About Shamanic Teachers

    Some of you will use the practice of shamanism only for your own personal healing, growth, and evolution.  After extensive practice, some of you will be guided to also use this work for helping others in your community and in your work to help the planet.

    I feel the times we live in call for our communities to be seeded with well-trained shamanic teachers.  It is time for us to bring the practice of shamanism back into our communities and make the work available to those who wish to learn more about how this spiritual practice can be bridged and integrated into our lives.

    This website is designed to help you find a shamanic teacher in your area who can teach you basic and advanced shamanic skills.  Throughout 2004 - 2011, I conducted several two-year teacher trainings and this website lists over 150 teachers who have been trained to teach shamanic healing methods.

    Please note:  Many people are curious about the practice of shamanism and it is good to take a short workshop to see if this is a spiritual practice you would like to explore.  Shamanism is a lifelong spiritual practice.

    Please recognize the results you will notice from practicing shamanic journeying is a matter of right timing, destiny, and your commitment to the practice.

About Shamanic Practitioners

    Shamanic healing is a spiritual method of healing that deals with the spiritual aspect of illness.  There are three common causes of illness in the shaman’s worldview.  A person may have lost his or her power, causing depression, chronic illness, or a series of misfortunes.  In this case, the shaman journeys to restore that people lose their powers. 

Or a person may have lost part of their soul or essence, causing soul loss, which sometimes occurs during an emotional or physical trauma, such as accidents, surgery, abuse, the trauma of war, being in a natural disaster, divorce, the death of a loved one, or other traumatic circumstances.  Soul loss can result in dissociation, post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, illness, immune deficiency problems, addictions, unending grief, or coma.  Soul loss can prevent us from creating healthy relationships and the life we truly wish to live. 

It is the role of the shaman to track down the parts that have fled and been lost due to trauma by performing a soul retrieval ceremony.  Another cause of illness from a shamanic perspective would be any spiritual blockages or negative energies a client has taken on due to the loss of his or her power or soul.  These spiritual blockages also cause illness, usually in a localized area of the body.  It is the role of the shaman to extract and remove these harmful energies from the body.

A shaman heals both the living and the deceased.  In healing those who died, the shaman performs a psychopomp ceremony of helping those who have died cross over to a comfortable and peaceful place.  The ceremony may also include clearing a home or land of spirits that are in a state of unrest.

As shamanic healing deals with the spiritual aspect of illness there is no way to predict the results that will manifest emotionally or physically.  Shamanic healing does not replace the need for traditional psychological and medical treatment.

    There are different ways that practitioners can work.  One way is for the shamanic practitioner to only provide spiritual healing and follow up treatments if necessary.  Another option is after the healing work to continue to work with your shamanic practitioner on the process of integration.

    The purpose of continuing the work would be to find ways to restore balance and harmony in your life and create a positive present and future for yourself through the use of spiritual practices and ceremonies.  Life without passion and meaning can result in despair.  With shamanic practices you can explore how to create a meaningful life. 
    Some people feel they have their own support systems in psychotherapy and with other spiritual practices and do not feel they need such follow up work with a shamanic practitioner.

    It is important that you find what you need to support the shamanic healing work that has been done.  The practitioners on this list can supply support if you need it.

Here are some guidelines to find a practitioner:
Go to the list in the state where you live and try to find someone you can see in person.  It is best to work with the practitioner in person rather than long distance.  Long distance work can be done with shamanic healing; however, It is best when the client sees the practitioner in person unless there is a critical situation that prevents the client from traveling.
Talk to the practitioners near you and choose a person you feel comfortable working with.
Find a practitioner who is flexible in their fees.
Make sure the practitioner is accessible and does follow up work if you need it.
   It is important to understand that in the practice of shamanism the shamanic practitioner works in partnership with his/her helping spirits.  The helping spirits do the diagnosis and advise on what healing ceremony should be done.
   Today in a psychologically sophisticated culture many clients show up telling shamanic practitioners what healing work needs to be done.  This is not how shamanic healing works.  The shamanic practitioner listens to the problem the client presents and then consults with his or her healing spirits for the spiritual diagnosis and the proper healing method. 

   Also, please understand that all shamanic practitioners have different styles of working.  A good shamanic practitioner follows the directions of their helping spirits who know what is best for the client.

Views: 72

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I have shamanic energy in the first 4 pillars, I derk a teacher.  Can you reach out to me.


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