Leviathan is the Jewish Name of the Orobouros or Cosmic Serpent, which is also known amongst various cultures as Apophis, Ophion, Damballah, Ananta and by many other names. The World Serpent, portrayed in a circular form with the tail inserted in the mouth, is one of the oldest spiritual symbols known to humankind.
In fact it’s been confirmed by archaeologists that Serpent and Dragon Worship has been practised for at least 70 000 years, and was present amongst all cultures and peoples of the world as a universal spiritual tradition long before the advent of the male-dominated religions.
Why the Serpent?
In all the Mythology of all peoples, the snake is the emblem of immortality.
“The serpent serves as a metaphor for the impenetrable manner in which our lives change, twist and renew themselves.
The nocturnal side of the Goddess symbolizes our temporary return to the material bosom in death. On the other hand, the union of serpent and Goddess is often quite literal in ancient art.”
~ Buffie Johnson
As all goddesses and gods are One Goddess and God, The Serpent is associated with all Pagan Divinities as the representation of pure spiritual energy and the essence of Divinity.
Our ancestors looked to nature and the natural universe rather than abstractions to define and portray the Divine in a very real and vibrant sense, as being literally present in all creation. The stars and planets, the Moon and the Sun, were thus personified as Goddesses and Gods together with all that is. Certain animals were also recognized as embodying the essence of the divinity. Amongst these sacred animals were fish, lions, cats, owls, dogs, eagles, frogs and serpents.
Representing the eternal cycles of Nature, infinity , immortality, spiritual re-birth and having both male and female characteristics, the serpent is at first a feminine symbol and androgynous in nature, mirroring the Macrocosmic reality in a way which is easily understood.
Siva and many other Gods including Set, Lucifer, Jesus, Hermes, Loki , Quetzalcoatl and Horus are also very intimately associated with or indeed manifest as serpents, as the serpent has both the qualities of the Yin as well as the Yang.
The Tao, or Great Mother is a circle, it is said, and without the circle, we would probably lose our grip on reality, for the circle with no beginning and no end interconnects all things. Indeed, if it weren’t for our knowledge of cyclical movement, there would be no civilization to speak of at all, as people first measured the passage of Time by observing the revolutions of the Moon, which are circular in motion. The circle inscribed in space by the passage of the Moon is both constant and eternal, where the beginning is the end and the end, the beginning.
In contemporary times, ever since the advent of the patriarchal religions, the serpent has been linked with evil and is incorrectly portrayed by some to represent the Devil of Judeo-Christianity. Serpent Worship really has nothing to do with any theoretical concepts of the separation of spirit from matter, or of any absolute good in eternal conflict with an equally absolute evil; and thus does not require a devil of evil for any reason.
The Goddess creates all things, carrying on as SHE has always done and does not take sides in a theoretical struggle between directly opposing forces of good and evil, which is a man-made construct and has nothing to do with observing and living by the cycles of Nature, or nature worship, for that matter. Pagan Ophite spirituality is the worship of the Goddess and God of Nature in serpent form. It is a very ancient spiritual tradition, and was, at one time, practised in variable forms throughout all continents and amongst all peoples worldwide. As with all other paths which are included within the Goddess movement, the emphasis is purely on the unique individual path to the Divine and so, Ophiolatreia is a highly eclectic tradition with none of the formal structures characteristic of certain other Religions. Serpent Worship is the pure worship of Nature.
The aim of this article is not to disrespect the cherished beliefs and religions of others, or to compare , or compete, or attack any single individual on a personal level . It is written merely to expose the Truth of what certain patriarchal theologians have written quite a long time ago concerning the Goddess and God of Nature and the sacred Serpent, which still very much confuses and misinforms people in this day and age ~ and to thus make my own personal, independent analysis and comments accordingly.
I make no apologies for writing from the viewpoint of a Pagan Serpent –worshipper when the topic concerns my own personal Divinities, in a critical manner as and when necessary. The reader must of course take what they will from the article, and leave that which they don’t behind or in file 13 for later reference. The times have certainly changed somewhat since these medieval and outdated texts were written , however the fact remains that certain parts of the formative Judeo-Christian texts and those in the Old and New Testament both diminish and degrade both the Goddess and Her Dragon, or Great Serpent and Pagan spirituality in no uncertain terms.
In Hebrew, the name Leviathan is said to mean simply, “Whale”. The name is also interpreted as “coiled” and “twisted”, although the pre- Biblical and Biblical accounts of Leviathan within the Judeo-Christian Religions describe the Great Serpent in more detail; alternately , as a large sea creature or sea monster capable of swallowing a whale and as a Dragon created by the Biblical God consisting of a trio of separate yet intrinsically interconnected parts; a supernal, colorless, “Blind “ serpent, a “Tortuous” serpent, which is the female; and a “Slant” serpent, the male aspect, which together and combined make up the Leviathan.
The Cosmic Serpent is further described in various texts as a bad angel, the Angel Rahab of Egypt; and in other texts as a great serpent or fish comprised of various sacred beasts , created by the Biblical God on the fifth day in the second version of the Creation story in Genesis , which is evidently to be slain on the Day of Judgement and served up to the devotees of Jahweh to be consumed as spiritual and intellectual nourishment.
Leviathan further devolved to become the seven-headed Dragon which is described as the mount of the “Great Whore of Babylon” in the Book of Revelations.
I have included direct quotations within this essay, sourced from various Judeo-Christian texts, which provide quite detailed and morbidly fascinating patriarchal descriptions of the Cosmic Serpent of the Ancient Near East.
If one is to analyse these documents realistically and objectively, one must acknowledge that of all creatures and beings in this universe of infinite complexity it was the Dragon, the Great Serpent; and Pagan Divinities associated with the Great Serpent ,which have mainly been selected to represent Biblical concepts of evil; and furthermore, that The Serpent in pre- Patriarchal times was never considered as such, at all. Original Tales of Creation always involve the serpent ; and in some instances it is the Serpent who is the Creator.
Indeed, the Temples of the Dracontias, characterized by pyramidions and obelisks, once covered the surface of this planet and Dragons were venerated as universally symbolic of very ancient Lunar and Solar Pagan spiritual traditions, including those of the pre-patriarchal Hebrew people.
Every pyramid and obelisk from the old days is associated with the worship of the Dragon and Serpent, and there are many pyramids all over the world, aligned along certain lines of power which the ancients termed the Dragon’s Breath, or the Way of the Dragon. Nowadays these lines are commonly known as Ley lines. Many pyramidions have not been discovered by this civilization as yet, as they lie beneath the waters which rose after the deluge .
To the Ancestors, the words, Coiled and Twisted, described the Inner Goddess Kundalini Shakti – Lilith, the Cosmic Serpent Goddess of Many Names, coiled up as a serpent at the base of the spinal column in human beings and all living. The Serpent power is literally within and without of every living thing in the universe and on a macrocosmic level, speaks to us in the form of the World Serpent, or Cosmic Serpent of The Wheel of the Cycles of Existence and the Tree of Life. We are all so interconnected.
One of the most noticeable differences between ancient pre-patriarchal Pagan spirituality and the male-dominated belief systems is that the Dragon and Serpent are of the most sacred symbols of the Old Goddess Religions, representing Mother Earth , the cyclical passage of Time, immortality, spiritual renewal , re-birth and Wisdom; whereas the direct opposite is true in the latter. Within these Religions, the Dragon and Serpent are without any doubt the most diabolized of all living Beings.
This cannot be any random co-incidence, and it becomes plain truth to say that the Dragon was specifically chosen as the Devil of these religions and the Serpent as the female Devil – of all other animals in the universe - simply because these religions wished to completely replace Goddess traditions with their own. What more effective way of doing this than to portray the Goddess and sacred symbolism which far precedes their own, as malignant and of evil?
The Serpent and Dragon were once venerated universally as the ancient symbols of The Goddess and God of Nature.
As with many of our original sacred symbols, such as the Pentagram, Ankh and Hexagram, the Dragon and Serpent have been used by several of the newer religions to symbolize the epitome of evil.
We object to this parody; and also to the deliberate religious, social and cultural repression and discrimination against the Goddess and Her Serpent and the ancient Pagan Ophite and Goddess Traditions in the Holy Scriptures and within the Zohar and other Jewish sacred texts which form the basis of the Faith of millions of people.
And yet, this discrimination against the Serpent seems contradictory, as the underlying truth of ancient Hebrew and Canaanite Serpent Worship is evident. Aside from the fact that the serpent entwined on a pole was the standard of the pre-Patriarchal Hebrew peoples, there are several Biblical serpents aside from Leviathan, such as the Fiery Serpents, or Seraphim. These serpents were the Levites, and acted as guardian spirits of the Temple. Little do people realize that the early Levite priests would wear a white turban having Lunar worship connotations; and that the Fiery Serpent to all intents and purposes is actually a universal way of describing Kundalini.
Moses, himself wed to a Pagan Egyptian Queen and being a graduate of the Egyptian School of the Mystery bore aloft a staff which magickally transformed into a bronze serpent; and both Jesus and Aaron were associated with the same ancient Egyptian symbol, of the serpent entwined around the pole, or rod, which is the Caduceus and, for all time before this is the symbol of Wadjet, the very ancient Cobra Goddess and of Ua-Zit, the primordial Serpent Goddess directly related to Isis.
As mentioned, most Divinities in Pagan spirituality are associated with serpents, simply because The Serpent is The Great Goddess and is pure spiritual energy – Divine Cosmic Power - which enables the cycles of Nature and the ever-changing universe, to exist.
A less publicized fact is that the new Patriarchal Gods - Zeus as well as Apollo, Jahweh and Jesus were also depicted as serpents themselves at one stage. This was because the first Jews and Christians also regarded serpents as synonymous with Divinity. It was also promoted by the priests of the new religions as a way of getting the people to accept the authenticity and the authority of the new pantheons, which were unfortunately to then dominate global spiritual affairs at the expense of the Great Mother.
The contents and essential message of the Pagan legends and then the Bible, were altered, edited extensively and then presented to the people of the world as the Truth by patriarchal editors and scribes.
In the revised scriptures and formative texts, the serpent is nix but evil, representing “evil”(Feminine) matter ; as opposed to “good”(Masculine) spirit. The theological separation of the Divine from creation and the demonization of the aspects of the Goddess seen as somehow threatening the ideological basis of the New Religions, together with the forcible suppression of Women’s Mysteries and the subsequent decree, written into the Bible, that man should have dominion over Nature - was necessary so as to justify the exploitation of the Earth’s resources for the benefits of the controlling powers behind this great deception.
People who worship Nature, will act in accord with the flow of Mother Nature, conserving and channelling resources necessary to live with responsibility; rather than abusing, polluting and stripping the non-renewable natural resources of our blue planet until nothing is left.
It is evident that the Egyptian Dragon Apophis or Typhon, also called by the Name of the Serpent God, Set, was diabolized to become the symbol and god of evil by the patriarchal Late Dynasty Pharaohs and then the Greeks and adapted by the early Christian Copts to represent their Devil.
Set is one of the Gods shown channelling the primal energy of Apophis with a magickal staff. These images were mistakenly reinterpreted to mean the slaying of the Dragon. As if a God would slay himself?
Set and Horus were always depicted as one God, embodying both the Yin and Yang of Azar.
The ancient Egyptian word for darkness is “samau”, which was “Samael “– literally then, the enemy of God to the Jewish scribes who were following in the traditions of earlier male-dominated religions and pantheons by confusing the natural opposition of day and night and winter and summer, decline and growth, destruction and creation with the mythical concept of eternal struggle between an abstract good and evil.
Another strong influence in the formulation of the Jewish mythos concerning the Great Serpent came from the Parsee tales of the Serpent God Ahriman and the Great Goddess Jahi in earlier Persian mythology, from which Judaism inherited much in the way of religious theology
The Hebrew people were bound in captivity by the Persians for a lengthy period of time; and the Persians at that stage were of the misguided belief that the Great Serpent Ahriman was the patriarchal devil.
In reality, the union between the Great Mother Goddess, Jahi , and Ahriman, the Great Serpent which Jahi had formed out of Herself together with the Elements; resulted in the birth and creation of all things. This sacred tale is practically identical to the other primeval Creation Tales such as those of Nun and Apep, Eurynome and Ophion; Diana and Lucifer and Tiamat and Kingu.
However, as the patriarchy wanted to do anything they could to diabolize Pagan Divinities and replace the ancient Gods with the new, monotheistic male Gods ; Jahi became “the mother of all whores” and “demoness of lasciviousness” while Ahriman became “the devil/Satan” of this mythology. It becomes easy to trace the origins of the Leviathan epic as told by the medieval Jewish theologians when glancing through certain Zoroastrian texts.
In these stories, Ahriman is a Great Serpent who kisses the Goddess Jahi, also called by the Name of Jeh.
Kissing was a euphemism for sexual union. The union of God and Goddess has been celebrated since the very beginnings, in the Hieros Gamos; however it was said by the patriarchs that it was because of this union between Jahi and the Serpent that the pain and struggle of menstruation, as well as all other evils and misfortunes, came into the world.
Jahi was evidently sent by Ahriman to “defile women”. This was repeated in later Jewish mythology, as The Serpent of the Goddess’ Tree of Life (which became the “tree of knowledge of good and evil”) is blamed for not only Eve’s pain and travailing in pregnancy and childbirth and the perpetual sweat on Adam’s brow, but also evidently the “filth” from the serpent which copulated with Eve before Adam, results in the pain of menstruation amongst women in these fables. It was particularly the natural menstruation of women that is seen as disgusting and filthy in a metaphysical and spiritual sense.
Goddess Jahi was “co-incidentally”, in the same manner as Lilith, also called “The Great Whore” in a derogatory manner. Everything and anything associated with the Old Religions, from divine sexual ecstasy to the worship at the Lady’s Full Moon and sacred beasts were to be demonized now in the eyes of the people through the revised texts and efforts of the priests of the new religions who wanted to completely annihilate all traces of the Old Ways.
Some Goddesses were now to be seen as “hussys”, whilst others still were called “Harlots” and ”Whores” in a derogatory and shameful manner, whereas before, these were originally terms of high respect and a title of the Queen, who represented the Goddess and also acted as High Priestess . The Priestesses of the Old Religion were referred to respectfully as Hoars ~ before the Church and Synagogue diabolized The Goddess and Her devotees and created prostitution as an industry.
Other Goddesses such as Kybele were turned into “barmaids” or just plain evil and malignant “Witches”, “Demons” and of course, Devils. Others devolved in the superstitious tales of the medieval religions to be written out of religion altogether; or to be included to an extent, yet have their Divine status either denied or greatly diminished.
When the Great Deception of the Patriarchy began, the original cultus or factions of rebellious patriarchs wanted to impose an unbalanced, fear-based and dominant male-controlled religious system in place and keep control of this system so as to control the lives of the masses for their own financial and spiritual benefits. When the Epic of Gilgamesh was written, the sacred legends were altered to suit the Patriarchy and the Goddesses, the Dragon and Phoenix were either diminished or expelled altogether.
In patriarchal Greece, the serpent –haired Goddess was to be decapitated by yet another male hero and the worship of the Crone Goddess rejected in favor of a male-dominated pantheon based on Dualism The Crone Mother was to be rejected, Her ages-old worship neglected ~ and then the Goddess was characterized as being evil, which was based on a fable written by Hesiod ..
Hence, Lucifer the Horned God of the Moon and the Sun, (also called by the Name of Sama’el in this mythology, which means literally adversary/enemy/opposed to the all-new supreme male god, though El is not one god, but many, the Elohim, a fact which the patriarchy are wont to deny) ~ together with Lilith, the Divine Feminine Principle of the Universe to the pre-patriarchal Hebrew people, were chosen to represent the “evil” Dragon Leviathan by the Jewish theologians to substitute for Jahi and Ahriman in their version of this mythology.
Let us begin the analysis and discussion by listing some of the passages as detailed in the Jewish sacred texts such as the Zohar which describe the Goddess Lilith and Her Serpent, Lucifer, as the Leviathan, which is the Dragon consisting of three bodies, Lilith, the Blind Prince and Sama’el.
Zohar sitrei Torah 1:147b-148b. “Jacobs journey “
“The secret of secrets:
Out of the scorching noon of Isaac,
Out of the dregs of wine,
A fungus emerged, a cluster,
Male and female together,
Red as a rose,
Expanding in many directions and paths.
The male is called Sama’el,
His female is always included within him.
Just as it is on the side of holiness,
So it is on the other side:
Male and female embracing one another.
The female of Sama’el is called Serpent,
Woman of Whoredom,
End of flesh, end of days.
Two evil spirits joined together:
The spirit of the male is subtle;
The spirit of the female is diffused in many ways and paths
But joined to the spirit of the male.”
“Blind Dragon rides Lilith the Sinful – may she be extirpated quickly in our days, Amen! – And this Blind Dragon brings about the union between Samael and Lilith. And just as the Dragon that is in the sea (Isa. 27:1) has no eyes, likewise Blind Dragon that is above, in the likeness of a spiritual form, is without eyes, that is to say, without colors.... (Patai81:458) Samael is called the Slant Serpent, and Lilith is called the Tortuous Serpent.
The marriage of Samael and Lilith is known as the "Angel Satan" or the "Other God", but it was not allowed to last. To prevent Lilith and Samael's demonic children Lilin from filling the world, God castrated Samael. In many 17th century Kabbalistic books, this mythologem is based on the identification of "Leviathan the Slant Serpent and Leviathan the Torturous Serpent" and a reinterpretation of an old Talmudic myth where God castrated the male Leviathan and slew the female Leviathan in order to prevent them from mating and thereby destroying the earth.
After Samael became castrated and Lilith was unable to fornicate with him, she left him to couple with men who experience nocturnal emissions. A 15th or 16th century Kabbalah text states that God has "cooled" the female Leviathan, meaning that he has made Lilith infertile and she is a mere fornication. Kabbalistic circles in the Middle Ages established Lilith as the first of Samael's four wives: Lilith, Naamah, Igrath, and Mahalath.”
^ R. Isaac b. Jacob Ha-Kohen. Lilith in Jewish Mysticism: Treatise on the Left Emanation
“I shall now teach you a wonderful innovation. You already know that evil Samael and wicked Lilith are like a sexual pair who, by means of an intermediary, receive an evil and wicked emanation from one and emanate to the other. I shall explain this relying on the esoteric meaning in the verse "In that day the Lord will punish with His great, cruel, mighty sword Leviathan the twisted serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent"--this is Lilith--"and He will slay the dragon of the sea" (Isaiah 27:1).”
“As there is a pure Leviathan in the sea and it is called a serpent, so there is a great defiled serpent in the sea in the literal sense. The same holds true above in a hidden way. The heavenly serpent is a blind prince, the image of an intermediary between Samael and Lilith. Its name is Tanin'iver. The masters of tradition said that just as this serpent slithers without eyes, so the supernal serpent has the image of a spiritual form without color--these are "the eyes." The traditionists call it an eyeless creature, therefore its name is Tanin'iver. He is the bond, the accompaniment, and the union between Samael and Lilith. If he were created whole in the fullness of his emanation he would have destroyed the world in an instant.”
“When the divine Will arrives and the emanation of Samael and Lilith weakens the emanation achieved by the blind prince, they will be completely annihilated by Gabriel prince of Strength, who instigates war against them with the aid of the prince of Lovingkindness, then the verse which we have expounded according to its secret meaning will come true.... I found written in the name of an ancient traditionist and in the name of the perfect Hasid of blessed memory that Lilith is also Taninsam. They said that this name is based on the serpent who is in the image of an intermediary between Lilith and her mate. He will eat deadly poison at the hands of the prince of Strength; it is an elixir of life for all whose inclination overcomes them. Then he participates with Michael, the prince of Lovingkindness, in defeating the rule of evil in heaven and on earth. Then the verse will come true: "For His Lovingkindness has overcome us; the truth of God endures forever. Hallelujah" (Psalms 117:2).
In these passages we have the deliberate associations made by the patriarchs that the Goddess and God of Nature, Lilith and Lucifer The Serpent, are collectively the most evil item in the universe and literally, then, the opposite of the side of holiness according to this mythology. A literal reverse of all that is perceived to be “good”, then, according to the values of the new religions.
The fungus in itself is as a mushroom, neither good nor evil, and just is, having both male and female energies, as every living (and store-bought) battery has a negative and positive terminal to facilitate the free flow of energy. Algae and Fungi come from the source of all living, and as all living, have the redness of Prana and the flowing juice of the vine within.
Of course all living plants, trees and animals in Nature –(and Woman, who in the second and revised tale of Creation in the Book of Genesis, is created way last in line after the insects) were now to be owned, controlled, used as commodities, abused and seen as “filthy” , including even the humble Fungus, as for the first time ever, mankind had dominion over Nature according to the new and revised laws.
Red is the colour of the Mother Goddess, symbolizing the Life Force of the Universe, the unseen Life-Blood of Prana which lies within the deep space of darkness, the Blackness in-between which is punctuated with White star-light, and flows through and between all living. Of course, Red, of all the available spectrum of visible colours that could have hypothetically been chosen, was chosen to be the “colour of the Devil”. I wonder why.
“Just as it is on the side of holiness,
So it is on the other side:
Male and female embracing one another.”
Instead of continuing in the ways of the Ancestors and experiencing the Light half of Divinity as complementary with the Dark half, as in the Yin and Yang, the Patriarchs chose to create a mythical deadly antagonism between the two halves and to separate them into concepts of good versus evil instead, which goes contrary to the way in which the Natural universe operates.
The Divine Masculine Principle of the Universe, Lucifer, the Yang, is always co-joined with the Yin of Lilith, the Divine Feminine Principle of the Universe, SHE of infinite Names and many forms, both seen and unseen. The Cosmic Serpent unites the Goddess and God of Nature together inseparably and envelops the Yin and Yang in the pure darkness of the potential of all life and form; within Lilith, there is the essence of Lucifer, as within Lucifer, there is a Heart of Lilith. The interactions between Yin and Yang are necessary for the continuation of all life and life processes, and the harmonious, non-antagonistic frictions between these primal energies or forces of Nature, endlessly combining in differing proportions and ways, facilitates the creation of all things in harmony with the current of Nature. The Goddess has never been without her consort, son, brother and other half, since the beginnings of Her Creation.
Grandmother Lilith, herein referred to as “The Northerner” is Kali-Maa, the Crone Mother with the Cauldron of Transformation .The Great Goddess does consume all things, all living, taking it all back in to be renewed and reborn in another form in an infinitely cyclical fashion.
Thus , the Great Goddess, or Tao is Divinity on a macrocosmic level whilst the Goddess is very real in a microcosmic sense. As Above, So Below. Every woman and man is a direct reflection of the Divine of many Names.
If one were to undertake a comparative analysis and observe the natural universe for examples of natural processes of destruction and creation, could we honestly describe a Black Hole, or Dark Energy or the endings and beginnings of any life process for that matter, “evil”?
Evil, it can be said, is purely a fear-based human invention, just as all of these fear-based religious texts (written exclusively by men) are plainly against the Goddess and all of our sacred symbols and traditions.
What was deliberately confused by the medieval Rabbis and the Patriarchs before them was the nature of the Natural Forces and Elements, which are of both male and female, Light and Dark, creative and destructive… every thing can be classified as Yin and Yang. Thus it is true that duality is present everywhere, yet it is not made up of exclusively what we would commonly term good or evil. An imbalance between the two opposite yet complementary forces of Nature, if it becomes a radical imbalance, can result in actions that we would all recognize as being evil. It is excess in anything which causes the problems, which is why the inscription “Know Thyself” stands over the portal of the Mystery as well as, most poignantly, the words “Nothing in Excess”.
In the new patriarchal theology, Dark suddenly became associated with “evil” and Women’s Mystery traditions and the natural Night and Winter season , even Nature Herself were now to become something to fear and dominate. The ages-old worship of the Crone Mother , the Dark Goddess of Death; was rejected in favor of the rebellious new male –dominated Pantheons and Death was now no longer viewed as just simply part of the greater Cycles of Life but as an adversary and something to be overcome.
Two “evil spirits joined together”, means that according to this passage, the Goddess Lilith and God Lucifer are the so-called evil spirits; whereas on the “side of holiness” the God El (replaced by Jahweh) and Shekhinah, the Goddess and God of Life reside. If the theorems of dualism insist that the macrocosmic universe is made up of directly opposing forces of absolute good and evil; then what of the microcosmic person within?
There cannot be such an antagonism within of oneself, or indeed, “the whole world would be destroyed in an instant”. The theology of Patriarchal Dualism is the underlying cause of much psychological stress and related dis-eases in today’s world.
As Osiris and Isis are the light half of Set and Nephthys, a direct parallel can be drawn in the mind’s eye with El and The Shekhinah as the equal yet complementary Yang to the Yin of Lilith and Lucifer in this context. Everything in the living universe can be classified as Yin and Yang; so one can readily understand why Isis is the inseparable Twin Sister of Nebt-Het and why , before the patriarchal Pharaohs took over the reins of the Late Dynasties, the god Set was always considered one and the same, the literal “other half” of Horus; to the extent that statues of the one God with two heads were common before they were destroyed by those who now wished to portray Set as “evil” and Horus as “good”
Actually, the veneration of Set as the ancient Egyptian Holly King and Horus as Oak King, went long before any God was to be classed as akin to a mythical Devil of inherent evil and maliciousness.
To be continued...
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