.


Cuckoo shows the time is for new beginnings. Trust the inner self and your intuitions as his lessons are to look deeper for solutions. His diet is balanced with protein and fruits so be aware of your diet. Is it time to migrate or remain, time to be active or a time to rest? Cuckoo will show how to move at this time. Cuckoo shows how to maneuver through the physical world and to be more sensitive to other worlds. Pay attention to the eyes and care for them accordingly. Cuckoo also shows how to walk carefully by feeling vibrations. You may notice feet sensitivity as he attunes the senses. It may be a time for rest and relaxation, time alone to ponder the journey. He can teach tenacity to go the distance to reach the goals you are about to set.


Messenger of Peace, love, joy and gentleness, prophecy of good things, maternity instincts, awakening to promise of future with clarity. Dove shows us how to walk between the physical and spiritual world. She aids in tapping our creative energies and stirring the emotions. It is time for creativity and expressing oneself. Are you listening to the messages at this time? Doves bring hope of a new beginning and will show there is peace arriving. Pigeon shows how to bring peace, love and understanding to situations and teaches us the art of communication and cooperation. Are you compassionate toward others? Perhaps it is a time for forgiveness? It is a time to express appreciation and gratitude of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents for family brings us unconditional sense of belonging. Dove teaches many lessons of home: love, security, fertility and family.


Duck shows emotional comfort and protection. She teaches how to move with grace and comfort in actions, emotions and thoughts. Shes aids in balancing the mind and emotions - the physical and spiritual and discerning when to move while easing the transitions between the worlds. Is it time to be vocal or quiet? Let Duck guide in how to express oneself. She shows emotional strength that you may need at this time. She teaches quick and speedy movements for ideas to take flight. Duck will show new opportunities so be alert. She will also help filter out what is not needed, what is important and discern what is true. It is a good time to try new foods and flavors as tastes may be changing. She helps to drudge up the past - old patterns and behaviors, people and situations in order to heal them. The time period for Duck's lessons is about 28 days. Pay attention to the variety of colors of Duck for further insight.


Creation, mental-spiritual-emotional swiftness, healing, dignity, strength, courage, wisdom, healing and insights, awareness of surrounding, aids in seeing hidden spiritual truths and higher balances, illumination of spirit, stronger and quicker in actions, responsibility, shows how to connect with intuition and higher spiritual truths. Are you willing to soar to new heights at this time? Are you ready to be involved with your creation and manifestations? Eagle teaches that you can achieve balance and intuit the winds of change while remaining connected and grounded.


Egret teaches to stand in the physical and spiritual worlds. He teaches healing of the emotions in order to bridge the heart and mind. This also correlates to grounding properties in order to receive and process spiritual and emotional insights for clarity. Egret helps look deeper into aspects of life, brings out innate wisdom and shows how to become self-reliant. Egret is sharp, direct and to the point. Determination, balance, follow your own path. He aids in seeing the bigger picture as a whole instead of the small parts. He will instill security and confidence in exploring the mind and emotions.


Power of insight, agility, discernment and how to attach opportunities in life, discern when and how to strike when needed. Falcon teaches swiftness with control and exactness in movement. Timing is everything for falcon. Is it time to take chances? He will teach timing in your spiritual and physical life. Falcon will teach to see your environment with mental and spiritual clarity.


Energy amplification, new experiences, more active life with increase in potentials, aids in recognizing the spiritual and physical aspects of all things, helps you recognize your own voice, sporadic and tenacity and the ability to be quick and observant. Finch teaches to awaken to your surroundings and aids in the connections to family.


Flamingo teaches how to maintain balance and movement through the emotions. He aids in intuitive filtering and spiritual discernment. Be aware in dream time. Flamingo helps in bringing color and vivacity into ones life along with increasing community activities. Is it time to bring new life; concepts, ideas, thoughts or people? Is it time to work alone or with groups? Flamingo will show how to maneuver slowly and gracefully with care.


Flicker demonstrates a new rhythm and cycle of growth. She shows the importance of healing love and the power of forgiveness. Insights and intuitions are activated and perceptions are changing. She teaches us how to connect with the earth and how to ground ourselves in nature with a vibrate vitality. Flicker aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. She teaches balance and harmony in the spiritual and mental realms. Flicker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish endeavors at this time. Listen carefully to Flicker medicine for she will guide in perfect timing.


Awakening to nature spirits, helps w/endurance in transition of physical to spiritual, aids in understanding the power of your voice and your own song. Goldfinch teaches the value and importance of changes, healthy family resolutions along with balance and harmony in dealing with people. Goldfinch will teach you to awaken to once hidden choices.


Goose gives a questing call for travels, imagination and communication. Imagination is stirred for fulfilling creative endeavors. He teaches how to move along the spiritual path with power and strength which may involve community efforts. He aids in finding happiness and joy in the small things. Goose teaches to swim through the emotional waters with a smooth calming action. He will help discern truths in order for you to progress onward, sometimes this involves letting things go that is not conducive to your new spiritual ideals. Goose medicine demonstrates soaring to new levels often with the cooperation of others which will help gain a tremendous amount of resources, knowledge and insights.


Grackle can teach discernment in expressing emotions and helps balance the head and emotions. She awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. He stirs psychic abilities and brings to consciousness latent healing gifts and creativity. Determination, focus and tenacity and using your power to its fullest potential is what Grackle can show you. At this time there is a magic of the unseen worlds coming forward. Listen to intuition as it will guide in understanding the connection to all things.


Grosbeak teaches it is a time to heal wounds for mental and emotional harmony. Forgiveness and caring should be exercised as relationships are evaluated. She shows the fine balance of situations and connection to family. She aids in recognizing the spiritual and physical aspects of all things. Grosbeak teaches to awaken to surroundings in increase activity in life. Watch for movement in new experiences. She helps in recognizing your own voice and internal power. Grosbeak shows how to increase psychic perceptions while remaining balanced within the new awakening you are experiencing.


Sacred dancing and drumming, higher rate of consciousness, opens energy to rhythm of life and circles of nature, time and the self. Grouse shows how to make transitions and navigate through life's transitions in the Great Spiral of the Medicine wheel. Are you aware of the cycles happening right now in your life? Grouse teaches awareness of the energy around you and how to drum in the music of your life. It is time to revitalize yourself and dance the dance of creation.


Subtle lessons in behavior and communication, teaches to read people more effectively. Seagulls are spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication with guides is taking place. He shows how to see above situations with a higher clarity and teaches that there are many perspectives to consider. Seagull shows a sense friendship and community and the cooperation that is needed for the whole to operate successfully. He teaches how to ride the currents of the mental, emotional and physical worlds. Are you going with the flow or fighting it? Are you cooperating with others? Are you open to your guides? Seagull can teach you many lessons of looking, living and being. It is time to listen and watch for the nuances and timing of action.


Hawk teaches visionary power and clear sight with strong observation habits while using patience. He is a sign showing how to ride the winds of change, creativity and the power to surrender oneself to Spirit's guidance. Hawk clarifies reality and reiterates that one is on the correct life path. He aids in truth and illumination, gives a sense of guardianship and watchfulness and reiterates wise and important of opportunities are opening up. His swiftness, wisdom, leadership and strength in actions will guide with honor, integrity with grace and beauty. He will show how to see more in life from a higher perspective of truth. Hawk will show you how to fulfill your soul's purpose. Be ready for a greater intensity to life for Hawk will guide you in the mind, body and spiritual aspects of your journey.


Determination, balance, follow your own path, aids in seeing boundaries and security in exploring the mind and emotions. Heron teaches about self-esteem and balancing life's daily tasks. She helps look deeper into aspects of life which brings out innate wisdom and shows how to become self-reliant. Are you connecting to Mother Earth regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth, spiritual and emotional insights will become clearer.


Hoopoe teaches the ability to tap into ancient wisdom to reach your own profound sense of regality. This bird signals ways to tap into your energy body and to connect to higher realms. She demonstrates touching Mother Earth for balance. She shows a quickness of movements including making decisions, swift increases of spiritual awareness, and keeping time, slow or fast, with your internal beat of doing things. Timing and sharp exactness hallmarks Hoopoe's lessons. She will show how to probe into questions for the answers you are seeking. Are you asking the right questions? Hoopoe shows how to sing your own song and come into your own personal power. Being in the sun will help tap into Hoopoe's wisdom. Eating properly with plenty of vegetables is important as it connects to Earth. Hoopoe corresponds to completion, the trinity, creative capacity and body energy. She shows how to be skillful and creative in defense mechanisms to deter "predators" either by vocal tones or through the olfactory system in both the spiritual and physical world. The rainy season is the opportune time to create movement; painting, writing, reading. It is a good time to start what you have been putting off. Incubation for lessons spans about 17 days with about 3 weeks to fully recognize and start incorporating insights.


Ecstatic, love, happiness, beat of life, miracle of joy of living, shows endurance so you don't burn yourself out, teaches ability to heal, enhances awareness with an ability to move and act accordingly. Hummingbird shows how to accomplish what seems impossible and how to bring the miracle of joy back into your life. Do you need to bring more color and vivaciousness into your life? Are you extracting the joy throughout your day? Hummingbird reminds us to find that happiness in all things.


Ibis teaches sociability, communication and working cooperatively in a group. Being around others and their diversity of new ideas and thoughts that bring about new opportunities. Be open to the process even if means wandering from current ideals. Time to expand and explore. She will teach how to probe for more spiritual and emotional nourishment and to do this with confidence. Ibis will show building of solid foundations in existing personal or professional relationships in order to reach new levels. She will show how to find the knowledge that is needed. If Ibis has a red bill and feet, her message may include one maturity and vitality. Pay attention to her color. The time period for Ibis' lessons starts from about 20 days for new endeavors, ideas, lessons. The following 3-6 weeks will see new developments really take flight. Ibis medicine teaches patience. She will show how to transition in steps as each week progresses so be ready because she heralds a new richness and fertility coming your way. The archetypal power of Ibis conveys sacrificial and protective elements in life's storms either in personal areas or towards others. Trust your intuition as she demonstrates the importance of (It's all about..) timing.


Kestrel teaches speed and action of thoughts must be done with a balance mind and heart along with patience to act at the opportune time. A hovering Kestrel teaches when to strike so be patient in waiting. Meditate on the wind to uplift you. She teaches great depth perception in spiritual and relationship matters. Listen to what is not being said. The home front may need attention; relationships, remodeling, repair even moving to another location. Kestrels are extremely sensitive to light and will aid in seeing what is normally hidden. She aids in seeking out truths with clarity by illuminating the path. The time period of Kestrel's lessons span about 30 days. Listen and watch Kestrel for her lessons will guide in your actions.


Kingfisher indicates a period of increased mental and spiritual activity. He will show how to manifest your destiny by listening to your intuition. Since psychic perceptions are increasing, he will instruct how to remain grounded in the earth and be comfortable in doing so. Take time for yourself in quite solitude connecting to Mother Earth. Grounding and centering is needed. Although he may be shy, he knows how to strike with determination. How are you using your "dagger-like bill"? He will teach the art of timing and when to act. Kingfisher demonstrates excellent visionary skills and will teach how track your "prey". He directs attention to feelings and what is unseen. Watch carefully what is going around you. Listen to your dreams and visions. He shows it is time for forward movement, letting go, forgiving the past. Kingfisher's medicine guides in seeing into the depths of emotions and into the un/subconscious. His lesson goes much deeper than what is on the surface. This is another opportunity to balance masculine and feminine energies. He aids communication and reaching higher spiritual energies along with the ability to express ideas with coherence. Take care of your upper energy centers for they will increase in sensitivity. Kingfisher presents a time of prosperity, love, warmth, and a new found peace of mind. The time period for Kingfisher is about a month of exploring and learning and another month of adapting the new energies. Pay attention to its color which correlates to the area in which to personally reflect upon.

Kites (Swallow-Tailed North America)

Kites are one of the most graceful at flying and will teach how to do the same. She will show how to maximize results with little or no effort. Observe carefully what is around you as resources will appear. She will help make decisions by illuminating what is black and white along with the polarities you may be experiencing. She will enhance this clarity. Kite will bring about truths and wisdom while keeping the watery emotions in balance. She will teach how to skim the surface of knowledge to collect what you need for the moment. Kite teaches the art of maneuverability and finesse to reach goals and feeding the spirit and your life with much needed nourishment. She will show how to view life from a higher perspective. Watch and listen what Kite is saying and doing for more insight. It will take about 28 days for lessons to be learned and about 10 additional days for incorporation of wisdom to take place.


Kookaburra indicates a period of increased mental and spiritual activity. He will show how to manifest your destiny by listening to your intuition. Since psychic perceptions are increasing, he will instruct how to remain grounded in the earth and be comfortable in doing so. Take time for yourself in quite solitude. He knows how to strike with determination. How are you using your "dagger-like bill"? He will teach the art of timing and when to act. Kookaburra demonstrates excellent visionary skills and seeing beyond the ordinary. Watch carefully what is going around you. Listen to your dreams and visions. He shows it is time for forward movement, letting go, forgiving the past. He conveys the power of humor and lightening up from the seriousness. Kookaburra shows another opportunity to balance masculine and feminine energies. He aids communication, resourcefulness, using timely defense tactics and reaching higher spiritual energies along with the ability to express ideas with coherence. Take care of your upper energy centers for they will increase in sensitivity. Kingfisher presents a time of prosperity, love, warmth, enjoyment and a new found clarity of mind. He guides toward community groups and organizations to further your physical and spiritual goals. The time period for Kookaburra is about a month of exploring and learning and another month of adapting the new energies. Pay attention to its color which correlates to the area in which to personally reflect upon. (similar to Kingfisher)


Awakening of mind and spirit, can show how to make things manifest from our dreams and ideas. Listen, look and pay attention to subtle nuances that are coming into your life. Loons provide the knowledge of solidifying the imagination and making one aware of the power of dreams. Aids in discerning fact from fiction, reality from illusion. Are stuck in a dream world of what you want rather than what is true and real? Loon gives guidance by awareness of the unconscious process of creating and imagining. Pay attention.


Magpie teaches proper use of knowledge that is about to be revealed. He will present opportunities to illuminate what is hidden and the intelligence to discern and incorporate what you already know. Perceptions and old ways of thinking will be tested as you become more self-aware. Magpie will help with the transition of understanding so you can break free from those illusions. He instructs when to move at a steady pace and when to rest between endeavors. He indicates a time of heightened creativity and inspiration that expands outward to aid others. Is it time to do that writing you have been neglecting? Magpie will help you find your voice. Trust your senses! He teaches balance and timing of speaking of one's mind along with balancing lessons of light and dark. He will aid in recognizing and understanding such polarities. Magpie teaches maneuverability, taking opportunities and chances, the ability to forage for truths. Magpie medicine indicates seizing opportunities when they arise so trust your intuition, grasp the meaning and the moment. Be conscious of synchronicities and inquisitive of nature's magical mysteries for new knowledge is available. He demonstrates the properties of high intelligence, complex social/family/home connections, relationships, communication and the ability to multitask in short bursts. Magpie's lesson occurs in three stages; preparation and building time about 45 days, the next stage last four weeks and the final stage over 2 months. Incorporating new knowledge takes time. The color of Magpie will aid more in understanding its lesson, whether it is black/white or blue/green.


Teaches cooperation, establishing peace, shows team work and community action. Pay attention to ancestral ways. Time period of 2-7 days will manifest Martin's message. Martin shows how to take flight with aerial precision. Higher realms may be opening at this time which is a time to expand spiritually and go beyond comfort level. Is it time to do inside/outside home improvements? Watch for and keep aware of new opportunities. These chances may prove to be long lasting if you listen to Martin.


Meadowlark indicates a time of cheerfulness, joy and easier times ahead. She shows how to move with determination, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. At this time there is an inner magic to be discovered. Meadowlark teaches use of intuition that will aid in understanding the connection to all things. She will guide in this new awakening to your inner self. She balances grounding with the earth and flying as you walk your path. Are you listening carefully to your own song? The spiritual journey ebbs and flows, are you grounding and balancing your energy appropriately? She represents the masculine sun and the sacred feminine moon; it's about the beauty in balance in which you will find contentment and peace within your own duality. She shows the merging qualities of beliefs, philosophies and perceptions. Pay attention to dreams and visions as you will find reiterations of those during the day. Meadowlark supports creation of quiet moments and taking time for you. Give yourself some space. She will instruct how to do so. She also teaches how to be forthright and aggressive when necessary in order to preserve your thoughts, and ideals. The art of camouflage and blending in may be needed as well as using quick sharp movements. Is it time to move or rest? Meadowlark's medicine is about brightening your world, singing your own song, foraging for knowledge and having confidence in connecting with your sacred inner light. Emphasis on home space and attention to surroundings, being in the moment, enjoy where you are spiritually and emotionally. You are starting a new phase within your inner self. Meadowlark will teach much and bring new surprises when you least expect it. It is the Spring time of your spiritual development. Meadowlark's lessons occur in two quick stages; learning/absorbing in about 15 days with an incorporating/reflecting time within 12 days for lifelong impact. Pay attention and listen carefully. Her song is ancient and filled with wonder.


When Mockingbird appears to you it is time to sing a joyous song of life. With one of the prettiest vocalizations of the bird family, his medley of calls is a culmination of many other birds, likewise, your song is a medley of circumstances, experiences and those that surround you. Rapid succession is events are about to unfold, if they haven't already. Experiences will expand your spirituality in a profound way. Mockingbird teaches the art of adaptability and going with the flow. He is about following your soul purpose and recognizing innate abilities. Communicating is part of what Mockingbird teaches. He also flushes negativity with his voice. Are you using your song to bring joy? This animal is also a fierce protector of its environment. Are you watching your territory for those that come too close? He will teach fearlessness and strength. Even with strength in defenses your song matches few to bring joy and harmony to many people. Mockingbird will teach how to accomplish this balance.


The sweet song of the Nightingale gives inspiration as a harbinger of a personal dawn. She guides one into seeing the importance in the connection to old beliefs and thoughts. It is time to take authority of your mind. She teaches the nocturnal song and brings to the light what is mysterious and hidden. What is learned in the "night' is to be incorporated into the "day". She shows how to move throughout different consciousness and use inspirations of higher realms while keeping grounded. Nightingale balances masculine and feminine energies along with balancing dietary elements. It is time to sing loudly - above the cacophony of the mind chatter and above what others think and say. Timid and shy at times, she can show how to act with grace and elegance. In regards to parental love, timidity changes to a brave ferocity. Nightingale will show the balance between the two. Are you sharing what you know, acting what you believe?


Nuthatch teaches grounding of spiritual energies along with faith and trust in the realms of spiritual and physical. Nuthatch shows how to move in many directions in search for spiritual and mental "food", sometimes head first is needed but rest assured, Nuthatch will also show how to hang on with amazing agility. Nuthatch is also a bird of ingenuity. Perhaps it is time to be creative and find solutions in new areas? Do you need to crack something open before your reap rewards? Nuthatch can demonstrate rebuilding or refurbishing your own dwelling to suit you better. Is it a mental/emotional overhaul or a physical/construction one? In any case, he will bring attention to details in moving from one phase to another. It is time be sharp and aware.


Oriole shows new occurrences in life and brings a sense of joy to the world. He helps discover the inner child and the relation to all things in the nature realm. Orioles have a beautiful song and will teach you to sing your own song from the tree tops. It may be time to pay attention to your diet. Are you eating fruits and vegetables? Oriole will teach how to make these better food choices. Orioles are master weavers using surrounding resources. Are you utilizing your own resources? He will teach to use what is available and show you other possibilities. Oriole eggs are incubated 11-14 days so be aware of the wonderful opportunities in this time period and take them when the appear. Oriole will teach by listening to the heart, you will sing your song with the joy of many possibilities.


Osprey teaches many lessons; how to streamline your life, how carry a heavy burden, and how to dive in with pinpoint accuracy. Osprey will demonstrate the power of keen eyesight and specializing in the ability to tightly grasp your object firmly with finesse and tenacity. He shows that patience and expert timing is needed. It is time to be aware of your inner guidance which is the "sun's direction" - the sun will show the direction in which to strike so pay attention. Osprey shows that after the initial "splash" of your endeavor, situations and issues will naturally fall into place. Osprey teaches strength and finesse. It is time to trust what Osprey is telling you. Perhaps you feel out of your comfort zone? Afraid to change or of opportunities? Worried of what others think? Osprey demonstrates that you CAN put your head under the emotional water and still survive! It is ok to feel. He will also show how to build a foundation in the spiritual and physical and to ride the current of life in both worlds enabling a balance of peace and harmony. Osprey also teaches of streamlining our thoughts and emotions that also facilitate balance this within that propagates outward. These are valuable lessons to be learned.


Owl is the Mystery of silent wisdom, heightened vision and hearing and the ability to pinpoint subtleties of motives, actions and people. He teaches the power of silence and contemplation and the balance of waiting and acting. When action is taken it is swift and exacting. Owl teaches the ability to extract secrets from within, so listen carefully. He also aids in clearing deceptions - within and without. Are you trusting your instincts about people? Are you listening to your surroundings? Do you have patience? Owl has much wisdom in teaching how to see and sense the world around you along with determination and patience in waiting for the opportune moment.


Oxpecker birds have the ability to perch expertly on others ideas and ventures. The know how to "ride" through life and its circumstances to form a mutual relationship, whether it be with people, animals or everyday issues. Oxpecker has the balance to maintain stability in all areas. This bird is an expert at "digging things out". This animal has a natural alert system for protecting the host animal. Are you using your voice and communication abilities to the best of your ability? Are you utilizing your skills? Perhaps it is time to observe. He can teach how to get to the root of any problem or situation which may be beneficial to many. He can also show how to take care to not cause more harm than good. He teaches a balance of a parasitic vs symbiotic behaviors. The art of give and take. The Oxpecker teaches how to have a strong direct flight and when landing, how to have strong feet to solidify your potential. Oxpecker has many valuable lessons and skills to teach.


Parrot teaches listening to all of nature and awakening to the language within using intuition for more open communications. They bridge understanding and will show you a deeper subtle harmony inherent in all things. Parrots show intelligence, good temperament and a sense of diplomacy. Do you have color and spice in your life? Are you listening to discernment in communications? It is time to be creative and express your ideas and make life vivid either by being bold and vocal or being quiet. Parrot will teach the quality you need to capture the color, the joy, the magic in life's endeavors.


Peacock will teach the power of watchfulness and the strength of mental, emotional and spiritual foundations and the structure and balance of those qualities. He allows greater wisdom to be accessed along with the awareness of the many different aspects of beauty that surrounds you. Peacock attunes us to see the entire moment with no past or future and instills confidence and dignity. There is an air of showmanship with Peacock so it's time to take pride in your endeavors. Are you showing your talents like you should? Are you seeing with your many "eyes"? Pay attention to intuition for there are many facets opening up. Peacock will help endurance of spiritual and physical matters.


Pelican demonstrates the power of reflection and insight, buoyancy in life and how ride the air currents of life. He teaches to rest and relax in spite of life's heavy weight. Pelican balances use of good fortune and abundance with responsibility and priorities. He has the ability to navigate emotions and aids in recovering what is lost whether it be emotional, mental or spiritual. Are you seizing the moment and enjoying what is before you? Do you recognize the abundance you already have? Perhaps it is time to count your blessings? Pelican aids in tapping into your feelings and putting them to wise use all the while peacefully balancing the world on your shoulders.


Penguin teaches grace in emotions and actions, endurance in life, time to pay attention to your dreams, thoughts and ideals are tempered with patience and endurance. In dreams he teaches how to move freely, be more aware, and change the course of events. This lesson also applies to waking life, teaching you to move and navigate with empowerment. Penguin helps navigate the realm of emotions and the depth of our unconscious. Are you ready to dive the depths? Do you understand where your emotions are coming from? Penguin will show you the balance of moving freely with an awareness of your choices.


Pheasant teaches about fertility and sexuality along with lending insight and growth within family situations. He aids in bringing healing to family matters with a renewed sense of closeness. Perceptions of old wounds have a chance to be reconciled as Pheasant will show the way to verbalize forgiveness and compassion. Pheasant also teaches the art of concealment and the power of perseverance and confidence. Is it time to surface with thoughts, ideas and opinions or a time to strategically wait patiently? Are you taking the initiative? Pheasant shows the balance of hide-and-seek of the heart, playing hard-to-get in love interests and understanding that new relationships are forming.


Pigeon teaches many lessons of home: love, security, fertility and family. He teaches us to remember home life for answers and the importance of family communication with a sense of togetherness. Pigeon shows how to bring peace, love and understanding to situations and teaches us the art of communication and cooperation. Is it time to call a family member or take a trip home? Are you listening to the hints of family members? Are you compassionate toward others? Perhaps it is a time for forgiveness? It is a time to express appreciation and gratitude of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents for family brings us unconditional sense of belonging.

Ptarmigan (Willow Grouse)

Ptarmigan demonstrates the strength of family relationships and attachments to others. He shows how to balance masculine and feminine energies whether it be personal or with others around you. He teaches to be overall neutral in actions and be more dominant when needed. Ptarmigan gives instructions on the art of camouflage and blending in. He knows the three stages of change that will ultimately give color to your life. Grounding, movement, timing and letting go of the past are aspects of his teachings. Ptarmigan has high insulating properties as well as teaching how to lightly tread on others emotions. He shows how to walk carefully in mind and spirit. Pay attention to diet; eat more fruit, vegetables and fiber to help integrate Ptarmigan's energy. Time period for Ptarmigan's medicine is about a month. Seven to ten days new things appear. Be mindful of the subtleties. After about 3 weeks developments will be very noticeable as you incorporate his messages. He will assist during this swift adjustment with balance and grace. What he teaches now will have effects over the next two years as you reach another level of spiritual maturity.


Quail teaches about mysticism and enlightens you about your soul name and purpose. He is about nourishment of the soul, family, teaches how to elude problems, spot danger, and safety issues. Are you spending enough time with family? There are safety in numbers, perhaps you need to socialize? Quail also aids in awareness of dangers and gives you the quickness and camouflage you need in time of crisis. Are you blending in? Should you at this time? Quail will show you much about movement and taking opportunities when they are right. Allow quail to teach you this fine arts. It is time to be aware of what is going on around you.


Raven is about the magical act of creation, internal magic and transformation along with miracle of a rebirth. Raven tells us to be aware of omens that become a harbinger of the mystical and exotic. He can show how to stir life without fear and teach to balance life's playful aspects. Raven also brings in the light of awareness and knowledge with opportunities of great changes that are in store for you. Raven will teach how to usher in these new energies. He shows how to dive into the depths of the inner being to illuminate the true self. Are you ready to uncover past conflicts and long forgotten emotional issues? Raven will teach how to transform your spirit. From the deepest part of you healing begins. What has been in darkness will now emerge into the light.

Red Kite:

Red Kite teaches visionary power and clear sight with strong observation habits while using patience…effortless patience. She teaches the art of maneuverability and finesse to reach goals and feeding the spirit and your life with much needed nourishment. Is Red Kite a predator or scavenger? She demonstrates the utmost timing for the perfect opportunities that are coming your way. Red Kite provides the much needed balance for action and non-action as well as masculine and feminine energies. Heightened psychic abilities will aid in duality awareness. Her medicine speaks of maneuvering in the spiritual world and physical world in which she aids in grounding, clarity of thought, listening to intuition along with exposing sub/unconscious activities. Pay attention. Meditate and exercise on the mind-body connection. Red Jasper is a good meditational connecting stone. Attend to what has been started. Watch for synchronous connections with new people. Old relationships may become more solidified. She speaks of longevity in these areas so have patience. She helps in building a solid base with strong roots. Focus on the spiritual and physical "home". She enhances vitality during these significant changes in your life. The results of Red Kite's guidance will fully align with your purpose. It will take about 38 days to incorporate her lessons and about 30 additional days for the wisdom or action to come to fruition. Red Kite's medicine will aid to illuminate truths with strength, vitality, and gracefulness.

Redwing Blackbird:

Blackbird awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. He stirs psychic abilities and brings to consciousness latent healing gifts and creativity. Blackbird shows how to move with determination, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. At this time there is a magic of the unseen worlds coming forth that is paired with the balance of grounding within the earth as you walk your path. Redwing Blackbird will guide in a new awakening that will give life and using vitality and power toward your endeavors. Pay attention to the song, so you may sing your own. Redwing Blackbird teaches listening to your intuition that will aid in understanding Mother Nature and the connection to all things. He demonstrates strength to move forward mentally and spiritually. Are you listening carefully to the world around you? It is time to apply your internal fortitude? Pay attention and listen carefully. (See also Blackbird.)

Road Runner:

Road Runner teaches the ability of mental sharpness, quick thinking and fast responses and reflexes and knowing when to strike quickly and efficiently at ideas with timing and precision. He will show the correct direction to take with proper uses of timing and speed in order make quick changes. Is it time to slow down or speed up? Are you being agile in thoughts and opinions? Roadrunner aids in physiological and behavioral adaptations along with conservation of energy when needed. Are you ready for a burst of flight in mental, emotional, physical areas? Are you balancing incoming and outgoing energies, mental and emotional areas, diet and exercise? Road Runner will show how to adapt the fast approaching movements with harmony and grace.

Robin (Common Robin):

Robin signifies stimulation of new growth and renewal in many areas of life. He teaches that any changes can be made with joy, laughter and a song in the heart. Robin shows how to ride the winds of passion within your heart and become independent through this change. Robin will teach you how to move forward with grace, tenacity, perseverance and assertion. Are you letting go of personal dramas? Ones that no longer serve your higher purpose? Are you exercising compassion and patience in mental, spiritual and emotional areas? Robin will teach how to incorporate new beginnings with faith and trust in the process. It is time to believe in yourself and use the inspiration that is given. Listen carefully. It is time sing your own song for a new period in life force abounds


Rooster is a Guardian, watcher and protector of the family. He is keenly aware of the surroundings within the physical and spiritual realms. He stimulates insights and forthrightness and confidence. Rooster has enthusiasm with optimism and will teach you the same. It's time to open to the great mystery of the pasts to find your hidden self. Rooster will enlighten your path to take notice of your hidden powers. Time to welcome the sun with your voice and communication abilities with poise, confidence and assuredness. Rooster will show the power of persuasion and influence to accomplish endeavors. Rooster will aid in the process of presentation whether it be physical meetings or spiritual ones, communicating your heart's intents and desires will be Rooster's lesson.


Teaches us how to connect with the earth and how to ground ourselves in nature, shows us Rhythm, fertility, earth's heartbeat, increase of mental/physical activities, beat of life. Aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. Are you drumming and creating your own beat? Sapsucker will show you to accomplish this safely by awakening new mental faculties. He teaches to balance the spiritual and mental aspects with the physical world for harmony. Sapsucker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish this. Listen carefully.

Scrub Jay:

Scrub Jay teaches lessons of adaptation to situations and learning quickly with a high intelligence. He gives access to memories long forgotten and shows how to assimilate them into awareness. There may be feelings of joy and guilt that accompany this growth trend. He shows how to balance the feelings and emotions using Deer Medicine. Awareness is only part of the transition, the other part is finding heart-centered compassion. Scrub Jay medicine can show new perspectives that have great potential. He aids in planning for the future, protecting what you have, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Protect what is closest to you. Bold and inquisitive Scrub Jay has a penchant for investigating, adapting and learning new ideas and concepts. His creative intelligence uncovers sacred interconnections with all things. Mental growth aids spiritual growth. Scrub Jay demonstrates that anything of value takes work. It is daily activation of internal resources. Knowledge is collected so future wisdom comes to light. Is it time to set new goals? Envision it and pick the pieces into small ones to completion. He supports strong communication abilities while exercising judgment, care, and diplomacy. He will aid in finding the right words to say when it is time. Pay attention to throat health. Scrub Jay shows that play and humor balances more serious issues. Connect with plants, trees and flowers. The time period for Scrub Jay's lessons starts manifesting within 17 days. His medicine culminates quickly 18 days later. In one month, emotional and spiritual maturity is noticeable and bonds are strengthened. Lessons now have a life span of nine years or more. This is very long lasting transformative time.


Seagulls are spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication with guides is taking place. He shows how to see above situations with a higher clarity and teaches that there are many perspectives to consider. Seagull shows a sense friendship and community and the cooperation that is needed for the whole to operate successfully. He teaches how to ride the currents of the mental, emotional and physical worlds. Are you going with the flow or fighting it? Are you cooperating with others? Are you open to your guides? Seagull can teach you many lessons of looking, living and being. It is time to listen and watch for the nuances and timing of action.


Sparrow aids in opening the eyes to our self-worth and instills dignity and empowerment. He teaches the importance of voice and communication and the timing of exertion and retreat. It is time to sing your song in all that you do. Sparrow teaches cooperation and sharing responsibilities whether at home or work. Are you helping or should you be helping or working more in some area of your life? Sparrow aids in survival instincts by sharpening intuition to make proper choices. He will bring to awareness any old tendencies so that you can realize the newer more conducive means of being. Sparrow teaches assertion so that you may survive in spite of any circumstances with a balance of joy and empowerment. Are you ready to be like Sparrow?


Starling teaches lessons of group etiquette, social standing an family relations and how you appear to the world in those relationships. He will show the nuances of the art of communication and vocalization which needs to be clear and expressive. It's time to speak your voice. Starling can show how to be a fierce competitor to achieve goals along with using all the resources available to do such. Are you balancing your feminine/masculine qualities? It is time to accomplish tasks early and not wait until the last minute. Are you clinging to an idea, perception, people too tightly? Starling will teach much about sensitivity to others and working as a unity either in this world or another and will instill a sense of protection and hope.

Stellar's Jay:

Stellar's Jay teaches lessons of adaptation to any situations and learning quickly with a high intelligence. He gives access to memories long forgotten and shows how to assimilate them into awareness. He demonstrates risk taking, seizing opportunities and discovering new avenues for exploration. He will show the power of intelligence and fortitude balanced with discreet silence and utmost patience in timing. Bold and inquisitive Stellar's Jay has a penchant for investigating, adapting and learning new ideas and concepts. His creative intelligence uncovers sacred interconnections with all things. Mental growth aids spiritual growth. The energy centers of the head may become activated due to the increase of new spiritual knowledge. Pay attention to dream time as traveling, journeying and body sensations which will give new insights. Connect with Mother Earth. Stellar's Jay also demonstrates that anything of value, spiritual growth and relationships takes work. It is daily activation of internal resources, let Stellar's Jay show how it is done. Knowledge is collected so future wisdom comes to light. Is it time to set new goals? Envision it and pick the pieces into small ones to completion. He supports strong communication abilities often with sharp jabs. Exercise judgment, care, and diplomacy. The opposite may be true as well. Is it time to be forthright to finally "crack" the issue open? Stellar's Jay shows that a balanced diet is needed. The time period for Stellar Jay's lessons starts manifesting within 17 days. His medicine culminates quickly 18 days later. In one month, emotional and spiritual maturity is noticeable and bonds are strengthened. Lessons now have a life span of nine years or more. This is very long lasting transformative time.


Stork aids in new beginnings as there is a spiritual and/or physical birthing taking place. He will aid in carrying the new birthing of ideas, thoughts and new ventures to where they need to be for Spirit's plan. It is time for actions in areas in your life as Stork teaches to move in air (mind) and land (body) with a balance of relaxation. He instills a sense of calm and peace through the process. Stork helps in solidifying and strengthening the domestic fronts as well. Take notice of communication abilities and the attitudes and emotions that your words hold. Stork will show how to carry your new peace into all areas of your life.


Swallow teaches the power of objectivity, community fellowship, and communications in a group environment. He can teach discernment and proper actions to avoid threats with tenacity, style and class. Swallow shows how to think quickly, react appropriately and use the power of thoughts to manifest ideals. This animal will aid in your in own nesting instincts to create something from nothing. Ingenuity, determination and innate skills will help capture what is necessary for you to succeed. Swallows are masters of the air and will show how to move with utmost grace with agility and style. Are you moving with the flow of thoughts and ideals? Are you working in cooperation with others? Swallow shows how love and communication paired with trust can do the most good. It is time to renew the environment around you and ride the favorable air currents and tailwinds to stay above anything that comes your way.


Swans show true beauty of self, expression of the power of grace and how the inner beauty of others is reflected within you. He aids in awakening your inner power for spiritual progression and developing intuition. He shows how to move through emotions along with sensitivity and empathy towards others. Swan teaches awareness to move in spiritual and physical realms along with healing and transformation for you soul growth. Are you listening to your heightened intuition? Are you trusting your hunches and feelings? She teaches the mystery of song, poetry and communication with grace and style and illuminates the beauty within. It's time for you to know more about your beautiful self, your self-worth and the awareness of the love within your heart. It is time to express yourself with grace and style.


Use of speed and agility in daily life, accuracy, use opportunities to their best potential, fluidity of thought and emotion. Swifts can teach how to join together with others either for protection or for communal joint efforts to accomplish tasks and goals. They show how to have a warm demeanor under icy conditions of others. Swifts will teach timing of when to approach and when to retreat along with heightening this intuition to avoid the storms of life. Are using current resources? Swift can show how to recycle your resources into something new and exciting. They will aid in mastering the air with expertise, exactness, even ferocity when needed to go the endurance and distance that is called for. Are you ready to go the distance? Are you taking time to shelter and care for yourself against mental and emotional stress? Swift medicine teaches how to maneuver in the air with graceful acrobatics.


Cheerful, bird of truth, mind mysteries, joy, heals/balances/opens perceptions, teaches about voicing impressions and expressions. Titmouse teaches to use our voice and the immense power of small things and with small ideas. Titmouse teaches courage and empowerment along with being bold with discernment. A natural curiosity awakens your senses and surroundings. Pay attention to social settings. He teaches the art of flexibility. Incubation for development is 6-8 weeks time. Are you sharing your thoughts and opinions right now? Titmouse can show how to express ideals with timing.


Toucan teaches sharp and to the point communication to get your message across when needed, lending his strength and confidence in the process. Dare to be different, exciting and bold as he will add more color to all areas of your life. He will show how to do this while balancing vitality with grounding properties. Toucan shows that you can be vocally strong with all of the resources you have. Are you a writer? He will teach the art of the written and spoken word. He will show there are more resources available. The call of the Toucan alerts to the steps you need to take toward a goal. He exhibits friendliness along with resilience, patience and the ability to tap into your own inner wisdom. Toucan medicine reminds you to eat more fruits, nuts and berries to help balance your diet. The time period for Toucan's lessons is 17-20 days in which he will direct you toward awakening your life with a vibrancy and renewed anticipation for daily life.


Towhee represents a time of utmost persistence and confidence. She teaches ways to uncover what is hidden. She shows the value of activity and progressing forward, even if it means taking steps backward. She shows how to maneuver in a way to keep going. Don't give up. When Towhee appears there may something else you are missing and will show how to go over things with a new perspective. She uses resourcefulness and ingenuity to aid in revealing what is necessary. Is it time to voice your opinion? She shows the power in keeping feet on the ground and balancing energy and time that is spent on activities. Towhee's medicine includes being quiet, secretive and subdued when needed as well as being forthright, loud and defensive when it is appropriate. She shows how to balance such passive/aggressive properties. The time period for Towhee's lesson span about 2 weeks. Be aware of situations where you can implement her wisdom for she will present you with the best course of action.


Harvest time, makes us thankful for all blessings, shows adaptability in all areas of life, energy of sharing and gift giving, teaches us how to harvest items with patience, show us how to expand our thoughts to attract we need, there is a time for everything so patience is necessary for there is a time to fly and a time to be grounded. Turkey teaches the vitality of life and how all is sacred. It is time to listen to your higher vision to achieve goals whether it be spiritual, physical, mental or emotional. Turkey will aid in the exchange and transformation of such perceptions.


Buzzard or Vulture teaches the power of purification of the mind, body and spirit. Vulture aids accomplishing tasks through great patience and vision, using your sense of smell and discernment, and how to glide and soar with your own energy. He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness. Buzzard can teach confidence and the ability to stand with dignity and soar with clarity and purpose. He shows how to seek a new and heightened vision while increasing sensitivity. It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening?


Expression of ideas and self, center and focus your energies, socialize, enjoy life, movement, progression and expansion of ideals and endeavors. Warbler will teach how to diversify and expand your surroundings and feel comfortable in doing so. He can teach how to sing your soul song to achieve what you need to in order to survive. Warbler shows how to endure and use patience and tenacity for your best interests. They are noted for their songs so are you singing to the best of your ability? Warbler shows how to raise your voice with confidence. Are you moving in the direction you need to go? Listen to Warbler, his song of the heart will guide you. Listen carefully to the music.


Whippoorwill's nocturnal nature teaches the art of night time movements and camouflage. The art of invisibility may be utilized when he appears. Heightened senses may be activated at twilight, dawn with special emphasis on moonlit nights. It is time to adjust your cycle to correspond to the lunar one. Pay attention to the cycles and themes you are experiencing around the moon phases. The waxing moon is the most opportune time to start anew, perhaps 1 or 2 things stand out. Whippoorwill will show that you can be grounded while uncovering what is hidden but it may warrant that you keep a low profile for a time. Art of moving at night and maneuverability; unconscious, subconscious and dreams. It is time to listen to sounds in the spiritual realm and in your surroundings. Are you hovering or circling and ready to accept what you prey upon when it appears? Whippoorwill shows how to adapt to this new phase.

Willow Grouse (Ptarmigan)

Ptarmigan demonstrates the strength of family relationships and attachments to others. He shows how to balance masculine and feminine energies whether it be personal or with others around you. He teaches to be overall neutral in actions and be more dominant when needed. Ptarmigan gives instructions on the art of camouflage and blending in. He knows the three stages of change that will ultimately give color to your life. Grounding, movement, timing and letting go of the past are aspects of his teachings. Ptarmigan has high insulating properties as well as teaching how to lightly tread on others emotions. He shows how to walk carefully in mind and spirit. Pay attention to diet; eat more fruit, vegetables and fiber to help integrate Ptarmigan's energy. Time period for Ptarmigan's medicine is about a month. Seven to ten days new things appear. Be mindful of the subtleties. After about 3 weeks developments will be very noticeable as you incorporate his messages. He will assist during this swift adjustment with balance and grace. What he teaches now will have effects over the next two years as you reach another level of spiritual maturity.


Teaches us how to connect with the earth and how to ground ourselves in nature, shows us Rhythm, fertility, earth's heartbeat, increase of mental/physical activities, beat of life. Aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. Are you drumming and creating your own beat? Woodpecker will show you to accomplish this safely by awakening new mental faculties. He teaches to balance the spiritual and mental aspects with the physical world for harmony. Woodpecker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish this. Listen carefully

Wood Brown Thrush:

Wood Thrush appears to you it is time to sing a joyous song of life and all of the experiences that surround you. Coincidences and synchronicities will expand your spirituality in a profound way. There is beauty in randomness. She is about following your soul purpose and recognizing innate abilities. Communicating by listening and singing your song, being carefree and open with thoughts, ideas and creativity are part of Wood Thrush lessons. Shy and retreating or outgoing and friendly, what trait do you need to exercise? This animal is also a fierce protector of its environment. Are you watching your territory for those that come too close? Home aspects are also emphasized with order and cleanliness. Do repairs need to be made? She will teach fearlessness and strength with a balance of gentleness and generosity. Even with strength in defenses your song matches few to bring joy and harmony to many people. Be alert to what may be hidden under the surface. She guides you into focus and clarity. You may have noticed a transformation last July/August, this allows the wisdom of Wood Thrush to be understood now. Wood Thrush's optimum time is at sunrises and sunsets when meditation and quiet time should be utilized. She brings the feeling of Spring back into your life by rejuvenating your spirit with the beauty of the world. The time period of her lessons is a total of six weeks, 3 phases of two weeks each. Her medicine will show how to adapt with a renewed sense of joy and heightened awareness in each of the stages. Let your soul sing loud from the treetops so others may hear your message. 


Wren represents a new period of incoming energy, increased activity and heightened alertness in mental, physical, and emotional areas. There is clarity with a creative vibrancy along with activated confidence in the ability to adapt to any situations. Wren supports you with his ability to see into the dark recesses and extract what is needed. You may realize you have several things going on at once. He will guide in what is necessary through dreams and meditations. Wren expresses an effervescence and renewed vitality of relationships within the environment; work, home, family, groups. He shows that emotional journey includes joy and happiness. You deserve it. It is time to lighten your heart with the creative arts and spending time in nature to rejuvenate. Wren's medicine also includes determination, strength and fortitude and resourcefulness with the art of multitasking. He shows balancing and timing of when to be aggressive and when to be subdued. Listen to your body for indicators. Although he may not always be seen, his song speaks to the heart in order for you to sing your own wonderful song. Although the genus list for wren is vast, pay attention to the surroundings, habits, and plumage for more insight. Wrens may be small but can teach big lessons. Do you feel unsure or inadequate? His medicine will guide you and provide strength to move forward.


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This is all very informative, like an encyclopedia. Thanks, dear SunKat. 


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