It is possible that the worship of Isis may find its prototype in the adoration of the Indian ISI. The sacred asp of the hieroglyphics, is different from the common asp of Egypt, which was merely a viper.

The great consideration in which the symbolical serpent was held by the Egyptians, appears in the variations under which he is found on monumental remains. The reason of these has been assigned by authors who have undertaken to investigate the nature and object of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The serpent was deemed symbolical of the divine wisdom, power, and creative energy; of immortality and regeneration, from the shedding of his skin; and of eternity, when represented in the act of biting his own tail. Besides these various symbolizations, we are informed that the Egyptians represented the world by a circle, intersected by two diameters perpendicular to each other. These diameters were serpents, as we may gather from Eusebius, who tells us that "the world was described by a circle and "a serpent passing diametrically horizontally through it." The circle represented the terrestrial globe, and the intersecting serpents the solstitial colures. This emblem was more common than that mentioned by Eusebius . Jablonski seems to think that the circumference only was a serpent, and the diameters right lines; but the passage above referred to in Eusebius corrects him.

The learned Kircher has also instructed us that the several elements were likewise represented by serpents in various positions. Thus when they desired to depict the element of EARTH, "which was animated by the igneous power of OPH, (the genius who governed all things, and was symbolized by the serpent,) they drew a prostrate two-horned snake." When they wished to denote the element of WATER, they described a serpent moving in an undulated manner. The AIR was represented by an erect serpent in the act of hissing; this was the figure which formed the letter zeuta. The element of FIRE they denoted by an asp standing on his tail, and bearing upon his head a globe:

while "the igneous quality"--the "auraï simplicis ignis"--the divine principle of animation which pervades all things--they represented by a circle with a snake horizontally bisecting it. This is the letter thita; and the emblem described by Eusebius as the "character mundi."

From which hieroglyphics it is clear that THE SERPENT was the most expressive symbol of divinity with the Egyptians. The last figure, the emblem of the "Vis ignea," was peculiarly the hieroglyphic of the god CNEPH, the Agathodæmon and Demiurge of Egyptian mythology, the chief god of their original worship.

It’s all in the Name

In the days of antiquity and up until around 5000 years ago, Names were exceedingly important, and were given far more substance and recognition than they are nowadays.

And as all peoples shared the same spirituality, it is not surprising that all cultures had names for the same concepts and the same things.

For example, while the ancient Egyptians called the double, or Astral body of a person, the Ka; the ancient Hindu people called the Ka, the desire body, or Kama Rupa.

We discover that similar-sounding words are to be found in every language, and as the intrinsic and essential meanings of these words and names are the same in origin.

It is confusing and difficult for many to discover this Key, or work with it - as many of the words and names have been given rather different and particular meanings over the last 5000 years or so, since the advent of the anti-Goddess Religions. Many important words and names have been given very different meanings indeed.

Take for example, the Angel Michael, you know, the one who, according to the Medieval Religions is supposed to slay Dragons of the Goddess left right and centre, and specializes in murdering Pagans .

Little do many realize, that of all of the Angel’s names, Michael sounds the most like the Name Mercury.

Now we know that Mercury is one of the planets closest to the Earth, and that Mercury was traditionally a watery planet, seen by the ancient Ophites and Gnostics as one of the seven Planetary Genii, Aeons, or Djinn. Sol;  Luna, or Sin;  Nebu, or Mercury;  Saturn, or Kiun;  Nerig, or Mars;  Venus, or Spiritus Venereus; and Jupiter

The ancients identified the Goddesses and Gods with the Planets, and so Mercury, the fluid, reflective, glossy liquid usually associated with Earth and silence was always seen as a Yin Planet and energy;  a watery, fluid energy which is non-antagonistic. Bruce Lee once said that we should be the water ourselves…a philosophy based in Taoist Wisdom, which reflects the Great Mother..

Now Mercury is the God Hermes, who bears the Caduceus, the magickal staff of Wisdom, and Hermes is Thoth, the God of Wisdom. As Thoth is also Set, and Saturn, we must deduce that the Angel Michael has been given a false identity, and is in actuality, an avatar of the God Of Wisdom. Truly then, a Serpent in in the completely inappropriate battle armour and helmet, skewering the symbol he himself represents, and stands for in the first place!


Well, Jupiter is another, just as the Ophite name for Mars is Nergal(Consort of Ereshkigal);

And here we find the most ancient Names of the Divine, and these are words of power in themselves.

The oldest Latin name for God is JU , as male, it is Ju-pitar (pitar being Sanskrit for father); whilst the earliest Name of God is the Name of the Goddess, from whom all Light originates , JU- no; Noh being the Phoenician word for rest and comfort. Juno relates directly to the Ka, the serpentine guardian Spirit of humankind; whilst the Arabic Janoun or Jinn; and the Genius are one and the same.


‘If we can at once appreciate the fact that, amongst all the peoples of the highest antiquity, the most natural conception of the First Cause manifesting itself in it’s creatures, and that to this they could not but ascribe the creation of all, was that of an androgynous deity; that the male principle was considered the vivifying invisible spirit, and the female, Mother Nature;

We shall be enabled to understand how that mysterious cause came at first to be represented (in the picture writings perhaps) as the combination of the Alpha and Omega of numbers, a decimal, then, as IAO, a trilateral Name, containing in itself a deep allegory.”

~ Madame HP.Blavatsky

IAO,  etymologically speaking, means ‘The Breath of Life’

IAO Diana; IAO  Pan!

“Two of the titles by which Pan was known to His worshippers were Pamphage and Pangenetor, ‘All-Devourer, All-Begetter’ that is, the forces of growth in Nature, and the forces of destruction.

Nothing in Nature stands still. All is constantly changing, being born, flowering , dying and coming again to birth. The same idea is seen in the Hindu concept of the God Shiva, who is both begetter and destroyer.

By the Lila or love play of Shiva and his consort Shakti, all the phenomena of the manifested world are brought into being.

But Shiva is also the Lord of Yoga, the means by which men can find their way beyond the world of appearances, and discover the numinous reality. Even so, the concept of Pan was really something more profound than the jolly, sensual god of primitive life that he is generally taken to be.

However, he is primarily a god of kindly merriment, worshipped with mimic and dancing. Dancing and play are a basic activity of all life. Children are natural dancers, and so are animals.

Forest creatures leap and gambol in the woodland. The mating dances of birds, the amazing springtime antics of hares, even the constant circling of a swarm of gnats on a summer evening, all are part of the same instinctive impulse.

The Earth, the Moon and all of the planets join in a great circling dance around the Sun.

The island universes of the nebulae seem to be circling about a centre.

The merry circle dances of the Witches is a deeply instinctive response to the living Nature with which they sought kinship”

~ Doreen Valiente


“The medieval Church had already ceased to be able to comprehend a religion which sought to worship the gods by dancing and merriment. The idea was growing among churchmen that anything enjoyable must be sinful.

We are still suffering from this strange aberration of human thought today; although humanity is beginning to emerge at last from the Dark Ages-much to the indignation of those who rage against what they call, ‘the permissive society’

~Doreen Valiente






Blessed Be

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