A well-known title of Isis is Mistress of the Pyramids.

yet, how does this come to be?

Our distant Ancestors lived in harmony with Nature, and venerated the forces and energies of Mother Nature so highly that monuments were constructed to ensure that future generations would also enjoy the many benefits that free, renewable and non-polluting energy has on the environment, which we are all part of. They hewed giant Obelisks from granite and other rock with certain conductive properties and made them as miniature copies, or reflections of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is unique among the 330 odd pyramids re-discovered so far around the planet in that it represents an exact image of the human brain. Now how did a so-called primitive peoples to know of the chakras and the glands within the brain, and construct the inner chambers and shafts of the pyramid to such exact proportion and scale, using giant blocks of stone? How is it that this pyramid was constructed (precisely) according to Pi, The Golden Mean Ratio which exists in all of Nature ~ when according to some his-storians, Pi was only 'invented' much later on in time


 All pyramidions are indeed made in honor of the Great Goddess of Many Names, as accurate reflections of the greater macrocosmic reality, on Earth, in a way that we can now relate to once more at the dawning of the New Age of the Daughter. A time when the will of women is asserted, and the way is made clear for a return to sanity in equality, balance and peace.

The Goddess is the mind and the body, and we are also thus as miniature copies of Divinity, represented in every pyramidion~ Obelisk and Pyramid ~ that still exists.

The Pyramids are Temples of the Goddess and Her Dragon, just as our bodies and our minds are. Let us have a closer look at how Wise our Ancestors are, and at the remaining legacy which should be ours to appreciate to the fullest.

We are all literally interconnected, more so than we realize, and our own brain is a giant pyramidion- a supercomputer capable of anything, were its full and true potential to be unlocked. For what we imagine, becomes real. We are living within the Earth's magnetosphere, and therefore possess the same magnetism. How the currents run!

Now due to the programming of society, which says we must work hard to pay for expensive power to run things, we could be returning to a time when the natural and cost-free energies of the Earth and the Cosmos were again harnessed to the same ends, without any side-effects such as an acidified ocean, a polluted atmosphere and people saturated with radiation, and so on and so forth.

The alien concept brought in by the male-dominated religions that our bodies and matter as such, is somehow separate or distinct from Spirit ~ that Woman, the Goddess on Earth, is somehow less than, and inferior to a man ~ has led to the current imbalance which manifests in the fruit of the patriarchal tree ~ warfare, poverty, starvation, overpopulation, and the current ecological disaster which stares us in the face, yet which many fools would still deny, as lemmings would rather follow an insane leadership seemingly bent on mass destruction - it is difficult to believe that an intelligent, sane leader would deliberately agree to contribute to global warming, having the faculties and level of education sufficient to take on the responsibility of being in charge of millions of people's well-being and safety- having little children themselves- rather than make it happen and switch as painlessly as possible to alternative power sources, such as electro-magnetism, solar, wind and water generated power. 

We who care for the Earth and the future of our children, and respect the sanctity and sacredness of all life; can and must create meaningful change in our lifetimes. We can do this, not by fighting against other Religions, but by example. By creating awareness, adapting a green lifestyle and proactively doing whatever we can to preserve and conserve the environment. Personally I don't care what Religion or Tradition one is part of, or where a person comes from, as long as they love animals and Nature, they are my family and my friend. We are all Divine and all have the same serpent energy, the Goddess Kundalini-Shakti within. It is what we choose to do with this blessing and gift that really matters. 

The Obelisk and the Pyramidion, in perspective - the perspective of a Pagan Ophite, one of the Nexenu, the Serpent-Children of the Goddess, our Mother Earth, our Great Mother of the Universe.

Blessed Be ~ Maa-Kheru

As all spiritual ideas and traditions,which later became formalized into Religion come from the same common source, this is logical. All things emanate from within of the womb of the Great Mother; and the fish, which is linked symbolically to both the vaginal opening and the phallus is a prime and ancient symbol of the Divine Feminine, the Androgynous Creatrix of all things.

There are actually eight quadrants of the brain, not only two or four. This reflects on many things in Nature as celebrated by Pagans, especially over the eight festivals of the Year.

At the apex of the pyramid or Obelisk, is a smaller pyramidion, called the Bennu stone, or Ben-Ben stone.The Great Pyramids can really be viewed as large Bennu stones on the Earth, the body of our Mother though at one stage they too were capped with the Ben-Ben stones.

These were all destroyed, the hieroglyphs covered up as in the case of the Paris Obelisk, or removed - for some reason or other...

The Bennu is the Phoenix, which lives at the top of the Tree of Life, the Huluppu tree and the Tree of Eden in Lilith's garden, which is the Tree of Chalchiutlicue and the Tree guarded by the Dragon Ladon in the garden of the Hesperides..the tree which is us, too.

The Phoenix is guarded by the Goddess Nephthys in the city of Luna, which was later on renamed Heliopolis.

When the Serpents join with the Phoenix, a Winged Serpent, the Dragon of Wisdom, appears.

A pyramidion consists of four sides and an apex.

"For I am the body and the mind"

~ Isis

Initiates into the Serpent tradition would say, "I am a Serpent, I am a Dragon", whether they were Druid or Priest of Khemet.

An as-yet unfinished giant Obelisk from the red granite quarry at Saqquara, which weighs around 800 tons and was to be lifted and transported many miles over desert sands to it's destination (somehow), probably at the Citadel or perhaps at the entrance gate of the Crow.

Now how did they do it? Only Goddess knows ;)


"When I let go of how I am;

I become as I might be"

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