I met a friend the other day who I had not seen for a few years. She comes from a big family as do her parents. Including her grandmother, the "matriarch", there are 4 generations of this family and they are mostly close. Except for "Uncle Smelly".

Uncle Smelly is in his 60s, unemployed and lives alone in a caravan parked in his friends garden. He always had a relaxed attitude to personal hygiene but for the past few years he has got a lot worse. He never washes. Not his clothes, hair or body. He smells "like a dogs litter box". He has no connection with Scotland but he has also taken to wearing a kilt with nothing underneath. He likes to sit on a bench in his local park with his knees apart and "inadvertently" flash at mums with their children, joggers, dog walkers and anyone else in the park.
Some of his family members have told him this is wrong but he just says "what's the point in washing? I'll only get dirty again" and "if people don't like what they see they shouldn't look"

What she told me next is really worrying. Earlier this year he started going to family gatherings and.....wearing the kilt he sits with his legs apart on a chair close to the door. When his teenage nieces walk past him he pinches or slaps their bum or strokes their thighs. When they or their parents tell him not to he just says "What does she expect when she wiggles her bum in my face" or "if she does not want her thighs touched she should wear longer skirts" The matriarch finds it funny and agrees with him! He is a big man with a history of violence, which is why I think no-ones dad has hit him yet.

My friend asked me for advice. Besides a binding spell to stop his behaviour and a banishment spell to keep him away from future events I also suggested that the family contribute to hiring a security guard at future events. Her response was this "But what if the next event is a funeral".

This got me thinking. Is it legal to hire a bouncer to stand outside the church and refuse someone entry while a funeral takes place inside? Would the funeral notice have to include the words Right Of Admission Refused? Has anyone actually done this? How did it work out? Was it expensive? Was it money well spent?
Thank you for reading.

Views: 408

Replies to This Discussion

Having a dress code is a great idea. I will pass that on to her along with the link. I read the linked page and I thought it provided a balanced overview, which I am sure she will find most helpful. Thank you Linda.


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