The most familiar Archangels serve on the seven rays of spiritual light that correspond to the light focused within the seven major chakras in man. The Archangel and the Ray’s material below in the chakras was excerpted from
Base Chakra one: “Master chakra” - associated with the skeletal system.
The sound associated with this chakra is (O).
It is located above the perineum at the anus Perinial point (Coccyx, segment ll), the base of the spine, and the sacral and pelvic nerves and coccygeal plexus.
Ray of influence is the 4th Ray. His name means ‘God is my Strength’. His color is white.
Gland - Adrenal
Color Red
Celestial body- governed by the planet Saturn
Archetype - Mother Earth
Sanskrit name- Muladhara: support or foundation
Represented by the 4-petal red lotus flower
Musical Note B
Area of the body governed – spinal column, skeletal system, legs, feet, rectum, and immune system.
Issues and challenges: rectal problems, conditions that affect the feet, knees, and hips, insecurity, depression, and difficulty with stillness.
Life Lesson – (soul’s desire) is to feel safe and secure in the “physical plane”.
The Root chakra is a MASTER chakra and it is the most important one to activate.
This chakra is the doorway for the Kundalini energy. Unless this is opened sufficiently, the energy cannot flow into the other chakras. I suggest you concentrate most of your time and energy into stimulating your Base chakra, at least in the early stages of chakra development. When you begin to feel various sensations from the root chakra, the more active the chakra will be. If you place your hand on a chakra when it is active, you will actually feel in this location pulsing and or tingling.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are - Ruby, Garnet, Lodestone, Obsidian, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, and Hematite.
Psychologically, it concerns one's relationship with the material plane and the principle of limitation in both its constructive and destructive aspects. In its more unbalanced expression, it governs the drive for survival, as well as such states as greed and fear, while its more balanced expression points to such qualities as practicality and worldly skillfulness (business, science, etc.).
Archangel Gabriel can be called upon to bring order, clarity, and understanding. He can help you find your true path in life or direct you towards your next step.
His twin flame is Hope.
Sacral chakra Two: associated with ovaries/gonads,
The sound associated with this chakra is (EH).
It is located two inches below the navel. (Sacral chakra) It is in the region of the genital organ. It is in the area of the Hypogastric plexus and lumbar-sacral plexus. It is behind the lower abdomen.
Ray of influence is the 7th Ray (violet) of transmutation. His name means ‘Righteousness of God’.
Gland – Ovaries in women, testes in men
Color Orange
Celestial body- ruled by the planet Jupiter
Archetype- Water
Sanskrit name- Svadhisthana
Represented by the 6-petal orange lotus flower
Musical Note A
Area of the body governed – Reproductive system, kidney, bladder, uterus, and ovaries in women, testes in men, and in the middle of the spine.
Purpose – Creativity, pleasure, and healthy sexuality.
This center holds the basic needs for sexuality (when connected to an emotional need), emotions, and creativity. Proper balance in this chakra means the ability to flow with emotions freely.
When balanced it supports confidence in creativity and ability to relate to others in an open and cordial manner.
Life Lessen – (Soul’s Desire), to bond and connect our emotions with others, without losing our identity and to freely express creativity.
Psychologically, it is one of the centers concerned with emotions. At its grosser levels of expression, it governs such states as escapism, excess, and dogmatism, while it’s more constructive expressions include enthusiasm and religious devotion.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are - Carnelian, Coral, Amber, Orange Calcite, Orange Agate, Sunstone, and Tiger’s Eye.
Archangel Zadkiel works on the silver ray of mercy and grace and is associated with the violet flame of transmutation, which is under the guardianship of Saint Germain.
His twin flame is Amethyst.
Solar Plexus Chakra Three: “Master chakra” - associated with pancreas & adrenals
The sound associated with this chakra is (HARA).
Its location is (1 hand-span above the belly button) (spleen) “fourth lumbar vertebrate”.
Part of the vertebral column associated with the navel celiac plexus behind the navel
Ray of influence is the 6th Ray (purple and gold) of devotional idealism.
His name means ‘Fire of God’.
Gland - Pancreas
Color – Yellow
Celestial body- Sun/ Mars is its governing plane
Archetype- Fire
Sanskrit name- Manipura: the jewel of the lotus
Represented by the 10-petal yellow lotus flower
Musical Note G
Area of the body governed - Upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and spleen.
Purposes – Balanced self-esteem, the feeling of empowerment, and a purpose.
Solar Plexus Chakra continued: working with this chakra can sometimes cause shortness of breath feeling, which can cause you to hyperventilate. This will pass, with time and use, as the chakra becomes more stable.
Life Lesson – (Soul’s Desire), to experience the depth of who we are, without reservation, fear, or controlling others, to live our life task or soul’s life purpose.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are - Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Calcite, Gold, Yellow Tourmaline and Moonstone
This chakra rules over emotions in their more dynamic and energetic forms. Thus, in its less refined state, it relates to anger and combativeness and is more positively expressed as strength and assertiveness.
Archangel Uriel brings wisdom and peace. Can upon him to enfold situations that are in disharmony. His twin flame is Aurora.
Heart chakra Four: associated with the thymus gland,
The sound associated with this chakra is (AH).
It is located in the region of the heart thoracic point (Thoracic 9 or 10).
Cardiac plexus - behind the heart.
Ray of influence is the 3rd Ray (pink) of unconditional love. His name means ‘He who sees God’.
Gland – Thymus (Thymus)
Color – Green, pink
Celestial body- the corresponding planet is Venus
Archetype- Quan Yin (Goddess of Compassion) Air
Sanskrit name- Anahata
Represented by the 12-petal green lotus flower
Musical Note F
Area of the body governed – Heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, diaphragm, thymus, and breasts.
Purposes – Love, compassion, emotional empowerment, healthy relationship with self and others.
This is the connection of the body with mind and spirit.
Life Lesson – (Soul’s Desire), to experience compassion and connection with oneself and others.
The psychological focus is on love, beauty, and allurement, and it governs the capacity for harmony in all romantic and social interactions. In its unbalanced form, it produces a tendency toward hedonism, pleasure-seeking, and excessive "sweetness" of temperament, while, when in balance, it can give rise to an exceptional sense of aesthetics, and even unselfish love.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones- Green Aventurine, Malachite, Fluorite, Emerald, and Rose Quartz.
Archangel Chamuel means ‘He who sees God’.
He can be invoked to help in situations where forgiveness is required, helping to remove anger, hatred, and resentment from our hearts, replacing it with love, harmony, and compassion.
His twin flame is Charity.
Heart chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra. Open the Heart chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.
Throat chakra Five: associated with the thyroid gland
The sound associated with this chakra is (HU).
It is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower neck and is the center of communication, sound, and expression of creativity. (Thyroid) It is in the region of the vocal cords. At the throat Cervical point (fourth cervical vertebrate). Pharyngeal plexus Throat
Ray of influence is the 1st Ray (blue) of power and will. Michael means ‘Who is like God’.
Gland – Thyroid
Color - Blue
Celestial body- governed by the planet Mercury
Archetype- Hermes Sound
Sanskrit name- Vishuddha: Pure
Musical Note E
Area of the body governed – Throat, thyroid, trachea, cervical vertebrate, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, and ears.
Represented by the 16-petal blue lotus flower
Purposes – Communication, expressing, creativity, learning to take responsibility for one’s own needs.
The throbbing in it can cause a very mild choking feeling, because of the sensitive area it is in.
This feels something like having an emotional lump in the base of your throat.
Life Lesson – (Soul’s Desire), to be heard and understood, to speak and receive the truth.
This chakra's psychological focus is upon mental self-expression and one's ability to formulate or verbalize thoughts. When unbalanced, it produces chaotic thoughts and/or communications, while its constructive expression tends toward creative spiritual thinking and refined communication skills.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are – Amazonite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Celestite, Green Fluorite, and Turquoise.
Archangel Michael can be called upon to give strength and courage and for protection: Invoke him to place his dark blue cloak of protection around your shoulders and to stand at your side in challenging situations.
His twin flame is Faith
Throat chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus and heart chakras to the Throat chakra. Open the Throat chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.
Sixth Chakra (Ajna 3rd eye) associated with pituitary Brow (3rd eye”)
The sound associated with this chakra is (I or EEE)
It is located between the eyebrows at the center of the head. Eyebrow point (Caudal 3rd ventricle) Medulla plexus, pineal plexus, midbrain Center of the forehead, or third-eye point. “Pituitary gland”
Ray of influence is the 5th Ray (emerald green) of harmony. His name means ‘God has healed’.
Gland - Pituitary
Color - Indigo
Celestial body- Neptune
Archetype- Dreamer/ Psychic Light
Sanskrit name- Ajna: command, perception, knowledge, authority
Represented by the 2-petal indigo lotus flower
Musical Note D
Area of the body governed – Eyes, sinuses, nose, face, and brain
Purposes – Action of ideas, perception, intellect, dreaming, insight (intuition), mind development, “to see” where one is going.
Life’s Lesson (Soul’s Desire), to use insight and intuition instead of judgment. This is where peace and clarity automatically occur.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are - Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sugilite, Azurite, and Tanzanite
Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing, harmony, and abundance. He can be invoked to bring healing into a situation, calling upon his emerald green cloak to be placed around someone for their highest good. His twin flame is Mother Mary
Chakra 6 is called Chandra and is ruled by the Moon.
Though overlooked in most published discussions of the chakras, Paramahansa Yogananda described this as the feminine polarity of the Ajna chakra, or "third eye" (to be considered next). Its emphasis is upon awareness in its most reflective or introspective mode and it governs such qualities as nurturing compassion and psychic sensitivity. Its more destructive expressions include the experience of fearfulness, emotional dependency, and a preoccupation with the past.
Chakra 7 is called Ajna and is located in the center of the forehead, also known as the "third eye". Celestial body - the corresponding planet is the Sun, and it governs the principle of pure consciousness in its most active, visionary, and expressive form, as well as the higher will. In its balanced state, it rules creativity, spiritual energy, and self-expression, while in the unbalanced form it can manifest as egoism, willfulness, "dry" awareness without compassion, and the drive for attention.
Associated Crystals are - Fluorite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Indigo Tourmaline.
Ajna Chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra. Open the Brow chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.
Seventh chakra (Crown chakra) “Master chakra” –
This chakra corresponds to the pineal and pituitary gland.
The sound associated with this chakra is (MMM).
Ray of influence is the 2nd Ray (yellow) of Divine wisdom. His name means ‘Beauty of God’.
Gland – Pineal
Color – Violet, white. It is located at or above the crown of the head. (Extra-cranial) Cerebral plexus Cerebral cortex.
Celestial body- Uranus
Archetype- Wise Woman/ Sage Thought
Sanskrit name- Sahashrara
Represented by the thousand-fold lotus flower
Musical Note C
Area of governed – Nervous system, brain, top of the head – midline above the ears.
Purposes – Understanding, knowledge, wisdom, make logical decisions, connection to one’s spirituality, integration of the whole, the discovery of the divine trust, selflessness, ability to see the bigger picture in life, devotion, inspiration.
It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom.
This is also the center of connectedness with God or Divine Source.
When fully active it feels like a thousand soft, warm fingers gently massaging the inside of the top of your head, above the hairline, and extending down in the center of the forehead, to include the brow chakra, which is part of it. This sensation is the reason the Buddhists call it "The Thousand Petalled Lotus".
Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire), to experience the divine meaning of life.
Associated Crystals/Gemstones are – Alexandrite, Amethyst, Apophyllite, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Rock Crystal, Selenite, and Sugilite.
Archangel Jophiel He is the Archangel of teachers and students and may be called upon in any situation that involves education and learning, helping us to learn at the highest level possible, using his power to inspire us, so people can become open-minded and wise.
His twin flame is Christine.
Crown chakra: Draw energy up to the Crown chakra as in the previous step. Open the Crown chakra. This chakra is much larger than the others (whole top of the head, above the hairline). Imagine you have a much larger, flatter bread roll inside the top of your head and are tearing it open with your HANDS, or like you are tearing your scalp open. Repeat this entire process twice, starting with the feet.
Chakra 8 is called the “SOUL STAR CHAKRA”
It is also associated with Archangel Metatron, Shekinah, Pistis Sophia, Buddha, and Christ.
Associated stones/crystals - Clear Quartz, Celestite, or Herkimer Diamonds.
The eighth chakra does have a color associated with it and it is ultraviolet light. Unfortunately, you are unable to see what ultraviolet light looks like (at least not with your conventional vision).
However, to give you a way to perceive ultraviolet light in a mundane sense, you could imagine a very deep violet light being interpenetrated with spiraling bands of green in it.
A barely-functioning eighth chakra will have 6000 vortices. A fully open one will have nearly 10,000. The more open the chakra, the faster the chakra spins and the greater number of vortices that will be visible (assuming that you could count these spokes if you could see them, that is).
The odd-numbered twin for the 8th chakra is the 7th. It is in the 7th chakra that the programs to be used by the 8th reside. The 7th center traditionally is the chakra that connects you to your higher self and to divinity. In a sense, this is true as the 7th center contains the guide to what you need to do to connect with these higher energies and to evolve yourself. Now, it isn't actually until the 8th chakra begins to open up and become active that the individual can avail himself/herself of these programs and of the ability to ascend.
Until then, the programs remain dormant and the individual will sense a kind of connection to the divine through the 7th Chakra, but the reality of it will seem vague at best. This vague quality to divinity is the reason why, when a person finally does open up the 8th center, a true sense of divinity sets in.
Anyone that has healing abilities, out of body capability, clairvoyance, or even in-depth dream recall, most likely has a functioning 8th chakra and will be able to do work on this chakra. It is possible, however, to open up your own 8th chakra, if it is closed, by using the given mantras.
Now, when the 8th chakra opens up, so too does some spiritual abilities. How many of these abilities and to what degree will vary from individual to individual. Clairvoyance, out of body travel, advanced dream-recall capabilities, healing gifts, telepathy, even empathy are all abilities that this center is responsible for activating. Naturally, the programming for this stuff sits in the 7th center. So, if there is a problem with any one of these abilities but not the others, then you may have to look at the 7th chakra for the cause.
These rays of spiritual light are GREAT. Wonderful post.
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