This is a short prayer to coffee published in The Equinox ⁠— Crowley’s Review of Scientific Illuminism.

“O coffee! By the mighty Name of Power do I invoke thee, consecrating thee to the Service of the Magic of Light.
Let the pulsations of my heart be strong and regular and slow!
Let my brain be wakeful and active in its supreme task of self-control!
That my desired end may be effected through Thy strength, Adonai, unto Whom be the Glory for ever!
Amen without lie, and Amen, and Amen of Amen.”Source


These brief words intend to transform an everyday beverage into a potion for energy work. Crowley poetically projects his ideals of the effects of coffee: power without anxiety, diligence and mental self-mastery. The drink becomes a Magic tool. While this is just an example of how one could say this dedication, its power lies in the act of giving meaning and sacredness to a daily habit.


Note that the term “Adonai” used by Crowley in this prayer is a Hebrew word meaning “Lord.” It is sometimes used to refer to the Holy Guardian Angel.


Being a poet and ceremonial magician, Crowley held in high esteem the power of invocations. In this case, coffee may work as a concentration tool for magical workings, artistic endeavors or daily rites.



Views: 109

Replies to This Discussion

I love this, thanks for posting it, SunKat, I was just enjoying the last of mine that I brewed for this day, this morning!

Very powerful, yes!


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