Helen , Queen of Troy

Helen of Troy is traditionally linked to Lilith in Jewish folklore as the personification of Death ; and representing the dangers inherent in exploring forbidden, occult knowledge as set forth by the Talmud and the Zohar.

And it is how we view Death, that determines our ability to live life ~ to the fullest, or in fear...and, how we view the Great Goddess of Death, Lilith.

However, not everyone realises that Helen of Troy is linked with the very early roots of the British Nation; or that Helen, in Greek Mythology , is the most beautiful woman in the world.
Known for being a herbologist of note, the Queen was accredited for having made the elixir of forgetfulness, nepenthe, which indicates that She was aquainted with Witchcraft botanicals and potion-making.

Right in the beginning , Helen was an Ancient Goddess associated with Trees and Birds. This identification places the Queen amongst the Bird and Tree Goddesses Lilith, Medusa and Aphrodite.

Prince Paris of Troy, selected by Zeus to be the one to adjudge beauty best of all mortals; proclaimed that Aphrodite was the fairest Goddess of all during a beauty contest held between Hera, Aphrodite and Athena; and as a sign of Her appreciation, Aphrodite promised Paris that he would meet with the desire of his heart as a reward for his choice. Paris loved Helen, Queen of Sparta so much that he visited her at her home town of Lycedaemon in Sparta and persuaded her, with the sublime assistance of several Deities, to abdicate and flee with him to Troy, leaving the Greek Royals sans a Queen.

Just as a struggling artist once fell in love with the lady of his heart on a doomed voyage across the cold and merciless Atlantic ocean, and went against every single social norm of that day, braving the social prejudice and taboos imposed upon them by the dominant culture of that time, so did Paris and Helen defy the will of others who would deny them their happiness and love together, choosing love above all.

The penalties were severe, however, and many died during the subsequent invasion of Troy, both Trojan and Spartan, mortal and demi-god – including Paris; until the conquerors had their way, using the Trojan Horse to infiltrate and then open the city to the invaders who razed the city and civilization of Troy to the ground.

Helen either returned back to Greece as King Menelaus’ wife and remained there until his death in later versions of the tale; or disappeared into the deserts of Egypt, sending a double in Her place to fool the King. 
Other legends state that the Goddesses and Gods, saddened by the waste of lives and the unnecessary destruction that the Trojan war had caused everyone, sent a devastating storm amongst the ships that were returning to Greece after hostilities had ended, scattering them all over the Meditterranean and neighbouring Islands.

Helen , having grieved her true love, Paris, re-married another Prince of Troy, by the name of Brutus.

The cult of Diana was relevant to Ancient Britain, as Diana was the Goddess who had guided Prince Brutus of Troy, who became the founder of the Royal line in Britain, to settle in the British Isles after the fall of Troy at the hands of the Greek empire.
British people are known as “Y lin Troia”, people of Troy; and it was always taken as fact that the British royal family are of the lineage of ancient Trojan Queens and Kings.
London was named in honour of Diana ( Lon-dian) , however the city was originally called New Troy.

Nemesis is a Goddess who is the enforcer of Divine justice, and is very similar to Athena, Minerva, Demeter and Cybele; the furies and Gorgons could also be grouped together with this avenging Goddess of Justice as Her mythos is legend. She is called by the Name Adrasteia – “One from whom there is no escape”.

Nemesis is believed to either be the Daughter of Oceanos, or the child of Nyx, the Dark Goddess of primordial Night.

Nemesis is the Mother of Queen Helen, and in mythology produced an egg, from which hatched the two sets of twins Castor and Pollux and Clytemnystra and Helen of Troy, respectively.

The word nemesis in it’s original sense meant to distribute fortune according to the deeds of the individual, so thus was ambivalent in meaning, “to each according to her/his works”. It then evolved to imply a sense of Divine action or retribution against those who would deliberately tip the scales of harmonious balance and equilibrium, implying a sense of injustice that has to be corrected.

Nemesis in later times became the Goddess who would avenge crimes in general, and especially the crime of arrogance against the Goddesses and Gods, called hubris.

Helen, Queen of Sparta and Princess of Troy, is portrayed in the later legends of the Iliad, as a guilt-ridden woman who wished herself dead as a result of the needless deaths that her actions had caused, due to her selfish actions.

However, one cannot help but notice that the entire saga is written from a patriarchal viewpoint, that might is right, and that both the Goddesses and Queen Helen are played as hapless pawns of the Kings and male Gods , led by Zeus, who actually seems to have orchestrated the whole episode from the beginning, by setting up Paris to judge the “beauty contest” between the goddesses – Really? Since when are Goddesses jealous of one another, and since when was a beauty competition, which compares Jewel with Jewel, of any relevance whatsoever to Divine Goddesses?

Every Deity knows that true beauty is to be found within, so revealing the entire beauty contest scenario to be false and a later, male addition to the Herstory of the Deities.
However, this story does show everyone just how manipulative certain deities can be in orchestrating strife and warfare; and reveals how effective their manipulative deception can be when they decide to influence humankind into following the paths of division and pain; which pleases themselves as warlike male deities no end….

Medieval interpretations

Queen Helen featured in Jewish folklore in the tale “Helen of Troy” in the collection of Jewish tales of the supernatural, selected and retold by Howard Schwartz.

In this story, we are introduced to the magician and “evil” sorcerer, Joseph della Reina, who was, according to the story, at first a devout student of the Talmud and a holy man entrusted with the secrets of Elijah; who was then corrupted by Lilith and taught the arts of Black magic by the Goddess, who in the context of the Medieval Jewish beliefs, is the Queen of Demons, ruling together with Asmodeus, King of Demons.

Evidently, Della Reina is a philanderer and is encouraged by Lilith to satisfy his lust with every hapless woman that he possibly can, under Her guidance. He specialises in “Magical date –rape”, forcing his will on devoutJewish women and then compelling them to do his will and have sex with him, after which he returns to his hide-out to be further coached in the ways of evil by Lilith.

“His only companion had been Lilith, who had infected him with her evil ways, so that not a spark of holiness remained within him” 
p43,”Helen of Troy”from the book by Harold Schwartz, Lilith’s cave- Jewish tales of the supernatural”(1988) Oxford University press ISBN 0 19 506726 6

Della Reina is consumed by guilt and shows remorse for his fall from grace.
He at first, had embarked upon a quest inspired by the prophet Elijah (whom, BTW had also “inspired” rebellion against Queen Jezebel of the Israelites some time previously – but that is another story) to capture Lilith and Asmodeus and so restore the Shekinah to Her rightful glory.
The attempt fails miserably, but Lilith spares Della Reina, saying : “You may wonder why I saved your life,when it was your intention to destroy me. The answer is that I have recognised in you an ember of evil, and now that you are mine I shall fan that ember until it bursts into flame!”

Della Reina is seen as a hapless pawn, or slave to the “evil demoness” Lilith; who promises that he may have the woman of his heart’s desire as a reward for his devotion to Her. He ultimately chooses to bring Helen of Troy back to life, whom he sees as the most beautiful woman of the ages past.

Using the magickal powers taught to him by Lilith, he conjures up Queen Helen, who materialises at first as a baby. Adjusting his spell accordingly, Della Reina re-conjures, and is rewarded with the skeletal remains of Helen – in shock, he jumps of a high cliff to his death - to be embraced by the terrible skeleton of Queen Helen, in whose embrace he dies an awful death.

Another parallel, that of the Medieval Dr. Faust

The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus was written by Christopher Marlowe, an Elizabethan dramatist, in around the year 1589, at the height of the Witchcraze in Europe, when cruel and merciless Jesuit priests were orchestrating the torture, burning and deaths of millions.

The central theme of the Burning Times was the alleged pact that Witches have with the “Devil”, and the allegation that Witches are slaves to this male Devil, and are given occult knowledge by the Devil, but are his absolute slaves and must do his bidding, though at the end of the tale, are betrayed by the selfsame devil. This popular misconception is still held to be the truth by the seeming majority of churches, even in today’s modern civilization...and there is no doubt that the play was written in this context.

Dr. Faust sells his soul to the Devil, aka. Mephistopholes, in return for metaphysical powers and, the chance to enter into a love affair with the woman whom he desired more than any other, because of her great beauty, a Lady by the name and title of Queen Helen of Troy. Faust, under the guidance of Mephistophles, attends a Witches’ sabbat attended by both Lilith and Medusa, who are cast in the role of Witches attending the medieval version of the “ Witches’ Sabbat” which of course is presided over by , yes, you guessed it, the “Devil”.

Needless to say, according to the original play written by Marlowe, the whole episode ends in tragedy for the manipulated pawn of the Witches and the Devil, following the common theme of these tales of deception and woe. Dr Faust is accompanied by “Sweet Mephistopholes” all the way through, as he enjoys his occult powers at the expense of the innocent; however at the end of it all, the Devil is cheated of his prize and Faust ends up eternally damned, deserted by his Master when it counted most.

The play was rewritten by Goethe, a prominent proto-Darwinist scientist, politician and Poet in the 1800’s as “Faust, a tragedy” with some changes to the original, including Faust’s redemption at the end, instead of the eternal damnation in the fires of hell that he had suffered in the first and original version. The guilt factor and deep remorse for his deeds in a life controlled by this devil are however, still prominent in the concluding motto to the story.

The common theme linking the various tales that we have discussed here, is that of a Goddess who is reduced to embracing the petty values of jealousy, and prizing outward appearences and prettiness above all, deciding to manipulate individuals into doing their will on earth, and a devil who steals one’s soul, compelling the individual to do his evil deeds for him as a tool in return for transitory powers and pleasures, at the expense of all involved.

This ends in tragedy for all concerned, least of all the chosen male subject, who is seen as weak and highly susceptible to the charms of the “evil” Goddesses - and commits acts of evil, betrayal, incest and destruction as a result of having been so badly influenced.

At the conclusion of all these tales, the subject, or slave to the Goddesses (who were in later times, synonymous with the “Devil” ) is left to die a horrible death, demonstrating that, according to the authors, the Goddess not only instigates misery for all , but then betrays her loyal devotee whom She has “used” by abandoning him at the end.

To go against the wishes of the King, or male god, by loving another for the sake of love alone, or by seeking “forbidden” wisdom by associating with the Goddess/ “Devil”, leads to disaster and remorse – this is the moral of these patriarchal tales.
The female is, according to thse writers, inherently devious and untrustworthy, and can manipulate any man like putty in her hands. This archaic stereotype is patriarchal through and through so I choose to take it all from whence it comes, then.

“An ABC of Witchcraft- Past and present”(1973) by Doreen Valiente; Robert Hale publishers ISBN 0 7090 5350 9

“Even in the Arthurian romances, we find evidence of the triple Goddess. Elaine, the Lily Maid, was the Virgin or Maiden aspect.
British tradition says that the islands were settled by Trojans. Since Elaine bears the same name as Elen, the first British-Trojan Queen, it is possible that the idea behind Her came from the Mediterranean area at some point in the past”

– “Maiden, Mother, Crone – The myth and Reality of the Triple Goddess”(1994) by D.J Conway, Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota ISBN 13: 978 0 87542 171 1

The thing that immediately strikes me about this passage is that the name Helen, is not far removed from Elaine, or Elen.
The Lily, or Lotus, is the symbol of the Divine Feminine; and is a sacred flower of Lilith, the name Lily forming the basis of Her Name. Lilith is also known as “Dark maid Lilith” in Sumero-Babylonian inscriptions, where She appears as the Hand of Inanna, or the Sister and Dark Half of Inanna.
A similar example of the duality of the Goddess is the pairing of Isis and Nephthys, the Light and Dark Sisters, representing Life and Death

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Replies to This Discussion

Wow what a fantastic read Zu!  Thank you so much for all the information here!  

I do so enjoy reading your writings as they are not only very informative but also so interesting! As you say, its interesting to note the male dominated spin on tales such as the ones you posted here.  Women are either the hapless pawns or femmes fatales leading men astray!

Thank you dearest from my heart :)

My absolute pleasure as always, Boudicca ~ steroetypes like the ones you mention are as we all know, still very much part and parcel of our so-called modern civilization.

And the social programming is really deeply entrenched in the general group conciousness, so much so that women are truly their own worst enemies. The same can be said of men.

A man will ruin himself for the easy and cheap gratifications that society offers him, and this makes him a slave to his passions.

A woman will literally become, or personify , either the wicked temptress bit, or thinking that the only way to be powerful, is to be just like a "typical" man.

(As an Androgynous person I am granted the luxury of being able to detach and view both sexes from an objective viewpoint) Just telling it as I see it, that's all :);  and I am generalising , naturally ~

By playing along, and just rolling over and accepting the role definitions and "acceptable" , modes of behaviour and thinking dictated to them by society, humans are destined to remain the poor slaves to the system that most, are.

To be free, we must liberate ourselves from the false and illusionary, outer-Ego driven "power trips" that everyone holds so dear, and take back the true Power and destiny that is our ancient birthright.

Listen to the words, and observe the actions, then the picture becomes clearer. The only way that the status quo can be changed is through individual effort and actions which set an example for others.

The illusion of fear is the most powerful weapon they have, and once we realise that fear is just an illusion, and one realises that it is through fear that people control others, one can start creating the life we love ~ without any interferences.

The power of the lies cannot be underestimated, and the programming starts from the earliest possible age. From the fairy tales, where the witch is always "evil"; to the saturation of the media with violence, and this violence is always seen as a means to an end ~ the militarization of all nations, "just in case" , and the justifications for sending people off to die "for their country" ~ to "keep the peace".

Pfft...what a scam. When will humans wake up and take back the destiny of this planet and all who live on it?

 Have an ultimately cool and amazing weekend, Sister. Right now I'm going to have a serious heart to heart walk around the block with Phoebe, my American Bulldog family member. See you later :))

Enjoy your walk and also your weekend honey.

Thank you again dearest....and I have to say I agree with all you have said here....*shakes head*...I am sorry to say!  I am no longer using labels.....as they only perpetuate this kind of thinking.  As individuals, we are who we are. I know there is no label to fit me.  I call myself gender balanced and yet to some, I might appear bi-sexual, as I appreciate both male and female form and sexuality and yet I am not.  To others I might seem very masculine with some of my ways and yet I am not.  I follow no religion and yet I can attend all.  I just am who I am, unique and individual just as you are honey.

I feel anyone who has to label themselves, or others, is a little lost really.

Again, thank you for the wonderful piece here.

Sure, Boudicca ~ labelling is totally ego-driven and that is the main reason why there is conflict in the world, as labelling implies differentiation ~ the perceived differences between people who may be of a different gender, or those who don't fit in to any particular gender stereotype ; ), or who are of a different shade of skin colour etc etc etc.These "differences" are highlighted by racists of all colours as an excuse to cause and forment even more discord between people, for political and social gains.

Any truly spiritual person knows that the colour of one's skin, or the clothes they wear, or what culture they come from or what language they speak, do not matter in the slightest.

What does matter is the eyes of a person as the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and a reflection of what kind of energies we have within.

In the New Age that we are entering, these labels and superficial differences are disappearing as one realises that the energy that flows within is the same, and it is how we use it that makes the only real difference.

Until the day that everyone does realise this truth, there will be change, and often, change is not comfortable or easy to deal with or accept. As there are many injustices and inequalities that have to be corrected, this also implies conflict between the reactionary elements within religions who wish to monopolise people's lives and spirituality, and divorce people from oneness with Spirit; and the more progressive individuals who wish to assist humankind's spiritual progress, not retard it for selfish motives and gains at the expense of everyone else.

hehe sorry you got me on a roll there,

thanks for everything and have a lovely weekend!.

Yes hon I have to agree with all you have said here.  The really sad thing is that many people feel they HAVE to belong to some group or other, that they have to have the approval of someone or other.  They are afraid to be individual, unique.  They feel they their way is 'the right way or its the highway' and this too is a form of ignorance and bullying, again perpetuating the divisions between groups of people without recognising each is a wonderful divine unique individual.

Just because I am female doesn't mean I could not be discriminatory against my own gender....I could dislike someone based on their size, colour whatever and yet, we are all female.

Yes dear heart, as you say, these shells do not define who we as individuals are, it is the entity, the soul that inhabits it that defines us.  And they eyes do show that.

Never mind you getting on a roll there Zu... lol ;)

My pleasure as always, Richard ~ glad that you enjoyed it.

What intrigues me is the way that the historians have twisted and changed the facts to suit their own agendas over the years . And, any woman in herstory who is actually the better of a man, such as Delilah, Jezebel, Joan of Arc or Lilith, the Goddess Herself ~ is diabolized or made out to be either devious, cruel, insensitive, or just plain evil and otherwise viewed as totally unacceptable to male-dominated societies. Only "good", submissive, weak and obedient women are "good enough" for some warped people, especially in conservative patriarchal societies.

Once the Dualist, or patriarchal, interpretations of any event in herstory are examined, it becomes clear that what we have been fed as "the truth", is actually a pack of jumbled but well-rehearsed lies.

Thanks again, and,

Be Blessed )O(


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