"All things were spun from the wheel of Diana,

and Lucifer turned the wheel"

This is the ancient Hopi symbol of Spider Grandmother.

Spider Grandmother has a symbol in the centre of her body. This is the symbol which amongst the ancients, meant ‘Earth’. Earth, to the ancients, was Gaia, the Great Mother; and thus, the symbol is of the generative forces of Nature.

The Cross, and the circumference, or circle of the Lily Cross, Rosy Cross or Celtic Cross was comprised of originally the Ouroboros, or World Serpent, bisected by the twin Serpents of Yin and Yang, Water and Earth; and Fire and Air. The heads and tails of these serpents mark the annual passage of the Solstices and Equinoxes on the Wheel of Life.

The four arms of the Cross represent the four elements; the fifth in the centre, which denotes Spirit. This symbolism is so ancient that it is to be found amongst all ancient; and ancient, ‘pre-historic’ peoples.

The symbolism was expressed in various forms, by different cultures and civilizations over the passage of the millennia.

The symbol is found etched, and in some cases embossed, into/out of the hardest glaciated rock in Africa and were thus engraved before the Ice Age; it is found in cave paintings as petroglyphs dating back to , honestly speaking, a really unknown antiquity.

It is found in Ancient Sumer;

And in the Orient; where it transmutes into becoming the Swastika.

In the center of the encircled cross, where all four elements gather, is Spirit, or quintessence.

Medusa and Swans

The Swastika is a sign of both beginnings, fertility and increase, sacred womb and new life; and conversely, of the natural cycles of sterility and decrease, of  all endings and of Death.


It depends on which direction the Swastika turns, as to whether it symbolizes increase or decrease, day or night, life or death.

In Nature, Life and Death are complementary processes.

Both are necessary for our ongoing cyclical existence on the Wheel of Life.



Unfortunately, as with many of the other ancient Goddess symbols, the swastika has been appropriated for the use of the patriarchy, for all the wrong reasons.The misuse of sacred symbolism always leads to disaster. Just look what happened to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. Don’t people ever learn from their own experiences?

The symbol also appears as the Star of Ishtar, one cross superimposed over the other.

The Goddess Kali and Goddess Inanna share the same sacred symbolism

The eight-pointed star, or double cross is also symbolic of the Wheel of the Year in Pagan Spirituality.

The Earth Cross and Lilies are the ancient symbols of the Anunnaki Dragon Priestess

This Cross, and not the Cross of the Crucifixion, is the symbol of the first and original Christians, who venerate the Divine Feminine and whose ancestors were truly Christo-Pagans, sharing Pagan customs and traditions and co-existing in peace, before the Church came in and took control of the spiritual lives of the people by reinforcing divisions and emphasizing the perceived differences between people rather than simply concentrating on the so-many things we all have in common.

Such as sharing the same common fortune and fate, should the shield fail due to the environmentally destructive activities of humankind?

It is abundantly clear that the Ancestors of the human race, wherever they lived, had unique ways of expressing the same common truths of the Universe. These are couched in common symbolism and based on exactly the same spiritual, scientific and metaphysical principles. Thus, they cannot be coincidence; and therefore, there was a universal form of Spirituality which far predates any other Religious belief system which has arisen over the past 6000 years.

There is no doubt that the worship of the Goddess and the Serpent was first.

To call the Goddess and The Serpent ‘evil’, is therefore directly insulting the Ancestors of our kind. It also denies what is real, and not a fable; which is the Kundalini Serpent Goddess within every living thing, including all human beings.

The Swastika is the symbol for Earth, or the generative Power which emanates from within the Earth; amongst the Hopi and other Native American peoples as well as amongst the ancient people of Sumer in Mesopotamia.

From the tip of Southern Africa to the prairies of North America, the same common symbolism appears.

The Native American people incorporated the Lily Cross into the symbol of Spider Grandmother, not by accident, but by design.This may upset certain theories of so-called pre-historic humankind, but there it is.

Spider Grandmother made the four main kinds of people out of clay in the beginning. According to the ancient legends of Sumer, it was the Birth Goddesses and Enki, the Winged Serpent God of Wisdom, who performed the same scientific miracle, and gave birth to the first humans. How else do we explain the natural variations and uniqueness of our species?

The Tarot has four main suites, which correspond to the four elements, and are generally speaking, indicative of certain archetypes of people. Which archetype are you, and which Goddess is your great-Ancestress?

Our collective ancestors knew of and shared this common Wisdom and Science. That we are all interconnected, and possess the same magnetism of our Mother Earth.

That the Great Mother was first, and that all things are spun into existence upon the spinning Wheel of Life.

Father Sun turns the wheel

The Sun gives light, warmth and life-sustaining heat to the Earth.

Yet the Sun has, at the same time, the potential to destroy all life on our watery blue planet.

Solar winds constantly bombard the thin magnetic shield which protects our planet and allows life to continue.

Solar flares have the potential send excessive amounts of solar radiation to the surface of the Earth, causing all manner of disturbances.


In the legends, Spider Grandmother spins a web, which stops the destructive effects of Father Sun and steals this power

Do you know what the actual magnetic fields around the Earth look like?

Somehow, the Hopi people knew, in detail, about the magnetic field shape and configuration as well as the function of the generated magnetic shield, long before modern technology made this possible.

The same could be said of the Sumerians, who possessed advanced celestial knowledge and unlike the later Greeks and Romans, knew that the Earth is a sphere and not flat at all.

As we are all interconnected and part of the web of life, everything we do, think and say has an effect, no matter how subtil, on everything else. Albert Einstein called this phenomenon, ‘Funny action at a distance’

The inward and outward worlds should be as one. Which kind do we want for ourselves and ours?

We are the Children of the Earth;

And we all possess the same geo-magnetic energies as those generated from within the planet core. Actually, everything is infused with it, and it flows through all beings. We can use it any way we want.

The Time is marked;

And the hourglass waits for no-one.

Every grain of time, in every natural cyclical period, is precious. We can do with it, what we will.

We must all help to make it easier to spin the web which protects us all from certain extinction ; instead of damaging the web through certain activities

The web is a miracle of natural engineering. Fragile, delicate-seeming, yet it is stronger than tensile steel.

However, the web of Spider Grandmother, the magnetic shield, is getting weaker.

Already it is down by over 25% and it is continually weakening.

Why is the shield weakening at such an alarming rate?

As Above, So Below

The damage done to the environment above, is causing the core magnetic strength to weaken, below.

The shield is generated by the core, which is of molten liquid Nickel-Iron, Moldavite and other metals and which provides the power to sustain it. Without adequate shielding from the solar winds which buffet the Earth, all life as we know it, would be toast. Already, as a direct result of the weakened shield, there have been cases of sunspots which have caused deaths in some areas.

There is a vast corridor of the ocean which is being unnaturally heated by the intense and unbroken rays of the sun entering through gaps in the shield.

This overheating of the ocean currents is causing some of the excessive and unbalanced weather such as torrential rainfall in some areas, drought in others and odd seasonal fluctuations that we have all experienced over the last decade especially. The shield started to weaken appreciably ever since the period of rapid industrialization which happened after WW2. This technological revolution has resulted in many benefits to humans, and little to all of the other inhabitants of this planet. These benefits include a longer life expectation, and thus more children are born, living far longer productive lives than their ancestors in say, the Dark Ages, when both Witch Craft (the Magick of Science) and Surgery were banned.

Overpopulation is the natural result of improved health care, though, and it means that the natural environment is being replaced by human settlements.

This, together with the polluting industries which have and are still besmirching the delicate environment with the filth and poison which are their by-products and which are geared and powered by the Military-techno-industrial machine, is resulting in a radical imbalance.

The reliance on fossil fuels , unsafe nuclear power, expensive hydroelectric schemes and oil for energy needs instead of viable eco-friendly alternatives, is only speeding up the pathway to total annihilation.

So what can we do about it?


By treading lightly, in the sense of reducing our carbon footprint- being proactive, and living in a conscious way, we create the right conditions for the healing of the planet.

We all have within us the power to create, and the power to destroy. Which path will we choose for the children?

We can choose to ignore all of this, and walk away. One can choose to live in a cocoon, comfortably insulated against reality and following every diversion and amusement that is offered, serving only oneself, or, one can use the power and the lifetime we have been given to do what is needed. Join the fight to save ourselves!

Violence and aggression is never the solution. What has been done, has been done already, and so resentment is a waste of energy, and better directed more productively. The weapons to use are ~ fun, compassion, balance, wisdom and mystery; Love, Peace and Understanding.

Be active in supporting those who are totally committed to saving ourselves from committing suicide.

We have a direct and profound influence on our living environment.

United, we can all make the right thoughts actually become the right things.

Let’s then give thanks to the Great Mother and Great Spirit; and show our appreciation by healing ourselves and the planet.

Blessed Be




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