
Aphrodite shares the same symbols as Astarte, Tanit and Hera; the dove, dolphin and sacred pillar.

The Dolphin is the symbol of Androgyny; and it is no coincidence that many of the modern men and women who are drawn to the Goddess identify with these energies. Goddesses associated with Dolphins are Aphrodite, Tiamat, Atargatis, Decento, Isis (known as Mari by ancient sailors), Mami Wata , Kali, The Virgin Mary and naturally, Melusine.

Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love, is actually a Goddess with the dolphin and the Moon as Her sacred symbols. The dolphin and the Moon carried the souls of the deceased through and into the Underworld.
The Goddess was often pictured riding on a giant fish. This is because the fish is a primal symbol of Goddess, representing Life after Death and Fertility. Over time, the Goddesses and Gods who were always pictured as Serpents or Fish, or other sacred animals, became to be visualized as having human characteristics as well. 
The Fish, blended into beautiful and alluring Goddess, was the origin of Mermaid and Siren.


So actually, the fish, which has been adopted by modern-day Christians as the symbol of resurrection, is the ages-old symbol of Goddess and thus, the Mermaid in legend!
The Fish, as with the Serpent, combines both phallic symbolism, and male regenerative energies with feminine qualities and attributes, the v-shaped forked tail. Naturally, the Serpent is a Feminine symbol, although some view Serpents as possessing an Androgynous aspect as well.

Some of the most ancient tales of Creation originate with the Dogon tribe of Mali, strangely enough , co-inciding with similar tales from Sumer, involving a Fish Creator, and giants who emerged from the primeval waters with Fish apparel and symbolism.


The Nommo symbol, which shows a fish emerging from the waters. One of the most ancient symbols of humankind.


Certain facts cannot yet be explained by conventional scientists, such as, how both the Zulu people in South Africa as well as the Dogon of Mali in West Africa, display advanced knowledge, passed down over centuries, of the movements of the stars, and of the actual origins of humankind. It is seemingly inexplicable why and how these African people knew about the existence of Sirius B, the dwarf companion star of Sirius A, as this fact was only discovered in the 20th century with the advent of high-powered telescopes.


"For example, the Dogon (Mali) were already aware of the Saturn’s rings, the four main satellites of Jupiter, the elliptic orbit of the planets around the Sun and the spiralling form of our galaxy. The source of this awareness is traditionally due to the descent of a group of superior beings from the stellar system of Sirius. They were the first founders of civilisation on Earth. The Dogon religion acknowledges the star Sirius as the centre of the universe, together with its twin and smaller satellite star called po tolo (tolo means “star” and po is the smallest cereal grain known to the Dogon) which is actually considered as more important than its much larger counterpart. The latter is totally invisible to the naked eye and can only be identified with a very powerful telescope. The Dogon, like other people, aspire to reconnect to their star of origin and wait the return of their forefathers." -http://www.astroshamans.com/2012/01/stars-and-voyage-to-higher-worl...



Tanith ~ Aphrodite ~ Isis




Goddess Aphrodite was also known as Tanith, the Moon Goddess, especially venerated in ancient Phoenicia. There are many cross-cultural cross-overs in the Middle East, as can be expected, as the various people's traditional Goddesses took on , or absorbed, the attributes and characteristics of other Goddesses as they intermingled and exchanged ideas, goods and even spiritual concepts with each other. Isis at one stage, was known as The Great Goddess. While not diminishing the roles of other Goddesses in any way, Isis became to many the Great Goddess, One Goddess representing all the aspects of the Great Mother, both Light and Dark, for centuries, and Her worship was conducted in places as far apart as the Ukraine and alongside the River Thames. 



“An Androgynous figure, Tanit is the parthenogenic Mother of the Gods”

– Buffie Johnson

Aphrodite was not only the Goddess of Love, as the Greeks in the classical period knew the Goddess. Androphonos was one of Her titles, which means “Man-slayer”. This is because Aphrodite is also the Goddess of Death. Death is not only a physical death, but also signifies endings – the ending of a stage of life, and transition to new Life.

Despite the fearsome title of Terrible Mother, Aphrodite is portrayed as a beautiful woman, seated on a large scallop shell, with breasts and without female sex. 

To the ancients, Deity was seen as having an intrinsic Androgyny, and so, there are many portrayals of Goddesses exhibiting Androgynous features. This probably stems from the first tales of creation, during which the Goddess divided Herself to create the first life forms.


Aphrodite is the Goddess of Death and the Goddess of Love; however, the Death aspect was ignored by later patriarchs. The classical Greek rituals of sex and love in honor of Aphrodite totally ignored the dual nature of the Goddess.




Aphrodite has the Dove as her most persistent symbol, and was described by Hesiod as " golden, shedding grace".

So, if you ever see a flock of white doves, and notice one with golden, shimmering wings, even in a dream ~ you can be sure that it is Aphrodite, the Golden One. Gold and Honey, the eternal Nymph and Bride. A bride of the old Matrilineal order, though, and thus intolerant of patriarchal monogamy.

Having said this, Aphrodite had love affairs which produced children, so thus She is a Fertility deity , a form or aspect of the ancient Birth Goddess. The Goddess is represented by fruit, flowers, nectar and perfume ~ and classically, with swans.






Views: 1447

Replies to This Discussion

The symbol of the Goddess Tanith

I agree Janet....a  beautiful read!  Thank you dearest and love to you both.


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