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Mr. Lawton has many, proven ideas about how to make ANY land into a Food Forest!!... if you type in his name hours of his videos appear!!... He made Dates grow in the desert!!

I've tried most everything!! .... Not all can thrive in my ..... I do well with potatoes, garlic and onion, tomatoes, chili peppers but not bell peppers!! ...  some squash, not watermelon or pumpkin, I did get 1 seed from the packet to live and produced 1 medium size pumpkin.......hahahaha ... the store bought watermelon plant did live... poorly... and produced 3 or4 small melons.... beans and peas like me, as well as most herbs...

... My main issues are... there's no top soil up here... it's all very hard ..{almost like concrete..]] dirt, full of rocks!! .. You just can't till it ... :( ... So I build raised beds!! ... My first beds were built on the most flat spots, on my hillside... these did really well for 2 or 3 years, but I'm finding that the imported topsoil just washed away, between the railroad ties... I have a nice wildflower garden on those hillsides today!! ....

So...  I'm digging it all up and moving it uphill into the new terraces we are building up there.... {{{ my Dr. wants me to climb that hill twice a day any way!! ..}} .... Strawberries first!! .... I need the space these beds are in, for the green room I'm attaching to my dirtbag home we're building there!! ... A lot like a cob house .... set into the hillside!

......... How do you guys manage in your gardens?? .. I've seen pictures of Elspeth's gardens... do you grow veggies? herbs??

Zucchini are one of the few squash that like my gardens.... good thing I like them so well.

.... I grate them up and freeze them, when I get too many ... just take a handful and toss it into the stew of spag pot!!


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